Tuesday 21 April 2020

Don't tell them your name, Spike

More Zomborks!

Oh no! They've got Conganavirus!

The next twist on the shuffling zombie is ones that explode when they die, and Green Horde went with these Tainted Walkers. Hitting as hard as a standard Ork zombie (which is twice as hard as a regular zombie, in case you wondered), they also hit you as they die. So you either need a lot of armour, or to hit them at range.

Spiky models, rather nice ones as usual. What else can I say about them? Not a lot! Paint enough zombies, you become a zombie, as Nietzsche had it.

Along with this pack comes another variant Necromancer. Faolan the Haunter (one of the Paul Bonner set) is vampiric, and hits you automatically when you enter his square, I guess because he throws that ferret in your face. Again, buy a bigger crossbow and you're set to take him on.

Ariane here is ahead of that game, of course. Not so much the other survivor model from this batch, the greatsword-wielding Jeanne.

Finally, a sly model from Deep Madness that one of my daughters slipped into this batch. She'd ready undercoated it, so it would have been rude and lazy to refuse. This is a Shadow of Filth, I think, and pretty damn macabre it is too.

The next batch is already under the brush. Race you to it.


  1. Lovely stuff as always. I'm currently toying with the idea of getting my old 90s Ork army back online and seeing what I need to do to make it 8th Ed ready. I wonder if Zomborks have a place...?
