Our Hunt for Ahriman narrative campaign continues. And like Rocky and Star Trek before us, we're pulling out all the stops for part IV
Conscious thought returned.
Ahriman opened his eyes. Hard light blared into them. It was cold and harsh, painful. An irregular crackling noise, half whine, half static, assaulted his ears.
He was suspended in a sphere, inlaid with a knotwork of cables, pipes and dials. Skulls stared emptily down on him from each intersection of the elaborate maze. He squinted against the hail of light and sound, trying to make sense of it. Where was he?
The Adeptus Mechanicus. That explained the binharic chatter. He searched his memory - this construct he was trapped inside was called a Gordian Rondure, something the tech adepts used to contain sorcerous anomalies. He was cut off from the warp. His powers were useless.
Bad as this was, he knew there was something he could do. He didn't want to do it, but he didn't have much choice.
Although he was held tightly in bonds, soldered to a wire frame in the centre of the sphere, his hands could move. With a thought, his gauntlet clicked open, revealing a tiny panel in the centre of his palm. Straining, he pressed his thumb down into it until he felt a tiny switch move.
There, it was done. Crude, but effective - a miniature vox relay, ancient Imperial technology from a lost age. Limited range, limited power, but it would send a signal. He'd have to hope, of course, that this world was seeded with a cult that would pass it on. Or that his message would be received before the Tech Priests decided to dissect him out of curiosity or hate.
Well, it was done now. He'd called for help. Nothing to do but close his mind and contemplate his embarrassment.
Our previous match saw Ahriman getting captured by the Imperium, thanks to my superior intellect and strategic skill. Clearly, it is time to get this wayward son back in the fold, and who better to bring him home than his big red daddy?
Magnus! It's always a risk bringing a Lord of War to a smaller sized game. He's almost a third of my points just by himself, but I decide to treat this as a feature, not a bug, and embrace the idea of a strong elite.
Two detachments, then - a fairly minimal Battalion with two Rubrics (one for range, one for flame) and the smallest number of Tzaangor I can buy. These are led by a pair of Exalted Sorcerers from the Cult of Magic, the most unsubtle smitey blasters I can pick. Seriously, that Warlord with his trait can really lay down some nasty smack in the psychic phase. Astral Blast is the Cult's special spell, a mini version of Infernal Gateway that can dish out Mortal Wounds to packs of units. Bit short ranged? Well, he's got a disc, he can get there!
Magnus himself has a trio of bodyguards from the Cult of Prophesy, who have a special spell that gives them a saved dice roll for later. It's only for their own use, Magnus won't bother with their petty mechanics himself, but it should help me buff the boss or each other as I need to.
I wanted to build my list to be credible as a garrison of AdMech, and also an expeditionary force of Space Wolves. The idea being that the Vlka Fenrika have come to take custody of Ahriman after the Mechanicus captured him last time.
For the AdMech half, that meant lots of Skiarii, and leaving out heavy stuff like Dunecrawlers (I've taken some Ironstrider Ballistarii as my heaviest guns).
The Space Wolves are based around all the models I painted over Christmas and haven't had a chance to use yet (tactical, I know). I've also added some gravis units - Inceptors, Aggressors - and a Redemptor Dreadnought, as I know what I'm facing, and I need some punch.
Leading them is a Wolf Priest, for a change. I don't see him going toe-to-toe with Magnus, but his reroll to hits should help the Aggressors.
Of course, I have no control when this will appear on the battlefield, so I'd better stay flexibles.
There's some hope for me. A stratagem called Camouflage, which I slap on the Tzaangor, halves their effective PL, so they can run ahead, get close and kill guards. And I can buy rounds of silent shooting for a command point a go. Good job I brought all those Rubrics!
My overall plan is to hug the north side, try and cut off the inevitable reinforcements from a long edge by screening it as best as I can. Then get everyone as close to the middle as possible, apart from Magnus who is far too big to be of any use yet. I hope those sentries are lax!
You wouldn't expect much to happen in my first turn, and sure enough, it doesn't! Everybody advances very quietly, and although I try a long-bomb charge from the Tzaangor, I don't reach any sentries. Probably for the best, I don't want to get too close...
Magnus has to stay way back. More than 12", so no charges, and he can't cast spells. What use is he, again?
One command point for silencers seems almost too cheap for a round of nasty shooting from the Rubrics! And I also drop the other squad in along the north edge, thinking to screen in advance from the inevitable reinforcements. I'm not close enough to make any charges, though that's mostly my own fault for killing all the nearest targets.
Just a little closer!
Not so the others - Traducio and Syndarion leapt forth together, hovering round the prison globe and bellowing the next two phrases of the spell. The other sorcerers called forth a whirling maze of illusions and shields that swirled round Magnus in a great globe.
Within that labyrinth of energy, Magnus bounded forwards, his magnificence unchained at last.
Crackling bolts flashed from his claws, tearing the lead ranks of the Wolves apart. Chunks of burning armour flew through the air like comets. The survivors mustered round their banner, somehow keeping a steady stream of fire up that cut down the Tzaangor.
Even Magnus wasn't immune. A steady flow of cannon shells from the Redemptor's arm pierced his shield, raising sparks and fire from his shoulder. But then he landed in front of the Dreadnought and swept his glaive straight through it as though it was smoke, and the armoured machine slumped apart, cloven through the chest.
Everything needs to get to the middle as soon as possible! Without much of a screen for the characters (NINE ONES!), I can really only rely on this turn to get everyone there and scoring.
Except Magnus, who needs to stamp on some space marines before I get overrun with bolter fire! Supported by a barrage of smites, I clear the Intercessors away for Magnus to charge in, and sure enough, he takes out the Dreadnought. He also charged the Battle Leader, just to scare him off any interventions, which works.
As they succumb to the Smites, the two Intercessors are rallied by the Ancient's banner and rouse themselves for one last effort: namely gunning down the last two Tzaangor, and so leaving the Thousand Sons' northern flank entirely without screening troops.
But I don't think to do this to the Ancient, and he only goes and thrusts his banner pole up Magnus's personal warp portal, knocking a wound off him!
Rats - two more charges on the prison, which is good news, but hardly as conclusive as I'd like. And although I can bounce Magnus into the Inceptors after combat, they'll be flying off to riddle me with bolts next turn anyway. This after losing the last of my screening troops to Intercessors I'd just killed - that damned Banner!
I'm not sure what I need to be more concerned about: Magus' rampage, or the fact that I need to stop the sabotage attempts before Kraken runs away with this. The good news is that most of the screening troops are gone, so all the Thousand Sons characters are in a free-fire zone.
My Skitarii Vanguard and Dominus move forward for a second attempt on the Rubric Marines. The Inceptors jump over Magnus to take on the Exalted Sorcerers around the prison, and the Battle Leader and Ancient slip past the Crimson King, not wanting to win a saga that badly.
But then I get my reserves, and I bring them all in on the north flank (fortunately now clear of Rubric Marines). Aggressors, Wolf Priest, the large Vanguard, Hellblasters and the small Vanguard all form a firing line.
Much as I want to pour all my firepower into Magus the Red, I keep my eyes on the mission - which is about removing scoring units before they can reach Ahriman. That said, my Aggressors have no better target, and so shower the Cyclops with boltgun shells - with the Battle Leader in range to give them a reroll, I chip away five wounds with the barrage.
Onto more productive matters. The Skitarii on the south flank pour everything into the remaining unit of Thousand Sons (as do the Ironstriders, though the lascannons still haven't found their range), and this time, I take down six of them. I even follow up with a charge (mostly to stop them advancing towards the objective next turn) and take down another one, thanks to the Vanguard's rad-saturation effect.
Buoyed by the example, the newly-arrived Vanguard unload into the two Sorcerers at the back, bringing them down in a hail of fire.
This just leaves the Hellblasters, and I risk overcharging the guns (using a reroll to keep one alive) and put the shots into the Daemon Prince. But he rides his invulnerable save and is reduced to just half-wounds.
Finally, a long charge against Magnus from the Aggressors (probably my best chance to stop him adding to the sabotage efforts) falls short.
There were other fires, too. A raging torrent of bolter fire, detonating against the Thousand Sons, crackling around the prison as the guards attempted to protect their prize. Fravash waded through it, cackling.
With one hand, he drew the remaining Rubrics through the warp, dropping them by the prison in an instant. The sorcerer commanding them immediately added his touches to the spell. Then Fravash vaulted over the ruins to engage the foe, the hated Fenrisian wolves.
But none stood.
Magnus towered over the gutted remnants of a squad of Inceptors, warpfire still guttering in their fractured armour. One claw directed a torrent of energy against the Wolf Priest, shrivelling him inside a corona of blue fire. The other slammed into the fabric of the spell, the burning red hand-prints of the Cyclops manifesting his will as complex sigils across the flames.
Fravash howled in anticipation. Nothing could stop them!
Without the smaller sorcerers, I'm really desperate to scrape the maximum I can from what's left. This means warptiming the Rubrics up to the tower, then after smiting apart whatever I can from the Aggressors and supporting troops, using the Inceptors to catapult Magnus back into the middle.
My, but he leaves a lot of carnage in his wake! A Bolt of Change takes out the Wolf Priest, half the Aggressors are down after a max power Smite, and the Inceptors vanish in an instant once he engages them.
I'm going to need everything, though. Right now, with six charges, it looks pretty good. But it will still come down to a final dice roll, and if there's even the slightest chance of failure, I feel sure I can seize it.
This might be the last turn, though. Just one more! Come on!
Even with everything falling into place, it's a close thing. The Daemon Prince takes a few whacks from the Skitarii, and the Ancient swings the banner to finish him off - he's earned a cup of mjød this battle!
Now for the big game. I play Emperor's Executioners on the Aggressors, and they need it, missing more than half their attacks, despite only needing 3s. What remains does make it through Magnus' defences and the daemon primarch is banished back to the Warp.
All of a sudden, I have a commanding position in the field - but that won't translate into a win unless I get very lucky with the final roll.
Nothing more I can do, here, except try and take a few last Wolves with me. For narrative purposes, of course! The Warlord discs his way off the middle, hoping to escape this bloodbath, but the other guy can't fly and thus has to try and take the hard way out.
It's nice to finally see that Astral Blast in action. As expected, it makes a big hole, nearly finishing off the Battle Leader and killing both of the remaining sentries. Although one of them gets back up afterwards, stubborn Graian that he is.
Now all I can do is anxiously await the end...
Some swift mopping up to be done: the remaining Hellblasters quickly dispatch the Exalted Sorcerer on foot, and the Ironstriders (now that it no longer matters) pound the fleeing warlord with deadly accuracy, inflicting enough wounds to kill a deamon primach (well done, lads).
The Thousand Sons have been cleared out, but their foul sorcery lives on. I use my final CP to play Cut the Wires and that means that Kraken's +6 modifier drops to a +5. All he needs to lose the mission is to roll a 1...
... he rolls a 2. Ahriman escapes!
Conscious thought returned.
Ahriman opened his eyes. Hard light blared into them. It was cold and harsh, painful. An irregular crackling noise, half whine, half static, assaulted his ears.
He was suspended in a sphere, inlaid with a knotwork of cables, pipes and dials. Skulls stared emptily down on him from each intersection of the elaborate maze. He squinted against the hail of light and sound, trying to make sense of it. Where was he?
Chapter 4: The Prodigal Son
He remembered emerging from the Warp. And he remembered the lumbering forms of Scarab Occult Terminators, plodding towards him, protecting him from...
The Adeptus Mechanicus. That explained the binharic chatter. He searched his memory - this construct he was trapped inside was called a Gordian Rondure, something the tech adepts used to contain sorcerous anomalies. He was cut off from the warp. His powers were useless.
Bad as this was, he knew there was something he could do. He didn't want to do it, but he didn't have much choice.
Although he was held tightly in bonds, soldered to a wire frame in the centre of the sphere, his hands could move. With a thought, his gauntlet clicked open, revealing a tiny panel in the centre of his palm. Straining, he pressed his thumb down into it until he felt a tiny switch move.
There, it was done. Crude, but effective - a miniature vox relay, ancient Imperial technology from a lost age. Limited range, limited power, but it would send a signal. He'd have to hope, of course, that this world was seeded with a cult that would pass it on. Or that his message would be received before the Tech Priests decided to dissect him out of curiosity or hate.
Well, it was done now. He'd called for help. Nothing to do but close his mind and contemplate his embarrassment.
The Prodigious Returned - Thousand Sons, Cults of Prophecy & Magic
Our previous match saw Ahriman getting captured by the Imperium, thanks to my superior intellect and strategic skill. Clearly, it is time to get this wayward son back in the fold, and who better to bring him home than his big red daddy?
Magnus! It's always a risk bringing a Lord of War to a smaller sized game. He's almost a third of my points just by himself, but I decide to treat this as a feature, not a bug, and embrace the idea of a strong elite.
Two detachments, then - a fairly minimal Battalion with two Rubrics (one for range, one for flame) and the smallest number of Tzaangor I can buy. These are led by a pair of Exalted Sorcerers from the Cult of Magic, the most unsubtle smitey blasters I can pick. Seriously, that Warlord with his trait can really lay down some nasty smack in the psychic phase. Astral Blast is the Cult's special spell, a mini version of Infernal Gateway that can dish out Mortal Wounds to packs of units. Bit short ranged? Well, he's got a disc, he can get there!
Magnus himself has a trio of bodyguards from the Cult of Prophesy, who have a special spell that gives them a saved dice roll for later. It's only for their own use, Magnus won't bother with their petty mechanics himself, but it should help me buff the boss or each other as I need to.
Cult of Prophecy - Supreme Command
- Magnus the Red (LoW)
The Blade of Magnus
Psychic powers: Bolt of Change, Infernal Gateway, Warptime - Fravash, Daemon Prince (HQ)
Hellforged Sword, Malefic talon
Psychic powers: Diabolic Strength, Gaze of Fate, Divine the Future - Morculus, Sorcerer (HQ)
Force sword, Plasma pistol
Psychic powers: Glamour of Tzeentch, Prescience, Divine the Future - The Prisoner, Sorcerer (HQ)
Force sword, Plasma pistol
Psychic powers: Temporal Manipulation, Weaver of Fates, Divine the Future
Cult of Magic - Battalion
- Traducio, Exalted Sorcerer on Disc (HQ)(Warlord)
Force Stave, Warpflame Pistol
Psychic powers: Infernal Gaze, Tzeentch's Firestorm, Astral Blast
Warlord trait: Devastating Sorcery
Relic: Arcane Focus - Syndarion, Exalted Sorcerer (HQ)
Force Stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol
Psychic powers: Warptime, Death Hex, Astral Blast - 10 x Rubric Marines (Troop)
Force Stave, Inferno bolt pistol, 8 x Inferno Boltgun, 1 Soulreaper Cannon
Psychic power: Temporal Manipulation, Astral Blast - 10 x Rubric Marines (Troop)
Force Stave, Warpflame pistol, 7 x Inferno Boltgun, 2 x Warpflamer
Psychic power: Tzeentch's Firestorm, Astral Blast - 10 x Tzaangor (Troop)
Brayhorn, Tzaangor blades
The Logic Engine & Víðarr Pack - Adeptus Mechanicus & Space Wolves
I wanted to build my list to be credible as a garrison of AdMech, and also an expeditionary force of Space Wolves. The idea being that the Vlka Fenrika have come to take custody of Ahriman after the Mechanicus captured him last time.
For the AdMech half, that meant lots of Skiarii, and leaving out heavy stuff like Dunecrawlers (I've taken some Ironstrider Ballistarii as my heaviest guns).
The Space Wolves are based around all the models I painted over Christmas and haven't had a chance to use yet (tactical, I know). I've also added some gravis units - Inceptors, Aggressors - and a Redemptor Dreadnought, as I know what I'm facing, and I need some punch.
Leading them is a Wolf Priest, for a change. I don't see him going toe-to-toe with Magnus, but his reroll to hits should help the Aggressors.
Of course, I have no control when this will appear on the battlefield, so I'd better stay flexibles.
Space Wolves - Vanguard
- Fróði, Primaris Wolf Priest (HQ) (Warlord)
Absolver Bolt Pistol, Crozius Arcanum
Warlord trait: Saga of the Hunter
Relic: The Wulfen Stone - Sitric, Primaris Battle Leader (HQ)
Master-crafted stalker bolt rifle - Squad Brynhild, 5 x Intercessor Squad (Troops)
Bolt rifle. Intercessor Pack Leader, Power sword - Honoured Brother Víðarr, Redemptor Dreadnought (Elite)
Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Icarus Rocket Pod, 2 x Storm Bolters - Squad Kettil, 5 x Aggressors (Elite)
Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher - Rollo, Primaris Ancient (Elite)
Bolt pistol, Bolt rifle - Squad Sigrdrifa, 4 x Inceptor Squad (Fast)
Assault Bolters - Squad Julfr, 5 x Hellblaster Squad (Heavy)
Plasma Incinerator
Forge World Graia - Battalion
- Calpurnia-114 - Tech-Priest Dominus (HQ)
Omnissian Axe, Eradication Ray, Macrostubber - Tech-Priest Enginseer (HQ)
Laspistol, Omnissian Axe, Servo-arm - 5 x Skitarii Vanguard (Troops)
Alpha: Radium Pistol, Taser Goad, 3 x Radium Carbines, 1 x Plasma Caliver - 5 x Skitarii Vanguard (Troops)
Alpha: Radium Pistol, Taser Goad, 3 x Radium Carbines, 1 x Plasma Caliver - 5 x Skitarii Vanguard (Troops)
4 x Radium Carbines, 1 x Plasma Caliver - 10 x Skitarii Vanguard (Troops)
Alpha: Arc Pistol, Arc Maul, 4 x Radium Carbines, 1 x Arc Rifle, Omnispex - 2 x Ironstrider Ballistarii (Fast)
Broad Spectrum Data-tether, Twin Cognis Lascannon
Sentries (free): 10 x Skitarii Rangers (8 x Galvanic Rifle, 2 x Transuranic Arquebus)
Points: 1499 | Level: 107 | Battle-forged + Battalion + Vanguard: 9 CPs
Mission and Deployment
We're playing Sabotage! This is a narrative scenario from the core rules.
Ahriman is trapped in that central cage. I'm attacking, so I have to infiltrate past the sentries and start breaking the prison open. This is done by having a unit within 3" at the end of my own turn, whereupon each unit can lay a detonation charge (we're saying cast a spell for this one) once per game.
At the end of the game, we roll a dice and add the charges. On 7+, I've busted him out! On less, I lose. So Stylus needs to keep my guys from getting anywhere near the prison, and as I'm starting from the short edges, I've got a long slog to get there.
Tell you what, wish I'd read the rules for this before picking the army! My units are all quite expensive in terms of Power Level, which is how you work out how close they can get to a sentry before being spotted. And as soon as I get spotted, my turn will end and play goes to Stylus...
My overall plan is to hug the north side, try and cut off the inevitable reinforcements from a long edge by screening it as best as I can. Then get everyone as close to the middle as possible, apart from Magnus who is far too big to be of any use yet. I hope those sentries are lax!
We're following the Sentries narrative rules for the mission, so I get ten 'free' Skitarii Rangers to scatter around the battlefield.
I suppose the tactical move would be to string them out in a long line to maximise the chances of moving forward and detecting them, but I went with the narrative option of scattering them in likely places (guarding Ahriman, watching doorways, snipers on the roof and tower etc).
Everything else I have goes into reserve. Some will appear on the turn the alarm is sounded, the balance will arrive the turn after. So nothing for me to worry about now!
Thousand Sons - Turn 1
Soft as a silk scarf being drawn across closed eyes, Ahriman felt something. A ripple, or at least the shadow of one. Cosseted away from the warp, it was hard to say exactly what. Enough to disturb his reverie.
Something was coming.
Something was coming.
You wouldn't expect much to happen in my first turn, and sure enough, it doesn't! Everybody advances very quietly, and although I try a long-bomb charge from the Tzaangor, I don't reach any sentries. Probably for the best, I don't want to get too close...
Magnus has to stay way back. More than 12", so no charges, and he can't cast spells. What use is he, again?
Imperium - Turn 1
+++ Alpha Leet-842 acknowledge. Reports of unauthorised activity in grid sectors D9 through G12. Detail omnispex teams to investigate and report back. +++
The only agency I have in these early 'sentry' stages is to roll-off for the control of the individual models.
The ones I get to control aren't close enough to the Thousand Sons to raise the alarm, and naturally Kraken uses the ones he gains to move them out of position (including sending one of my snipers back down from his rooftop - presumably he dropped his bullets).
Thousand Sons - Turn 2
Fravash smiled softly.
The Daemon Prince had first heard Ahriman's coded plea for help through one of the many sects that worshipped it. It hadn't exactly been simplicity itself to muster the services of the Prodigious Returned again, not after their previous disaster against the Adeptus Mechanicus. If it hadn't been for the appearance of The Crimson King, this entire rescue attempt would have been still-born.
Without knowing or caring why Magnus was here, Fravash was still eager to see the Primarch in action. Once Ahriman was loose, he would finally have his reckoning with the sorcerer.
Magnus was screened with an empyric glamour. Under the harsh sun of the desert world, he looked like a heat haze, nothing more. But even with his powers furled, he could dish death - a mere gesture, and the advancing Rubrics fired pinpoint volleys, sniping away the nearest sentries. Their bodies burned away to silver ash in seconds, consumed by silent fire. If their fellows thought anything amiss, they gave no sign.
The Tzaangor loped closer, crawling over the sand like feathered serpents.
The Daemon Prince had first heard Ahriman's coded plea for help through one of the many sects that worshipped it. It hadn't exactly been simplicity itself to muster the services of the Prodigious Returned again, not after their previous disaster against the Adeptus Mechanicus. If it hadn't been for the appearance of The Crimson King, this entire rescue attempt would have been still-born.
Without knowing or caring why Magnus was here, Fravash was still eager to see the Primarch in action. Once Ahriman was loose, he would finally have his reckoning with the sorcerer.
Magnus was screened with an empyric glamour. Under the harsh sun of the desert world, he looked like a heat haze, nothing more. But even with his powers furled, he could dish death - a mere gesture, and the advancing Rubrics fired pinpoint volleys, sniping away the nearest sentries. Their bodies burned away to silver ash in seconds, consumed by silent fire. If their fellows thought anything amiss, they gave no sign.
The Tzaangor loped closer, crawling over the sand like feathered serpents.
One command point for silencers seems almost too cheap for a round of nasty shooting from the Rubrics! And I also drop the other squad in along the north edge, thinking to screen in advance from the inevitable reinforcements. I'm not close enough to make any charges, though that's mostly my own fault for killing all the nearest targets.
Just a little closer!
Imperium - Turn 2
+++ Alpha Leet-842 make report ++
The data blurt ran through the noosphere unanswered. Once the Alpha failed to acknowledge, the second in command was hailed. This also proved fruitless, and the blurt ran down the seniority of the Skitarii Rangers until it found one who was able to answer.
Half their numbers were no longer responding, and no-one could say why.
The data blurt ran through the noosphere unanswered. Once the Alpha failed to acknowledge, the second in command was hailed. This also proved fruitless, and the blurt ran down the seniority of the Skitarii Rangers until it found one who was able to answer.
Half their numbers were no longer responding, and no-one could say why.
I get control of all the sentries except for the important ones (i.e. the ones who could actually get close enough to raise the alarm), and so I put the sniper back on the roof (his bullets now retrieved) and hide the rest of my binharic boys behind doorways (those silenced rounds are starting to alarm me).
Thousand Sons - Turn 3
There - the Tzaangor were in range! A second gesture from their master, and the newly appeared Rubrics covered their assault with more silent fire. Skitarii dropped, evaporating like salt in water, as the flames engulfed them.
There was a lone sentry between the Tzaangor and the weird sculpture of the prison now. The lenses of his faceplate flashed once as he recognised that he was under attack, then a blade slashed across his throat and he dropped. The beastmen stormed forward, gathering under the shadow of the sphere.
Their leader threw complex shapes with his arms, threw his head back and screeched. No mere scream, but the first line of an incantation of destruction, a mystic knife edge slammed between the closed halves of the sphere. If one sorcerer was enough to crack that seal, the prisoner would have been free immediately, but there was too much power in those syllables for one throat. Another six lines before the spell was done.
And now, of course, the alarm had been raised.
There was a lone sentry between the Tzaangor and the weird sculpture of the prison now. The lenses of his faceplate flashed once as he recognised that he was under attack, then a blade slashed across his throat and he dropped. The beastmen stormed forward, gathering under the shadow of the sphere.
Their leader threw complex shapes with his arms, threw his head back and screeched. No mere scream, but the first line of an incantation of destruction, a mystic knife edge slammed between the closed halves of the sphere. If one sorcerer was enough to crack that seal, the prisoner would have been free immediately, but there was too much power in those syllables for one throat. Another six lines before the spell was done.
And now, of course, the alarm had been raised.
Now, I could just keep picking off these sentries with my silenced warpfire, but that's not going to make for an interesting game! Besides, at some point, I have to start my sabotage, and the rules are pretty clear, I think. Even if my whole army was on top of it, as soon as I do it even once, the alarm is raised and my turn immediately ends.
So I murder another trio of guards before rushing the Tzaangor in. This is the moment! Everything else is in good positions to either screen or rush, except for Magnus, and he's fast enough that I don't care.
All the same, I'm aware that I've already skipped three psychic phases without a single spell! So I do chuck another command point into letting the Tzaangor plant a double charge instead of one. Just in case, I don't know, a whole bunch of bolt-armed Aggressors suddenly mow all my other scoring units off the table!
Imperium - Turn 3
"To arms, brothers! The hour is now, the fight is here!"
His two hearts pumping furiously from their sprinting response to the Mechanicus klaxon, Battle Leader Sitric assessed the situation within seconds.
He had come as part of a diplomatic envoy to the Mechanicus, to persuade them to pass on custody of the Exile Ahriman. Now that prize was threatened, and by no less than the one-eyed king of their dark witchcraft.
Their forces were divided, and fully half of them still being gathered by Wolf Priest Fróði. But the Company Ancient stood by his side, and Honoured Brother Víðarr loomed behind them.
"Courage, brother." Rollo unfurled the company standard. "For Russ and the Allfather."
The Redemptor Dreadnought whirled its heavy gatling cannon, as an old man might clear his throat.
Finally, I can do something! With the klaxon ringing through the noosphere, my remaining sentries take action, which basically involves the two Rangers diving for cover and the two Transuranic snipers taking aim at a Sorcerer and rolling double 1.
But the real drama comes with the reserve rolls, and it's a mixed result. Despite only needing 3+ to come on the field, half my army fails to show up, including my Aggressors and Hellblasters, my two heaviest-hitting units. The Wolf Priest is another latecomer, and so is a Tech Priest and two units of Vanguard.
What does turn up is the pair of Ironstrider Ballistarii, two units of Vanguard, led by the Tech-Priest Dominus. I cluster these units around the generators, so they can rake the Thousand Sons flanks in reasonable safety.
The Space Wolves that show up have to get a bit closer to the action. I stick them on the northern flank, close enough to race towards Ahriman's prison (and square off with Magnus, if it comes to it). The Intercessors take point, backed up by the Battle Leader, Ancient and Redemptor Dreadnought. The Inceptors jump in at the rear, still within range of the Rubrics.
And though I'd rather have more bodies on the table, it pleases my narrative mind that the army appears to be divided into four quarters, each led by their respective HQs.
The Shooting Phase begins with me playing Protector Doctrina Imperative on the Ironstriders - it's probably futile to shoot at Magnus the Red, but with four lascannons, I can't resist. I'm punished for my presumption, and they all miss or bounce off the daemon primarch.
The rest of the Skitarii shots are more pragmatic - pouring radium carbines and overcharged plasma into the nearest Rubric Marines. But poor rolling and some good invulnerable saves results in only one Rubricae falling.

The shooting from the other castle balances the scales somewhat. I play Wisdom of the Ancients to get a reroll bubble around the Redemptor, and then the Inceptors open up on the other squad of Rubrics. Despite All Is Dust, Kraken fails a huge number of saves and the squad is cut down.
Nine! Who rolls nine ones for fifteen saves?
Just as I'm thinking about leaving the handful of survivors in place to force Kraken to burn 2CP to keep them from collapsing, the Battle Leader settles the matter and wipes out the Aspiring Sorcerer.
The rest of my astartes small-arms go into the Tzaangor, taking our seven of them and forcing another to flee.
That leaves me with nothing to charge, and the Thousand Sons big hitters untouched, but it has removed a sabotage unit, and removes most of the characters' screening troops.
I just need to survive the counter-punch.
His two hearts pumping furiously from their sprinting response to the Mechanicus klaxon, Battle Leader Sitric assessed the situation within seconds.
He had come as part of a diplomatic envoy to the Mechanicus, to persuade them to pass on custody of the Exile Ahriman. Now that prize was threatened, and by no less than the one-eyed king of their dark witchcraft.
Their forces were divided, and fully half of them still being gathered by Wolf Priest Fróði. But the Company Ancient stood by his side, and Honoured Brother Víðarr loomed behind them.
"Courage, brother." Rollo unfurled the company standard. "For Russ and the Allfather."
The Redemptor Dreadnought whirled its heavy gatling cannon, as an old man might clear his throat.
Finally, I can do something! With the klaxon ringing through the noosphere, my remaining sentries take action, which basically involves the two Rangers diving for cover and the two Transuranic snipers taking aim at a Sorcerer and rolling double 1.
But the real drama comes with the reserve rolls, and it's a mixed result. Despite only needing 3+ to come on the field, half my army fails to show up, including my Aggressors and Hellblasters, my two heaviest-hitting units. The Wolf Priest is another latecomer, and so is a Tech Priest and two units of Vanguard.
What does turn up is the pair of Ironstrider Ballistarii, two units of Vanguard, led by the Tech-Priest Dominus. I cluster these units around the generators, so they can rake the Thousand Sons flanks in reasonable safety.
The Space Wolves that show up have to get a bit closer to the action. I stick them on the northern flank, close enough to race towards Ahriman's prison (and square off with Magnus, if it comes to it). The Intercessors take point, backed up by the Battle Leader, Ancient and Redemptor Dreadnought. The Inceptors jump in at the rear, still within range of the Rubrics.
And though I'd rather have more bodies on the table, it pleases my narrative mind that the army appears to be divided into four quarters, each led by their respective HQs.
The Shooting Phase begins with me playing Protector Doctrina Imperative on the Ironstriders - it's probably futile to shoot at Magnus the Red, but with four lascannons, I can't resist. I'm punished for my presumption, and they all miss or bounce off the daemon primarch.
The rest of the Skitarii shots are more pragmatic - pouring radium carbines and overcharged plasma into the nearest Rubric Marines. But poor rolling and some good invulnerable saves results in only one Rubricae falling.

The shooting from the other castle balances the scales somewhat. I play Wisdom of the Ancients to get a reroll bubble around the Redemptor, and then the Inceptors open up on the other squad of Rubrics. Despite All Is Dust, Kraken fails a huge number of saves and the squad is cut down.
Nine! Who rolls nine ones for fifteen saves?
Just as I'm thinking about leaving the handful of survivors in place to force Kraken to burn 2CP to keep them from collapsing, the Battle Leader settles the matter and wipes out the Aspiring Sorcerer.
The rest of my astartes small-arms go into the Tzaangor, taking our seven of them and forcing another to flee.
That leaves me with nothing to charge, and the Thousand Sons big hitters untouched, but it has removed a sabotage unit, and removes most of the characters' screening troops.
I just need to survive the counter-punch.
Thousand Sons - Turn 4
With a scream, the remaining Tzaangor sprinted towards the Space Wolves. Any remaining thought was wiped from their minds by the repercussions of the spell of freeing. They were truly beasts now.
Not so the others - Traducio and Syndarion leapt forth together, hovering round the prison globe and bellowing the next two phrases of the spell. The other sorcerers called forth a whirling maze of illusions and shields that swirled round Magnus in a great globe.
Within that labyrinth of energy, Magnus bounded forwards, his magnificence unchained at last.
Crackling bolts flashed from his claws, tearing the lead ranks of the Wolves apart. Chunks of burning armour flew through the air like comets. The survivors mustered round their banner, somehow keeping a steady stream of fire up that cut down the Tzaangor.
Even Magnus wasn't immune. A steady flow of cannon shells from the Redemptor's arm pierced his shield, raising sparks and fire from his shoulder. But then he landed in front of the Dreadnought and swept his glaive straight through it as though it was smoke, and the armoured machine slumped apart, cloven through the chest.
Everything needs to get to the middle as soon as possible! Without much of a screen for the characters (NINE ONES!), I can really only rely on this turn to get everyone there and scoring.
Except Magnus, who needs to stamp on some space marines before I get overrun with bolter fire! Supported by a barrage of smites, I clear the Intercessors away for Magnus to charge in, and sure enough, he takes out the Dreadnought. He also charged the Battle Leader, just to scare him off any interventions, which works.
As they succumb to the Smites, the two Intercessors are rallied by the Ancient's banner and rouse themselves for one last effort: namely gunning down the last two Tzaangor, and so leaving the Thousand Sons' northern flank entirely without screening troops.
But I don't think to do this to the Ancient, and he only goes and thrusts his banner pole up Magnus's personal warp portal, knocking a wound off him!
Rats - two more charges on the prison, which is good news, but hardly as conclusive as I'd like. And although I can bounce Magnus into the Inceptors after combat, they'll be flying off to riddle me with bolts next turn anyway. This after losing the last of my screening troops to Intercessors I'd just killed - that damned Banner!
Imperium - Turn 4
Sitric was still scrambling away under the daemon wing beats when he heard Fróði's battle cry. The Wolf Priest led in the rest of their pack, who wasted no time in gunning down two of the sorcerers with hot plasma bolts.
On the far flank, their Mechanicus allies were raking the left flank of the Thousand Sons, bringing down the automaton Rubric Marines.
With a burst of effort, Sitric linked up with the newly-arrived Aggressors, and directed their boltstorm fire directly at Magnus. The crimson giant howled with rage and pain as just few of the mass-reactive rounds struck home.
A few would suffice, Sitric spat blood on the barren ground, in a gesture of defiance. When hunting Fenrisian Sea Dragon, you bring them down a one piece at a time.
Sitric was still scrambling away under the daemon wing beats when he heard Fróði's battle cry. The Wolf Priest led in the rest of their pack, who wasted no time in gunning down two of the sorcerers with hot plasma bolts.
On the far flank, their Mechanicus allies were raking the left flank of the Thousand Sons, bringing down the automaton Rubric Marines.
With a burst of effort, Sitric linked up with the newly-arrived Aggressors, and directed their boltstorm fire directly at Magnus. The crimson giant howled with rage and pain as just few of the mass-reactive rounds struck home.
A few would suffice, Sitric spat blood on the barren ground, in a gesture of defiance. When hunting Fenrisian Sea Dragon, you bring them down a one piece at a time.
I'm not sure what I need to be more concerned about: Magus' rampage, or the fact that I need to stop the sabotage attempts before Kraken runs away with this. The good news is that most of the screening troops are gone, so all the Thousand Sons characters are in a free-fire zone.
My Skitarii Vanguard and Dominus move forward for a second attempt on the Rubric Marines. The Inceptors jump over Magnus to take on the Exalted Sorcerers around the prison, and the Battle Leader and Ancient slip past the Crimson King, not wanting to win a saga that badly.
But then I get my reserves, and I bring them all in on the north flank (fortunately now clear of Rubric Marines). Aggressors, Wolf Priest, the large Vanguard, Hellblasters and the small Vanguard all form a firing line.
Much as I want to pour all my firepower into Magus the Red, I keep my eyes on the mission - which is about removing scoring units before they can reach Ahriman. That said, my Aggressors have no better target, and so shower the Cyclops with boltgun shells - with the Battle Leader in range to give them a reroll, I chip away five wounds with the barrage.
Onto more productive matters. The Skitarii on the south flank pour everything into the remaining unit of Thousand Sons (as do the Ironstriders, though the lascannons still haven't found their range), and this time, I take down six of them. I even follow up with a charge (mostly to stop them advancing towards the objective next turn) and take down another one, thanks to the Vanguard's rad-saturation effect.
Buoyed by the example, the newly-arrived Vanguard unload into the two Sorcerers at the back, bringing them down in a hail of fire.
This just leaves the Hellblasters, and I risk overcharging the guns (using a reroll to keep one alive) and put the shots into the Daemon Prince. But he rides his invulnerable save and is reduced to just half-wounds.
Finally, a long charge against Magnus from the Aggressors (probably my best chance to stop him adding to the sabotage efforts) falls short.
Thousand Sons - Turn 5
A spiral of fire was coursing round the Gordian Rondure, now. A few more phrases and the spell would be complete. Even the ancient warp-defying mechanisms in that bronze armature wouldn't be able to hold against the energies mustering in that vortex.
There were other fires, too. A raging torrent of bolter fire, detonating against the Thousand Sons, crackling around the prison as the guards attempted to protect their prize. Fravash waded through it, cackling.
With one hand, he drew the remaining Rubrics through the warp, dropping them by the prison in an instant. The sorcerer commanding them immediately added his touches to the spell. Then Fravash vaulted over the ruins to engage the foe, the hated Fenrisian wolves.
But none stood.
Magnus towered over the gutted remnants of a squad of Inceptors, warpfire still guttering in their fractured armour. One claw directed a torrent of energy against the Wolf Priest, shrivelling him inside a corona of blue fire. The other slammed into the fabric of the spell, the burning red hand-prints of the Cyclops manifesting his will as complex sigils across the flames.
Fravash howled in anticipation. Nothing could stop them!
Without the smaller sorcerers, I'm really desperate to scrape the maximum I can from what's left. This means warptiming the Rubrics up to the tower, then after smiting apart whatever I can from the Aggressors and supporting troops, using the Inceptors to catapult Magnus back into the middle.
My, but he leaves a lot of carnage in his wake! A Bolt of Change takes out the Wolf Priest, half the Aggressors are down after a max power Smite, and the Inceptors vanish in an instant once he engages them.
I'm going to need everything, though. Right now, with six charges, it looks pretty good. But it will still come down to a final dice roll, and if there's even the slightest chance of failure, I feel sure I can seize it.
This might be the last turn, though. Just one more! Come on!
Imperium - Turn 5
"Nothing can stop us!" Sitric screamed, the battle-joy high in his blood as he led what remained of the pack against Magnus the Red himself.
All around him were fallen brothers, their bodies twisted and burned in perversions of a clean death. But there was enough yet to avenge them, and with clenched fist and iron will, they would tear down these monsters.
With the amount of charges laid, I'm already up against it. But I need two things to happen: firstly, stop the Daemon Prince from reaching Ahriman and turn a likely defeat into a certain one.
Secondly, ensure that I have a unit on the objective at the end of the game, so I can spend a CP on the Cut The Wires stratagem and roll back the final dice roll by a point. Which probably means clearing out Magnus as well.
And so every unit converges on the central objective. In the Shooting Phase, the Ironstriders and final Transuranic Ranger compete to see who can be the least effective, and then it's plasma all the way!
The last two Rubric Marines are taken out by one Vanguard squad, and the two Exalted Sorcerers are wounded by the volleys of Radium Carbines.
With eyes on bigger game, the Hellblasters aim for Magnus and overcharge their weapons. Two of them explode in the process, but once the plasma shots (and another shower of bullets from the Aggressors) are done, the Crimson King is left on just five wounds.
I'm gambling a bit here by not shooting the Daemon Prince - who is the only unit left to 'score' for Kraken, but he's also the closest model to my Aggressors, so I need him alive to slingshot them into Magnus (and I'll hopefully manage to kill him in the Fight Phase)
For once, my charges work out: the Aggressors charge into Magnus, the Vanguard charge into the Daemon Prince (more to drop his toughness than anything else), and the Battle Leader and Ancient also pile in. Times are desperate and I need all hands to the pumps!
All around him were fallen brothers, their bodies twisted and burned in perversions of a clean death. But there was enough yet to avenge them, and with clenched fist and iron will, they would tear down these monsters.
With the amount of charges laid, I'm already up against it. But I need two things to happen: firstly, stop the Daemon Prince from reaching Ahriman and turn a likely defeat into a certain one.
Secondly, ensure that I have a unit on the objective at the end of the game, so I can spend a CP on the Cut The Wires stratagem and roll back the final dice roll by a point. Which probably means clearing out Magnus as well.
And so every unit converges on the central objective. In the Shooting Phase, the Ironstriders and final Transuranic Ranger compete to see who can be the least effective, and then it's plasma all the way!
The last two Rubric Marines are taken out by one Vanguard squad, and the two Exalted Sorcerers are wounded by the volleys of Radium Carbines.
With eyes on bigger game, the Hellblasters aim for Magnus and overcharge their weapons. Two of them explode in the process, but once the plasma shots (and another shower of bullets from the Aggressors) are done, the Crimson King is left on just five wounds.
I'm gambling a bit here by not shooting the Daemon Prince - who is the only unit left to 'score' for Kraken, but he's also the closest model to my Aggressors, so I need him alive to slingshot them into Magnus (and I'll hopefully manage to kill him in the Fight Phase)
For once, my charges work out: the Aggressors charge into Magnus, the Vanguard charge into the Daemon Prince (more to drop his toughness than anything else), and the Battle Leader and Ancient also pile in. Times are desperate and I need all hands to the pumps!
Even with everything falling into place, it's a close thing. The Daemon Prince takes a few whacks from the Skitarii, and the Ancient swings the banner to finish him off - he's earned a cup of mjød this battle!
Now for the big game. I play Emperor's Executioners on the Aggressors, and they need it, missing more than half their attacks, despite only needing 3s. What remains does make it through Magnus' defences and the daemon primarch is banished back to the Warp.
All of a sudden, I have a commanding position in the field - but that won't translate into a win unless I get very lucky with the final roll.
Thousand Sons - Turn 6
Ahriman felt Magnus's presence for a moment, then it was gone. What was the Primarch doing here? He strained against his bonds, desperately uneasy. There was no reason for Magnus to be here now. They owed each other nothing, had nothing but bad memories of one another, old wounds to pick at. What was this intervention but some new plot?
He was nearly free, that much he was sure of. The psychic pressure inside the Rondure was unbearable, building steadily to a boiling point.
Something was about to give.
He was nearly free, that much he was sure of. The psychic pressure inside the Rondure was unbearable, building steadily to a boiling point.
Something was about to give.
Nothing more I can do, here, except try and take a few last Wolves with me. For narrative purposes, of course! The Warlord discs his way off the middle, hoping to escape this bloodbath, but the other guy can't fly and thus has to try and take the hard way out.
It's nice to finally see that Astral Blast in action. As expected, it makes a big hole, nearly finishing off the Battle Leader and killing both of the remaining sentries. Although one of them gets back up afterwards, stubborn Graian that he is.
Now all I can do is anxiously await the end...
Imperium - Turn 6
There were so few of them left now, Sitric saw. His pack had paid a high price to win this saga. While one of the original Skitarii wardens frantically tried to reinforce the mechanical locks that still held Ahriman captive, he surveyed his fallen brothers. So few of them left.
But there were fewer still traitors.
With a vox-relay, he directed the Mechanicus artillery to gun down the fleeing sorcerer, before drawing combat blades and advancing upon the last surviving traitor. His death would not be quick.
But there were fewer still traitors.
With a vox-relay, he directed the Mechanicus artillery to gun down the fleeing sorcerer, before drawing combat blades and advancing upon the last surviving traitor. His death would not be quick.
Some swift mopping up to be done: the remaining Hellblasters quickly dispatch the Exalted Sorcerer on foot, and the Ironstriders (now that it no longer matters) pound the fleeing warlord with deadly accuracy, inflicting enough wounds to kill a deamon primach (well done, lads).
The Thousand Sons have been cleared out, but their foul sorcery lives on. I use my final CP to play Cut the Wires and that means that Kraken's +6 modifier drops to a +5. All he needs to lose the mission is to roll a 1...
... he rolls a 2. Ahriman escapes!
Result: Victory to the Thousand Sons!
Conscious thought returned. His bonds were gone. The violence that surrounded him had dissipated. Ahriman was a prisoner no longer.
A smile played across his lips. Ahriman had been unable to discern exactly how the battle had transpired, but clearly Magnus had gone to no small degree of effort to free him, and it had succeeded. Judging from the input of his higher sensations, he had been thrust into the Great Ocean, where the dogs of the Imperium could not, and would not follow. He had escaped at last.
He drifted there for a time, gradually building up psychic defences without drawing attention to himself. The Warp may have been an inspired escape plan from Magnus, but it was filled with predators far more dangerous than the mortal lackeys of the Dead Emperor. He hoped that Magnus' retrieval of him would come soon, as he patiently waited.
And waited.
He was aware of stirrings around, but dared not cast his mind out to examine them. Perhaps, spoke a cold voice from within, he had not been set free after all. Perhaps he had been banished to this place, forever cast out by his former master.
And he waited.
Not the greatest scenario in terms of balance, I'd say. The silenced sniper fire could easily be a bit much, and I had command points to keep throwing it out longer than I did.
Yes, this did require a bit of in-game balancing. Kraken could have easily blown all his CP on Silenced Weapons to kill all the sentries, then surrounded the objective with everything and won the game the turn after I arrived.
It's also a bit disappointing for the defenders that they can't repeat that disarming strategy. Without that option, it really is a fire and forget mission for the attackers, without enough incentive to hang on to the middle.
In fairness I only had the one CP remaining to use the disarming stratagem, but I definitely would have saved more if I could have repeated it (even if it was just once per turn).
Fun all the same! And great to try some of those new toys from the Cults. Both seemed fun and powerful to me, particularly the barrage of mortal wounds that a Magic Warlord can hurl around. Nasty!
Those Cult of Magic spells and trait were beastly - I'll have to file that away for future use myself. If I was thinking more, I would have done better to use the cheap Skitarii as a screen for my Space Wolves, but I was thinking narratively, and wanted to group them in their respective teams.
For myself, I was just glad I could make a game of it. When so few of my army appeared at the start, my heart sank a little, and just trying to keep units from finishing up on the objective was really tough, especially with Warptime to content with. But I did manged to bring a lot of firepower to bear, and taking down Magnus was just the cherry on the cake.
That leaves us with two games each in this narrative saga. Bring on the finale...
A smile played across his lips. Ahriman had been unable to discern exactly how the battle had transpired, but clearly Magnus had gone to no small degree of effort to free him, and it had succeeded. Judging from the input of his higher sensations, he had been thrust into the Great Ocean, where the dogs of the Imperium could not, and would not follow. He had escaped at last.
He drifted there for a time, gradually building up psychic defences without drawing attention to himself. The Warp may have been an inspired escape plan from Magnus, but it was filled with predators far more dangerous than the mortal lackeys of the Dead Emperor. He hoped that Magnus' retrieval of him would come soon, as he patiently waited.
And waited.
He was aware of stirrings around, but dared not cast his mind out to examine them. Perhaps, spoke a cold voice from within, he had not been set free after all. Perhaps he had been banished to this place, forever cast out by his former master.
And he waited.
Locker Room
Well, that was a hoot!
Not the greatest scenario in terms of balance, I'd say. The silenced sniper fire could easily be a bit much, and I had command points to keep throwing it out longer than I did.
Yes, this did require a bit of in-game balancing. Kraken could have easily blown all his CP on Silenced Weapons to kill all the sentries, then surrounded the objective with everything and won the game the turn after I arrived.
It's also a bit disappointing for the defenders that they can't repeat that disarming strategy. Without that option, it really is a fire and forget mission for the attackers, without enough incentive to hang on to the middle.
In fairness I only had the one CP remaining to use the disarming stratagem, but I definitely would have saved more if I could have repeated it (even if it was just once per turn).
Fun all the same! And great to try some of those new toys from the Cults. Both seemed fun and powerful to me, particularly the barrage of mortal wounds that a Magic Warlord can hurl around. Nasty!
Those Cult of Magic spells and trait were beastly - I'll have to file that away for future use myself. If I was thinking more, I would have done better to use the cheap Skitarii as a screen for my Space Wolves, but I was thinking narratively, and wanted to group them in their respective teams.
For myself, I was just glad I could make a game of it. When so few of my army appeared at the start, my heart sank a little, and just trying to keep units from finishing up on the objective was really tough, especially with Warptime to content with. But I did manged to bring a lot of firepower to bear, and taking down Magnus was just the cherry on the cake.
That leaves us with two games each in this narrative saga. Bring on the finale...
Great fight and a fun report to read as usual! Kraken: have you checked that your dice have the usual number of pips on them? It's possible your kids have been playing with the Tippex
ReplyDeleteBoth dice and kids check out as normal. It's just me.
DeleteAlso, whilst using Magnus in a battle this size does clearly unbalance it a bit, I'm completely alongside using him in a narrative situation like this one as it's great fun.