The Second Law vs the Crypt Angels
Once again I arranged a 2,000 point non-Skype battle but have been denied by Force Majeure. Last time it was Storm Ciara; now it's Covid-19. Neither Kasfunatu nor I have symptoms, but we both agreed it's sensible to fight remotely given that we can.
Nurgle's diseases keep people away
Not to be beaten, it's all-Skype fight day!
The Second Law
I chose a similar army to the one I fielded against the Thousand Sons, including a cheap Outrider detachment of Furies to screen my Daemon Prince. I was impressed by the damage output of the two Fleshmower-armed Bloatdrones last time, so I want to use two of them again. I don't need a massive smite-screen of Poxwalkers this time, but I did stick two Plagueburst Crawlers in. Because I decided to leave the Purge firepower in the cupboard, one of the PBC sports a pair of Entropy Cannon. Lacking many heavy weapons capable of dealing with stuff at range, I also added a shooty Helbrute, but that's it for weapons with a range greater than 24". I'm pretty sure that Kas will want to close the distance himself, so I added a Foul Blightspawn to support the close combat Plague Marines.
I decided to make a (newly-painted) Tallyman my warlord, combining the Arch-contaminator trait with his reroll-all-failed-hit-rolls-in-combat ability and giving him Fugaris' Helm so that both abilities were boosted to a 10" range.
I added a unit of three Spawn as they're always fun and I hoped having more than one might mean they survived to see combat.
I decided to make a (newly-painted) Tallyman my warlord, combining the Arch-contaminator trait with his reroll-all-failed-hit-rolls-in-combat ability and giving him Fugaris' Helm so that both abilities were boosted to a 10" range.
I added a unit of three Spawn as they're always fun and I hoped having more than one might mean they survived to see combat.
Battalion detachment - Death Guard
- Daemon Prince of Nurgle (HQ)
2 x Malefic talons, Wings
Relic: The Suppurating Plate
Miasma of Pestilence - Malignant Plaguecaster (HQ)
Bolt pistol, Corrupted staff
Blades of Putrefaction, Putrescent Vitality - 7 x Plague Marines (Troops)
Champion: Boltgun & Plague sword, 2 x Boltgun & Plague knives, 2 x Flail of Corruption, 2 x Two plague knives - 5 x Plague Marines (Troops)
Champion: Boltgun & Plague sword, 2 x Boltgun & Plague knives, 2 x Blight Launchers - 11 x Poxwalkers (Troops)
Improvised weapons - 5 x Blightlord Terminators (Elite)
Champion: Combi-melta & Bubotic Axe; 2 x Combi-bolters & Bubotic Axes, 1 x Blight Launche & Bubotic Axe, 1 x Flail of Corruption - 3 x Chaos Spawn (Fast)
- Foetid Bloat-drone (Fast)
Fleshmower - Foetid Bloat-drone (Fast)
Fleshmower - Plagueburst Crawler (Heavy Support)
2 x Plaguespitters; Heavy Slugger - Plagueburst Crawler (Heavy Support)
2 x Entropy Cannon; Heavy Slugger - Chaos Rhino (Transport)
Outrider detachment - Daemons of Nurgle
- Poxbringer (HQ)
Virulent Blessing - 5 x Furies (Fast)
- 5 x Furies (Fast)
- 5 x Furies (Fast)
Vanguard detachment - Death Guard
- Chaos Lord (HQ)
Combi-bolter, Power Fist - Biologus Putrifier (Elite)
- Foul Blightspawn (Elite)
- Helbrute (Elite)
Twin Lascannon, Missile Launcher - Tallyman (Elite)
Warlord: Arch-Contaminator; Relic: Fugaris' Helm
Total: 131 PL, 2,000pts, Battleforged + Battalion + Outrider + Vanguard - Relic = 9CP
The Crypt Angels
The Crypt Angels were still suffering from the taint from the storming of their keep. As that fall to chaos had been from a multi-god attack, I wanted to field a similar multicoloured army.
So I started with some units that I had had used against me with devastating effect (Khorne Bezerkers and Slaaneshi Obliterators) and started to build a list. I was planning on using Veterans of the Long War liberally but did not realise until pulling the cards that the Renegade could not benefit; however the advance and charge was a decent tradeoff.
Given how Kasfunatius (chapter master) fell to Tzeentch, the warlord had to be marked accordingly.
So I started with some units that I had had used against me with devastating effect (Khorne Bezerkers and Slaaneshi Obliterators) and started to build a list. I was planning on using Veterans of the Long War liberally but did not realise until pulling the cards that the Renegade could not benefit; however the advance and charge was a decent tradeoff.
Given how Kasfunatius (chapter master) fell to Tzeentch, the warlord had to be marked accordingly.
Battalion detachment
- Daemon Prince (HQ)
2 x Malefic talons, Warp Bolter, Wings, Mark of Slaanesh
Relic: Intoxicating Elixir
Diabolic Strength - Exalted Champion (HQ)
Chainaxe, Chainsword, Mark of Khorne - Sorcerer in Terminator Armour (HQ)
Combi-bolter, Force Sword, Mark of Tzeentch
Warlord: Warp Lord
Prescience, Warptime - 30 x Chaos Cultists (Troops)
27 x Autoguns; 2 x Flamers; 1 x Heavy Stubber. Mark of Tzeentch - 10 x Chaos Space Marines (Troops)
Champion: Combi-plasma, 7 x Boltgun, 1 x Missile Launcher, 1 x Lascannon. Mark of Tzeentch - 7 x Chaos Space Marines (Troops)
Champion: Combi-plasma, 5 x Boltgun, 1 x Lascannon. Mark of Tzeentch - 5 x Chaos Terminators (Elite)
Champion: Combi-bolter & Chainaxe, 2 x Combi-plasma & Chainaxe, 1 x Combi-flamer & Chainaxe, 1 x Reaper Autocannon & Chainaxe. Mark of Tzeentch - 8 x Khorne Bezerkers (Elite)
Champion: Chainsword & Power Fist, 7 x Chainaxe & Chainsword - 7 x Warp Talons (Fast) Mark of Khorne
- Chaos Rhino (Transport)
Combi-bolter, Combi-flamer, Havoc Launcher, Mark of Khorne - Chaos Rhino (Transport)
Combi-bolter, Combi-plasma, Havoc Launcher, Mark of Tzeentch
Spearhead detachment
- Dark Apostle (HQ)
Mark of Khorne. Prayers: Soultearer Portent, Wrathful Entreaty - Defiler (Heavy Support)
Combi-flamer, Defiler Scourge, Twin Lascannon, Mark of Slaanesh - 3 x Obliterators (Heavy Support)
Mark of Slaanesh - 1 x Obliterators (Heavy Support)
Mark of Nurgle
Total: 123 PL, 2,000pts, Battleforged + Battalion + Spearhead = 9CP
Mission and Terrain
We decided to play Covert Manoeuvres from CA19: basic Schemes of War but after turn 1, whoever has fewer VPs gets to keep all their objectives hidden whilst the player in the lead has all objectives open.
I win the roll-off and choose, after much agonising, to be the Defender, meaning that Kas will probably get first turn. I choose Hammer and Anvil and pick the end with the ruin behind the big hill. Although that lets Kas have the industrial complex with its lovely platform to sit Lascannons and Obliterators on, I want to hide behind the hill to minimise damage on Kas's first turn, then move forwards, occupying the high ground with the PBC, Helbrute and shooty Plague Marines and counter-punch with the Daemon Prince and FBDs if Kas is close enough.
And I did indeed take the platform for that purpose, one unit of marines and the single Obliterator taking station (the other Obliterators in deep strike for when needed).
On the left flank I positioned the Rhino with 'zerkers, backed by the Prince for an offensive drive forward; this was counter-balanced by a slow shooter Defiler on the right. The second Rhino took centre ground with options to take either route forward.
The Cultists spread out to cover the rear and holding the backline objective.
Deploying second allows me to try to keep out of line of sight of Kasfunatu's many heavy guns. However despite all the terrain, it's not possible to hide my entire army behind the hill, but by carefully placing the Entropy Cannon-armed PBC on the brow of the hill, I manage to hide both FBDs behind the combined bulk of the Crawler and the rock formation. I've split my army into three main sections:
- The Spitter-armed PBC, the DP and the escorting Furies will move forwards on the right flank to engage the Bezerkers - I fancy that the DP was best placed to take on the Bezerkers (like in a previous game against Stylus). I wondered about paying a CP to put the Poxbringer into the warp to deep strike in later as Daemons (including the Daemon Prince and the PBC) within 6" get various buffs, most notably +1S, however I sense that Kas will come to me so I don't think I need to worry.
- On my right the Rhino will rumble forwards and try to discharge the close combat marines, Foul Blightspawn, Biologus Putrifier and Tallyman close enough to the Defiler to melt it with a Blight Bombardment or the Blightspawn's Plaguesprayer. The two FBDs will fly straight forwards, trying to keep within 10" of the Tallyman as his re-roll to hit in close combat will particularly benefit their 4+ WS.
- The Entropy-PBC, Helbrute and shooty Plague Marines (supported by the Chaos Lord to re-roll 1's) will move up onto the hill and provide covering fire.
The Poxwalkers and Spawn will prevent deep strike in my backfield as far as possible, and the Blightlords go into the teleportarium.
I roll to seize the initiative...
My heart jumped when Pootle declared 'look at that' and I tried to make out the result as the camera focused. But I was safe.
Unfortunately my son isn't around to roll the dice like last time we fought so Kas will get first turn.
Crypt Angels Turn 1
Objectives in play: Witch Hunter, Big Game Hunter, Defend Objective 5 (hidden)
I had drawn two cards which required my warlord on the board (who was currently waiting in deep strike, but they were reasonable cards, so I opted to keep them rather than mulligan). I was also already claiming objective 5 but kept hidden in case all attempts were made to shoot me off.
c) the Nurgle Prince has a nasty relic that would have probably meant more damage to me than to it
d) I had not spotted the huge tank behind the hill
With the other flank containing a strong contingent, my Rhino with troops and captains roll forwards past the Defiler, who starts to unload on the PBC (using Daemonforge to reroll hits and wounds).
After the round of shooting, I had hurt the Furies, but not enough and so the Rhino and Prince had to charge there. The Poxbringer heroically intervenes to try to help the stricken daemons, but despite him scratching a wound off, the Prince finishes the remaining Furies off with ease. It means First Strike, but leaves me a little exposed.
Objectives achieved: First Strike (1)
VPs: 1-0 to the Crypt Angels
I had drawn two cards which required my warlord on the board (who was currently waiting in deep strike, but they were reasonable cards, so I opted to keep them rather than mulligan). I was also already claiming objective 5 but kept hidden in case all attempts were made to shoot me off.
The impetuous 'zerkers, buoyed by the thought of moving quickly to battle, advance forward ready to charge backed up by the Prince. The plan was to shoot enough Furies to be able to see the Nurgle Prince and then charge him direct... this was a plan with multiple flaws:
a) Furies are tougher to kill than I thought from shooting (a 5++ combined with Disgustingly Resilient is extremely handy)
b) my 'zerkers are still in their Rhinoa) Furies are tougher to kill than I thought from shooting (a 5++ combined with Disgustingly Resilient is extremely handy)
c) the Nurgle Prince has a nasty relic that would have probably meant more damage to me than to it
d) I had not spotted the huge tank behind the hill
With the other flank containing a strong contingent, my Rhino with troops and captains roll forwards past the Defiler, who starts to unload on the PBC (using Daemonforge to reroll hits and wounds).
After the round of shooting, I had hurt the Furies, but not enough and so the Rhino and Prince had to charge there. The Poxbringer heroically intervenes to try to help the stricken daemons, but despite him scratching a wound off, the Prince finishes the remaining Furies off with ease. It means First Strike, but leaves me a little exposed.
Objectives achieved: First Strike (1)
VPs: 1-0 to the Crypt Angels
Second Law Turn 1
Objectives in play: Blood & Guts, No Prisoners, Priority Orders Received: Defend Objective 4 (hidden)
Contact with the enemy having now been made, it's correct that my plan doesn't survive any further: one of the five cards I draw is Priority Orders Received. This always used to be a terrible card as it invariably required your warlord to do something silly like defend an objective deep in the opponent's deployment zone. However with the new Schemes of War rules, you now pick one of the other cards in your hand and can choose when to put it down. This makes it much, much better (and frankly probably needs to be only worth 1 or possibly 2 additional VPs rather than 3 if it's achieved). Objective 4 is right in my deployment zone and I can't see how Kas can stop me defending it even if it wasn't hidden (which it is). However it does mean that my advancing troops are going to have to go without the buffing auras that I concentrated on him (now I wish I'd left Maxwell, my Biologus Putrifier and regular warlord, in charge as then the Tallyman could have moved forwards; no matter - this will be 5VPs which is potentially game winning).
Meanwhile at the enemy contact point my Poxbringer falls out of combat (making sure that the Daemon Prince remains closest for a possible Smite). I'm wary of a Rhino full of Bezerkers, but I think that the Slaaneshi DP has flown a bit too far forwards and I'm confident I can take it down with my own DP, especially after softening it up with twin Plaguespitters from the PBC (who doesn't even have to move so can fire its mortar at full BS). I also run the Malignant Plaguecaster across to within 7" of the target in order to trigger Pestilential Fallout (1 mortal wound on the nearest enemy if he casts a power on a 7+). Kas later admitted that he hadn't spotted the PBC lurking behind the hill and thought he was just dealing with a DP and assorted Daemons: the perils of a Skype battle.
It was a shock; although I am not sure it would have changed my plan that much; I wanted to close and smash. I just might have been a bit more wary.
Elsewhere, both Bloatdrones float forwards over the brow of the hill ready to engage the enemy next turn, with the Spawn following behind towards the centre whilst still screening out a deep strike in my deployment zone.
In the psychic phase my DP casts Miasma of Pestilence on himself, the Plaguecaster Smites a wound off the Slaaneshi DP and also puts Blades of Putrefaction onto my Prince (both powers go off on more than seven so the DP loses 3 wounds from that). The Poxbringer fails to put Virulent Blessing on the DP, which would have added a further +1 to wound.
I hope to finish off the DP with the Plaguespitters and Heavy Stubber from the PBC so my DP can focus on the Rhino, but the corrosive goo only takes another couple of wounds off (whilst the Mortar fails to damage the Obliterator on the gantry). On the other side of the hill, the Helbrute, Entropy Cannon-armed PBC and the Plague Marines' Blight Launchers all successively target the lone Obliterator as well, however no damage gets through the storm of fire despite spending a CP to re-roll the wound roll for one of the Entropy Cannon.
As expected, Nurgle makes short work of Slaaanesh in the Daemon Prince showdown; I'm confident enough of removing the last couple of wounds that I even put two of the DP's attacks into the Rhino, along with charging one of the units of Furies in as well, who scratch a bit of armour plating off.
Objectives achieved: Blood & Guts (1), No Prisoners (1), First Strike (1); Crypt Angels: Defend Obj 5 (2)
VPs: 3-3
That was a good game! The VP score stayed pretty close all game, which made it exciting - that does seem to be the way the Schemes of War games go, which is great.
I was really worried after your second turn when you took out both FBDs (nobody's done that to me before: are you watching Stylus?) and nearly totalled a PBC in the same turn. Your army threw out a huge amount of firepower that turn, what with Endless Cacophony, Daemonforge and Blasphemous Machines, though not taking that final wound off the PBC (and the DP the following turn) was probably game changing as both went on to cause a lot of damage - the PBC killing the Defiler and the DP the Obliterators and most of the Warp Talons.
Yes, both telling mistakes. The DP was luck and rolling as he died next turn; but I did have more chances against the PBC that I did not take and perhaps I should have.
It also occurs to me now that you held Witch Hunter in your hand for four turns - if you'd discarded that in turn 1 rather than Big Game Hunter (which you would have achieved in turn 2 by killing the Bloatdrones) you might have been able to rack up a lot more VPs, all depending on the cards of course.
It was good fun game though; and pretty close (although in effect was always was half a turn behind).
I missed having more CPs to use on Endless Cacophony; and might consider a relic/chapter that allowed that in favour of those chosen in future. 9CPs go down quick when you have to spend 2 like that.
Most enjoyable; and at the time when the game was held the pandemic was still on the rise, so it was probably appropriate that Nurgle won!
It was a shock; although I am not sure it would have changed my plan that much; I wanted to close and smash. I just might have been a bit more wary.
Elsewhere, both Bloatdrones float forwards over the brow of the hill ready to engage the enemy next turn, with the Spawn following behind towards the centre whilst still screening out a deep strike in my deployment zone.
In the psychic phase my DP casts Miasma of Pestilence on himself, the Plaguecaster Smites a wound off the Slaaneshi DP and also puts Blades of Putrefaction onto my Prince (both powers go off on more than seven so the DP loses 3 wounds from that). The Poxbringer fails to put Virulent Blessing on the DP, which would have added a further +1 to wound.
As expected, Nurgle makes short work of Slaaanesh in the Daemon Prince showdown; I'm confident enough of removing the last couple of wounds that I even put two of the DP's attacks into the Rhino, along with charging one of the units of Furies in as well, who scratch a bit of armour plating off.
Objectives achieved: Blood & Guts (1), No Prisoners (1), First Strike (1); Crypt Angels: Defend Obj 5 (2)
VPs: 3-3
Crypt Angels Turn 2
Objectives in play: Witch Hunter, Secure Objective 3, Priority Orders Received: Master the Warp (hidden)
Ok - well the Terminators can come down and bring the warlord with them and play Priority Order along with the warlord manifesting a psychic power. I had discarded Big Game Hunter last turn. Although it's possible with the PBC on the board, they are so hard to shift that I wanted other options open to me.
Objective 3 was promising and the troops jump out of the Rhino to camp on it, before the Rhino completed a handbrake drift to block the pass.
My Terminators and Sorcerer arrive from deep strike in the centre of the board ready to take on the approaching Bloatdrones.
I was not going to stay in a fight with the Daemon Prince; ranged fire would have to deal with him; so unloading the 'zerkers I send them wailing towards the Bloatdrone; the Rhino then reversed to cover their rear.
Ranged shooting goes well. The men on the ridge and pot shots from cultists take out a unit of Daemon-screening harpies; and the Terminators sufficiently wound one Bloatdrone, hoping to make it an easy kill for the charging Khornate barbarians.
Marines, Obliterators and Defilers unload on a mix of targets and bring down the second Bloatdrone, several Plague Marines and severely hurt the PBC. The Slaaneshi guns rip again with a second volley and leave the PBC cowering on 1 wound, but still functioning.
In combat my 'zerkers make it on the Drone and a couple reach the remaining Plague Marines.
I spend 2CP to interrupt combat with the Bloatdrone, but only manage to kill a couple of the Berzerkers. Unfortunately my Tallyman was too far away to give his reroll aura, however his Sevenfold Chant does mean that I get the CP back again. When I've finished the second round of attacks from the Bezerkers does for the Bloatdrone, which promptly explodes, taking another Bezerker down (and knocking some wounds of surrounding characters)
Objectives achieved: Secure Objective 3 (1), Priority Orders Received: Master the Warp (4); Second Law: Priority Orders Received: Defend Objective 4 (5)
VPs: 8-8
Ok - well the Terminators can come down and bring the warlord with them and play Priority Order along with the warlord manifesting a psychic power. I had discarded Big Game Hunter last turn. Although it's possible with the PBC on the board, they are so hard to shift that I wanted other options open to me.
Objective 3 was promising and the troops jump out of the Rhino to camp on it, before the Rhino completed a handbrake drift to block the pass.
My Terminators and Sorcerer arrive from deep strike in the centre of the board ready to take on the approaching Bloatdrones.
I was not going to stay in a fight with the Daemon Prince; ranged fire would have to deal with him; so unloading the 'zerkers I send them wailing towards the Bloatdrone; the Rhino then reversed to cover their rear.
Ranged shooting goes well. The men on the ridge and pot shots from cultists take out a unit of Daemon-screening harpies; and the Terminators sufficiently wound one Bloatdrone, hoping to make it an easy kill for the charging Khornate barbarians.
Marines, Obliterators and Defilers unload on a mix of targets and bring down the second Bloatdrone, several Plague Marines and severely hurt the PBC. The Slaaneshi guns rip again with a second volley and leave the PBC cowering on 1 wound, but still functioning.
In combat my 'zerkers make it on the Drone and a couple reach the remaining Plague Marines.
I spend 2CP to interrupt combat with the Bloatdrone, but only manage to kill a couple of the Berzerkers. Unfortunately my Tallyman was too far away to give his reroll aura, however his Sevenfold Chant does mean that I get the CP back again. When I've finished the second round of attacks from the Bezerkers does for the Bloatdrone, which promptly explodes, taking another Bezerker down (and knocking some wounds of surrounding characters)
Objectives achieved: Secure Objective 3 (1), Priority Orders Received: Master the Warp (4); Second Law: Priority Orders Received: Defend Objective 4 (5)
VPs: 8-8
Second Law Turn 2
Objectives in play: Secure Objective 1, Defend Objective 1 (hidden), Supremacy
Yikes, that was a scary turn. To lose one Foetid Bloatdrone is reasonable (if not common; ask Stylus), but to lose two in the same turn and nearly lose a Plagueburst Crawler least it's still there on one wound - as long as it doesn't move it'll still be hitting on a 5+.
I've got another good objective draw (I do like the Schemes of War hand-of-five thing). Securing objective 1 is straightforward by moving the Spitter-PBC forwards a bit; it will also be hard for Kas to stop it defending the objective. However to claim Supremacy I'll need to retake Objective 2 on top of the hill. The best way of dealing with the Bezerkers is with the Chaos Spawn, so they slither up the hill. The Malignant Plaguecaster heads back to support them with his powers.
My Daemon Prince flies over to the central hill to lend a claw in the fight against the Bezerkers. I try to screen him with a solitary Fury (we remembered morale late on and one of the two remaining Furies fled).
The DP does manage to cast Miasma of Pestilence on himself, which could be useful next turn and the Malignant Plaguecaster successfully casts Putrescent Vitality on the close combat Plague Marines (+1 S and T) but fails to add Blades of Putrefaction. Meanwhile the Rhino engages reverse to prevent the Warp Talons landing in my back left; there is a gap on my back right, but that's some way from the action.
In the shooting phase the close combat marines hurl a Blight Bombardment at the Defiler. Despite the lack of the Arch-Contaminator, Veterans of the Long War means the daemonic Lego beast drops to only a couple of wounds, which are then removed by the Plagueburst Crawler's Entropy Cannon. The Foul Blightspawn's Plaguesprayer belches gunk over the Obliterators, killing one and dropping a second to a solitary wound. The Helbrute and the mortar from the other PBC target the Obliterators too, but fail to cause any damage.
I decide that although the close combat Plague Marines could charge just the Chaos Marines and then merely tag the Obliterators to stop them shooting, the fact that one Obliterator is on just one wound means it's worth charging them too. However I don't have Blades of Putrefaction on them, I don't shell out for VotLW and the Arch-Contaminator isn't around. When all those things are present the stacking buffs are fantastic, however without them I can only assume the marines slipped on all the mess from their grenades as they fail to damage the Obliterators and lose most of their number in return. They do kill a couple of Chaos Marines, but I'm now down to only 2 Plague Marines left (the Champion and a Flail of Corruption). At the end of the turn I decide to spend 2CP to ensure they hang around as I really want to keep assets around there and stop the Lascannon from firing next turn.
The Spawn, Chaos Lord and Daemon Prince make short work of the remaining Berzerkers, though I can't get rid of the Dark Apostle or Exalted Champion just yet.
Overall that was a good turn. I only roll a 1 for Supremacy, but two of my biggest concerns, the Defiler and the Berzerkers are now gone, joining the Daemon Prince on the dead pile, and I've finally managed to remove one of the Obliterators. I did entirely forget to teleport my Blight Lords in this turn, but they can hopefully make a difference next turn.
Objectives achieved: Secure Objective 1 (1), Supremacy (1)
VPs: 10-8 to the Second Law
Yikes, that was a scary turn. To lose one Foetid Bloatdrone is reasonable (if not common; ask Stylus), but to lose two in the same turn and nearly lose a Plagueburst Crawler least it's still there on one wound - as long as it doesn't move it'll still be hitting on a 5+.
I've got another good objective draw (I do like the Schemes of War hand-of-five thing). Securing objective 1 is straightforward by moving the Spitter-PBC forwards a bit; it will also be hard for Kas to stop it defending the objective. However to claim Supremacy I'll need to retake Objective 2 on top of the hill. The best way of dealing with the Bezerkers is with the Chaos Spawn, so they slither up the hill. The Malignant Plaguecaster heads back to support them with his powers.
On my left, the Plague Marines, Foul Blightspawn and Biologus Putrifier disembark from the Rhino and pile forwards towards the Obliterators and Defiler (clearly not intimidated by its plastic claws).
My Daemon Prince flies over to the central hill to lend a claw in the fight against the Bezerkers. I try to screen him with a solitary Fury (we remembered morale late on and one of the two remaining Furies fled).
In the shooting phase the close combat marines hurl a Blight Bombardment at the Defiler. Despite the lack of the Arch-Contaminator, Veterans of the Long War means the daemonic Lego beast drops to only a couple of wounds, which are then removed by the Plagueburst Crawler's Entropy Cannon. The Foul Blightspawn's Plaguesprayer belches gunk over the Obliterators, killing one and dropping a second to a solitary wound. The Helbrute and the mortar from the other PBC target the Obliterators too, but fail to cause any damage.
I decide that although the close combat Plague Marines could charge just the Chaos Marines and then merely tag the Obliterators to stop them shooting, the fact that one Obliterator is on just one wound means it's worth charging them too. However I don't have Blades of Putrefaction on them, I don't shell out for VotLW and the Arch-Contaminator isn't around. When all those things are present the stacking buffs are fantastic, however without them I can only assume the marines slipped on all the mess from their grenades as they fail to damage the Obliterators and lose most of their number in return. They do kill a couple of Chaos Marines, but I'm now down to only 2 Plague Marines left (the Champion and a Flail of Corruption). At the end of the turn I decide to spend 2CP to ensure they hang around as I really want to keep assets around there and stop the Lascannon from firing next turn.
The Spawn, Chaos Lord and Daemon Prince make short work of the remaining Berzerkers, though I can't get rid of the Dark Apostle or Exalted Champion just yet.
Overall that was a good turn. I only roll a 1 for Supremacy, but two of my biggest concerns, the Defiler and the Berzerkers are now gone, joining the Daemon Prince on the dead pile, and I've finally managed to remove one of the Obliterators. I did entirely forget to teleport my Blight Lords in this turn, but they can hopefully make a difference next turn.
Objectives achieved: Secure Objective 1 (1), Supremacy (1)
VPs: 10-8 to the Second Law
Crypt Angels Turn 3
Objectives in play (all hidden): Witch Hunter, Supremacy, Hold the Line
Hold the line and Supremacy were easy to claim; so a nice draw there. I could back up on the ridge and have the three units in deployment and I was already holding three objectives (as long as not too many marines died to the flail).
I am now regretting leaving the PBC on 1 wound, but there were too many other closer targets that needed attention.
Objectives achieved: Hold the Line (1), Supremacy (3); Second Law: Defend Objective 1 (2)
VPs: 12-12
Hold the line and Supremacy were easy to claim; so a nice draw there. I could back up on the ridge and have the three units in deployment and I was already holding three objectives (as long as not too many marines died to the flail).
So the men back up and continue to lay suppression fire; taking out the Prince's screen. This allows the Terminators to unload on it; but Nurgle is kind and it manages to shrug off the final killing blow. That could be costly. I decided to reroll the final Disgustingly Resilient save as Kas had finished all his shooting. I wouldn't normally reroll a 5+, but it was pretty important. I'm afraid I let out a cry of triumph when I saw a 5 turn up...
The Obliterators move into the woods to take out the characters with their disgusting weaponry. They shoot and charge in, taking out the Blightspawn, but remaining locked in combat with the Biologus Putrifier.
I had to bring the Talons down; they did not have anywhere in backfield to drop and so opted for the long bomb charge to help in the marine on marine fight. They failed.
I am now regretting leaving the PBC on 1 wound, but there were too many other closer targets that needed attention.
Objectives achieved: Hold the Line (1), Supremacy (3); Second Law: Defend Objective 1 (2)
VPs: 12-12
Second Law Turn 3
Objectives in play: Secure Objective 2, Defend Objective 2, Symbol of the Fly Lord
So once again I'm left with a key unit on only one wound. And as well as the Daemon Prince, the injured Plagueburst Crawler is still there on its solitary wound.
My objectives are good again, and once again I've got to both secure and defend the same objective, this time the one on the hill. I hope that the Chaos Lord and Helbrute will be enough to defend the hilltop if I can clear away the nearest enemy. Accordingly the Spawn head down the hill towards the Dark Apostle and Terminators.
The injured Daemon Prince remembers urgent business away from the massed guns of the Crypt Angels and flies over to deal with the Obliterators. I leave the Biologus Putrifier in combat so there won't be any overwatch for him to deal with.
The Furies and Poxbringer swing towards the centre of the table, not able to do anything this turn but ready to help later. The Blightlords remember how the teleportarium works and appear behind the hill. I'd wanted to put them up on the hill itself with a good field of fire (which would have been perfect for defending objective 2), but unfortunately the Exalted Champion scuppered that plan with his 9" bubble of teleportation denial.
In the psychic phase the Poxbringer Smites away the Rhino and the Malignant Poxbringer does the same for the pesky Exalted Champion.
In the shooting phase the two PBCs and the Helbrute finally manage to get rid of the lone Nurgle-aligned Obliterator. He's been obstinately resisting me for some time now and it's good to kill the lone Nurgle worshipper daring to resist the Second Law (kudos to Kasfunatu by the way for marking him as Nurgle purely for narrative reasons - he wanted to have all four Chaos Gods represented).
In close combat the Daemon Prince makes short work of the Obliterators and the Chaos Spawn dispatch the Dark Apostle with ease. However I then decide to consolidate the Spawn into the Terminators in order to tie them up so they can't shoot or charge something else the following turn. I know they're armed only with Chainaxes rather than the Power Fists carried by their loyalist cousins - surely they won't chew through all six wounds remaining to the Spawn? Wrong! Down they go in a quivering mess of tentacles. And now there's nothing between the Terminators and my Lord defending objective 2...
On the plus side, I do roll the maximum for Symbol of the Fly Lord so I'm building up a good VP lead on top of destroying most of Kas's key units. It's really just the Terminators and the Warp Talons to deal with now.
Objectives achieved: Secure Objective 2 (1), Symbol of the Fly Lord (3)
VPs: 16-12 to the Second Law
So once again I'm left with a key unit on only one wound. And as well as the Daemon Prince, the injured Plagueburst Crawler is still there on its solitary wound.
My objectives are good again, and once again I've got to both secure and defend the same objective, this time the one on the hill. I hope that the Chaos Lord and Helbrute will be enough to defend the hilltop if I can clear away the nearest enemy. Accordingly the Spawn head down the hill towards the Dark Apostle and Terminators.
The Furies and Poxbringer swing towards the centre of the table, not able to do anything this turn but ready to help later. The Blightlords remember how the teleportarium works and appear behind the hill. I'd wanted to put them up on the hill itself with a good field of fire (which would have been perfect for defending objective 2), but unfortunately the Exalted Champion scuppered that plan with his 9" bubble of teleportation denial.
In the psychic phase the Poxbringer Smites away the Rhino and the Malignant Poxbringer does the same for the pesky Exalted Champion.
In the shooting phase the two PBCs and the Helbrute finally manage to get rid of the lone Nurgle-aligned Obliterator. He's been obstinately resisting me for some time now and it's good to kill the lone Nurgle worshipper daring to resist the Second Law (kudos to Kasfunatu by the way for marking him as Nurgle purely for narrative reasons - he wanted to have all four Chaos Gods represented).
In close combat the Daemon Prince makes short work of the Obliterators and the Chaos Spawn dispatch the Dark Apostle with ease. However I then decide to consolidate the Spawn into the Terminators in order to tie them up so they can't shoot or charge something else the following turn. I know they're armed only with Chainaxes rather than the Power Fists carried by their loyalist cousins - surely they won't chew through all six wounds remaining to the Spawn? Wrong! Down they go in a quivering mess of tentacles. And now there's nothing between the Terminators and my Lord defending objective 2...
On the plus side, I do roll the maximum for Symbol of the Fly Lord so I'm building up a good VP lead on top of destroying most of Kas's key units. It's really just the Terminators and the Warp Talons to deal with now.
Objectives achieved: Secure Objective 2 (1), Symbol of the Fly Lord (3)
VPs: 16-12 to the Second Law
Crypt Angels Turn 4
Objectives in play: Witch Hunter (still!), Secure Objective 6, No Prisoners
It's Hail Mary time and an attempt to secure VP. I need to stop Pootle from defending objective 2, so my Termies and Sorcerer, infused with the sorcery of Warptime march up the hill to charge in.
The Furies die to massed bolter fire (their invulnerable saves not holding up as well as they did in turn 1). Kas is faced with a dilemma in the fight phase: if he goes first with the Terminators I will interrupt with my Daemon Prince against his Warp Talons (who had charged in to remove his last wound), but if he takes the Prince down first then my Chaos Lord could interrupt with his Power Fist and could take down some of the Terminators. After some discussion Kas decides that it's more important to stop me defending Objective 2. The Chaos Lord is duly dispatched, but my Daemon Prince then tears apart five of the Talons before succumbing to their Lightning Claws.
With the three units killed, I get to roll a D3 for No Prisoners, and have paused Pootle's Defend objective. But I need to weather at least two more turns. It's not pretty. Clawed it back to level; but I fear that's not going to be enough.
Objectives achieved: Witch Hunter (1), Secure Objective 6 (1), No Prisoners (2)
VPs: 16-16
It's Hail Mary time and an attempt to secure VP. I need to stop Pootle from defending objective 2, so my Termies and Sorcerer, infused with the sorcery of Warptime march up the hill to charge in.
The Furies die to massed bolter fire (their invulnerable saves not holding up as well as they did in turn 1). Kas is faced with a dilemma in the fight phase: if he goes first with the Terminators I will interrupt with my Daemon Prince against his Warp Talons (who had charged in to remove his last wound), but if he takes the Prince down first then my Chaos Lord could interrupt with his Power Fist and could take down some of the Terminators. After some discussion Kas decides that it's more important to stop me defending Objective 2. The Chaos Lord is duly dispatched, but my Daemon Prince then tears apart five of the Talons before succumbing to their Lightning Claws.
The marine grudge match around objective 3 continues as the Marines slowly whittle each other down in the shadow of duelling Rhinos.
With the three units killed, I get to roll a D3 for No Prisoners, and have paused Pootle's Defend objective. But I need to weather at least two more turns. It's not pretty. Clawed it back to level; but I fear that's not going to be enough.
Objectives achieved: Witch Hunter (1), Secure Objective 6 (1), No Prisoners (2)
VPs: 16-16
Second Law Turn 4
Objectives in play: Defend Objective 2, Secure Objective 3, Death Begets Life
So we're tied on VPs, but I'm in a strong position now. I still need to defend objective 2, for which I'll need to get rid of all the Terminators, I can secure objective 3 (under the Rhino) if my lone Plague Marine kills the two remaining Chaos Marines - this is quite possible as he's carrying a Flail of Corruption. If he does kill both the Marines he'll claim objective 3 from the Rhino as he's Troops. lastly, Death Begets Life will get me a VP for each 7 enemy models I kill. To try to achieve that, the Spitter-armed PBC trundles forwards towards the Cultists.
The Blightlords make their charge into the Terminators and I use my final CP to add Veterans of the Long War to the other multiple buffs they're getting (reroll all hits and wounds from the Tallyman, +1 to wound from Blades of Putrefaction and mortal wounds on a 6, which becomes a 5 with VotLW). I roll for the Flail of Corruption first and sure enough that deals more than enough damage to wipe out the four remaining Terminators without having to even go to the 13 attacks from Bubotic Axes...
In the fight over Objective 3, the Plague Marine must have been watching his Terminator brother using the Flail and taken notes: he finally dispatches the two Chaos Marines he's facing and triumphantly slides towards the Rhino, baseball-style, confident that he can secure the ground. However in a comedic twist the Rhino actually manages to hit the Plague Marine, I fail all the saving throws and am squashed under the tracks.
Because of all the melted Cultists I killed more than fourteen enemy models in the turn so score 2 VPs for Death Begets Life. I've started to defend objective 2 again, but Kas decides to concede as he's really only got one Lascannon and some small arms against the rest of my army.
Objectives achieved: Slay the Warlord (1), Death Begets Life (2)
VPs: 19-16
Locker Room
So we're tied on VPs, but I'm in a strong position now. I still need to defend objective 2, for which I'll need to get rid of all the Terminators, I can secure objective 3 (under the Rhino) if my lone Plague Marine kills the two remaining Chaos Marines - this is quite possible as he's carrying a Flail of Corruption. If he does kill both the Marines he'll claim objective 3 from the Rhino as he's Troops. lastly, Death Begets Life will get me a VP for each 7 enemy models I kill. To try to achieve that, the Spitter-armed PBC trundles forwards towards the Cultists.
In the centre the Blightlords scramble up the back of the hill towards the Terminators, whilst the Poxbringer does the same on the other side. The Tallyman leaps from the Rhino and moves towards the Terminators on the hill to lend his various auras. Miffed at no longer being the warlord, the Biologus Putrifier falls back from the Warp Talons into the comfort of the Rhino and locks the door behind him.
The Poxbringer has been saving up his psychic energy effectively and unleashes a Super Smite on the Terminator Sorcerer, Slaying the Warlord. Meanwhile the Plaguecaster buffs the Blightlords with Blades of Putrefaction.
In the shooting phase, the PBC's Plaguespitters and Heavy Slugger melt nine Cultists whilst three Chaos Marines fall to the other PBC and Helbrute.
The Blightlords make their charge into the Terminators and I use my final CP to add Veterans of the Long War to the other multiple buffs they're getting (reroll all hits and wounds from the Tallyman, +1 to wound from Blades of Putrefaction and mortal wounds on a 6, which becomes a 5 with VotLW). I roll for the Flail of Corruption first and sure enough that deals more than enough damage to wipe out the four remaining Terminators without having to even go to the 13 attacks from Bubotic Axes...
![]() |
"I'm on the objective..." |
Because of all the melted Cultists I killed more than fourteen enemy models in the turn so score 2 VPs for Death Begets Life. I've started to defend objective 2 again, but Kas decides to concede as he's really only got one Lascannon and some small arms against the rest of my army.
Objectives achieved: Slay the Warlord (1), Death Begets Life (2)
VPs: 19-16
Locker Room
That was a good game! The VP score stayed pretty close all game, which made it exciting - that does seem to be the way the Schemes of War games go, which is great.
I was really worried after your second turn when you took out both FBDs (nobody's done that to me before: are you watching Stylus?) and nearly totalled a PBC in the same turn. Your army threw out a huge amount of firepower that turn, what with Endless Cacophony, Daemonforge and Blasphemous Machines, though not taking that final wound off the PBC (and the DP the following turn) was probably game changing as both went on to cause a lot of damage - the PBC killing the Defiler and the DP the Obliterators and most of the Warp Talons.
Yes, both telling mistakes. The DP was luck and rolling as he died next turn; but I did have more chances against the PBC that I did not take and perhaps I should have.
It also occurs to me now that you held Witch Hunter in your hand for four turns - if you'd discarded that in turn 1 rather than Big Game Hunter (which you would have achieved in turn 2 by killing the Bloatdrones) you might have been able to rack up a lot more VPs, all depending on the cards of course.
It was good fun game though; and pretty close (although in effect was always was half a turn behind).
I missed having more CPs to use on Endless Cacophony; and might consider a relic/chapter that allowed that in favour of those chosen in future. 9CPs go down quick when you have to spend 2 like that.
Most enjoyable; and at the time when the game was held the pandemic was still on the rise, so it was probably appropriate that Nurgle won!
Good stuff! Shame not to see the Lego defiler in the action more, that's a good looking monstrosity!
ReplyDeleteIt's certainly...unusual. Skype battles often have necessary proxying as we know, but I was quite proud of the boy for rustling that up at pretty short notice
DeleteReminds me of the time I had to provide a certain Lego Doomwheel for Leofa for an in person battle. (Although, I don't have any kids to blame for my Lego collection)
DeleteKids can be useful for taking the blame for things. I told my wife that I was only getting the Conquest magazine for my son. He was genuinely keen, but let's just say it wasn't all for him.