Monday 14 October 2024

EXT: TMNT Origins Story


Just some quickie scatter.

This is a plastic novelty sweets tub I found at the beach last summer. Nuclear Sours or some such garbage, I forget the exact title, but it had me at radioactive oil can.

One side trimmed off with a hacksaw, gluegunned to a bit of cheap mdf and then a gluegun rim put on and quickly rolled in sand. A couple of drops from the gluegun (which is old and dribbles when left unattended) stuck on as bubbles.

I did a rust layer, then varnish before a chipping effect layer, the yellow and some toothbrush work. Warpstone glow with a bit of fluor green workup for the goo; red oxide for the soil. The gnarly bush is a dried out chestnut casing; red tufts from GSW and job done! 

Passing model for scale - you could hide a human or two behind it fairly easily, I reckon.

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