Tuesday, 30 May 2023

EXT: Crossroads

 Are we nearly there yet?

Monday, 29 May 2023

Tall Lady

 Warhammer has trained me to think of giants as being gangly, uncoordinated brutes. Well, not all giants are Warhammer giants.

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

The Rotten Horror Picture Show: Tyranids vs Death Guard


Here they come, walking down the street, get the funniest looks from, everyone they eat...

Pootle here with an advert for my YouTube debut against Winters! It was an absolutely cracking game and I can't recommend enough that you head on over to take a look.

A Delaque of Propriety

Yes, I got the extended Delaque box. Let's just pretend it was inevitable and I had no say in the matter. 

Monday, 22 May 2023

Final Fight II: Mantis Warriors vs Tyranids


Turns out I lied - there was time for another game before Tenth hits!

Thursday, 18 May 2023

Coronation Streak

There was a regal theme to my painting over the last month, as is only right and proper, since it bookended the Coronation of Charles III (Electric Boogaloo)

Roboute Guilliman

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

EXT: Banks and Braes

 The terrain train keeps on trucking!

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

A Fistful of Xenos

It's been a busy time for hobby, and I've been doing everything except keep up with my blogging!

Ymgarl Genestealers

Monday, 15 May 2023

The Blob


My Nurgle Daemon army has always been something of a sideshow to my other Nurgle-based lists. But now it's got a proper leader...

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Fly, Fly and Fly Again: Space Marines vs Death Guard

Pootle here, with a training mission for my Death Guard force, the Second Law, ahead of an upcoming game against Winters. I've not played with the Death Guard in a while and want a run-out with a specific list; Kraken has volunteered to lead a force to take them on.

Thursday, 4 May 2023

EXT: Forest Glade

 I'm not stopping until this terrain is all done. 

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

EXT: The Wallow

Wading through more terrain...

Monday, 1 May 2023

Weekend at Burnie’s 4 - Day 2: Black Legion vs Death Guard

Ghock Hackfiend stormed into Gormenghastly's quarters, "Why do you delay? There is blood to be spilt in Khorne's name and I refuse to wait for you to conjour up your new diseases!"

Gormenghastly the Garrotter shook his head pityingly, "I will kill more with my perfected toxins than you can ever dream of. You may have slaughtered thousands in Khorne's name, but millions have died choking on their own vomit and gasping for one last breath due to my concoctions in Nurgle's honour.

"In fact, my intelligence shows an opportunity for both of us to profit. I hear that the famed warband, The End of All Things have come to Hendris. You will enjoy killing the favoured of Nurgle, and I need something special from their leader."

Pootle here with a report of my final battle from this year's Weekend at Burnies, facing the mighty Winters SEO!