Tuesday 16 November 2021

Gladiator! Ready!


A new wave of Crypt Angels has hit my painting queue!

And what Crypt Angels they are - Heavy Intercessors, Gravis-armoured troops ideally suited to squatting on a home objective and not leaving it. Extra wounds and toughness might come at a premium cost in points, but they will be a pain to shift. An Intercesspit, if you will. 

Their heaviest guns would be my choice, for the extra damage. Nothing wrong with either of the other choices, mind you! I do wonder if they're really the most cost-effective choice in Troops, but they look like they'd be fun to try out anyway. 

Elsewhere, Kas has sourced the spare bits he'd need to turn his Impulsor tank into the Primaris Predator, aka the Gladiator. This should just push-fit over the rear transport space, instantly giving it a heavy turret with a choice of three main guns. 

There are also sponson options, although not having the actual tank in front of me to try it out, I don't quite know how they'd fit on. Might be a question of sawing the original bolt rifle barrels off and magnetising the alternatives in some way. Above my pay grade! Sorry if you were hoping to see a complete tank here, by the way, this wasn't intended as click bait.

This is all I have, balanced on a mortar and pestle. Just like the real thing, almost.

I'm already on to the next batch, so expect more of our black-armoured chums shortly. 


  1. Love those Gravis marines! And if the Gladiator didn't have enough guns, it now comes with a mortar.

    1. If it were Cadian, it would get Grinding Advance too.
