Friday 9 October 2020

Get The Flock Out Of Here

Guess what I found nesting at the back of my painting queue?

Tzaangor from Warhammer 40k, Thousand Sons or Age of Sigmar, Disciples of Tzeentch.


Despite being a staple of my Thousand Sons army, I haven't painted any of these guys for over two years. I guess after smashing through thirty of them, I just didn't have the puff for the final six and left them gather dust.

Tzaangor from Warhammer 40k, Thousand Sons or Age of Sigmar, Disciples of Tzeentch.

But there's nothing like a battle report to sharpen the focus. And when I had an all-Tzaangor list planned for my recent Thousand Sons civil war with Rapid I got to finishing them.

Tzaangor from Warhammer 40k, Thousand Sons or Age of Sigmar, Disciples of Tzeentch.

And it turns out, they're quite fun to paint. I've clearly got my hand in now, and so it was a nice going through the motions to augment my existing herds (or flocks).

Tzaangor from Warhammer 40k, Thousand Sons or Age of Sigmar, Disciples of Tzeentch.

Same recipe as two years previously (luckily I wrote this down):

  • Skin: Calgar Blue base, Drakenhof Nightshade wash, Lothern Blue drybrush
  • Horns, hooves and claws: Zandri dust base, Agrax Earthshade wash, Zandri dust drybrush
  • Claws and beaks: Averland Sunset base (wet-blended), Agrax Earthshade wash
  • Feathers: Screamer Pink base, Carroburg Crimson wash
  • Dreadlock/tentacles: Druchii Violet wash, Lothern Blue blend
  • Mail kilts: Celestial Grey base, Drakenhof Nightshade wash, Nuln Oil wash
  • Cloth kilts: Celestial Grey base, Drakenhof Nightshade wash, Ulthuan Grey layering
  • Armour and shields: Retributor Armour base, Reikland Flesh wash, Golden Griffon drybrush, Ahriman Blue layer
  • Shield bosses: Kalabite Green base, Nuln Oil glaze
  • Weapons: Ironbreaker base, Druchii Violet wash, Stormhost Silver drybrush
  • Weapon hafts: Charcoal Grey base, Celestial Grey drybrush
  • Tongues: Bugman's Glow

  • Tzaangor from Warhammer 40k, Thousand Sons or Age of Sigmar, Disciples of Tzeentch.

    The final Tzaangor is actually an Enlightened who has been deposed from his Disc (now piloted by the Tzaangor Shaman Mildred). I did actually magnetise his claws, so he could remount the Disc is needed, but I don't see Mildred giving up her steed.

    Tzaangor from Warhammer 40k, Thousand Sons or Age of Sigmar, Disciples of Tzeentch.

    And so it goes - a nice little project to get me back into the swing of painting units. Ka-Caw!

    Tzaangor from Warhammer 40k, Thousand Sons or Age of Sigmar, Disciples of Tzeentch.

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