Wednesday 17 November 2021

Great Bulls of Fire!

 Goodness gracious.

The Wildfire Taurus - an Endless Spell for Warhammer Age of Sigmar Brayherd

The Wildfire Taurus - an Endless Spell that I painted for my Age of Sigmar battle a month ago. I don't think he's super effective, since you have to summon him in the first place, but he has the potential to throw out mortal wounds as he sets things on fire, and it does look the business!

The Wildfire Taurus - an Endless Spell for Warhammer Age of Sigmar Brayherd

Painting him was simple, if a bit experimental: I basecoated with Averland Sunset, then washed with Cassandora Yellow. So far, so normal for fire effects.

In a reverse of highlighting, I then drybrushed the raised 'skin' areas with Skavenblight Dinge and Chaos Black. And then touched up with Chaos Black. This gave me a quick way of showing a 'burning inside' effect. I then layer highlighted the flames with Yriel Yellow in the normal way.

Very happy with how that turned out. I must remember it for my Balrog.

Scratch-built Herdstone for Warhammer Age of Sigmar Brayherd

A more essential piece of kit was the Herdstone - that handy icon of Brayherd armies that they sacrifice their own upon to summon more beasties (love it!).

The official Herdstone model is a corker, but I'm still abstaining from buying models (I would allow scenery, but this feels like a grey area) and besides, each herdstone ought to be unique.

This one was made by the simple expedient of carving a polystyrene column and then spray painting it (which has the added bonus of melting the plastic into something less recognisable). The trick is to stop priming before it melts away to nothing, and then some drybrushing, with bones, blood and added offered daubed on it.

My plan is to let this scenery piece grow as I fight more battles - adding captured enemy weapons/heads to the pile (at my current win rate, I won't be overly taxed!)


  1. Key thing with the Taurus is the "strike last" effect. Means you can get the chump shot in.

    1. That's useful to know, thanks. By the time mine finally got summoned, I didn't have must left to strike first!
