Pootle here again, documenting another of my armies. The core of my Orks started back in 1990 when GW released Waaagh the Orks and lots of cool articles in White Dwarf. I picked Evil Sunz as the core of my army as I loved their look. I did have a few vehicles but it was never a full on Speed Waaagh. Unfortunately a box containing some of the larger vehicles (an old school Battlewagon and a couple of custom vehicles) have been lost, but there was enough of a core to fight a few battles with and I’ve added to it…
- Warboss Bludteef (could be played as a Warboss on Bike or Warboss in Mega-Armour)
- Deffkilla Wartrike
- Big Mek in Mega-Armour
- Kaptin Joolfang (Badrukk)
- Weirdboy
- Weirdboy
- around 85 Boyz
- around 30 Gretchin
- 5 Kommandos
- 5 Meganobz (4 if one is played as Big Mek in Mega-Armour)
- Mek
- Nob with Waaagh! Banner
- 10 Nobz
- Painboy
- Megatrakk Scrapjet
- Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy
- Shokkjump Dragsta
- Kustom Boosta Blasta
- 8 Stormboyz
- 9 Warbikers
- 3 Warbuggies (can play as more Warbikers)
- Deff Dread
- 8 Flash Gitz
- 11 Lootas
- 4 Mek Gunz
- 2 Trukks
3,000+ points
General: Pootle
WoffBoots: 0
Battles: Won 5 - Drawn 0 - Lost 5

My warlord, Bludteef, was based on a profile I'd randomly generated for one game. I paid points for three random Bionic Bitz and rolled up Tracks (double move), a Fuel Injection Implant (+2" movement and +2 Initiative) and a Cyborg Body (+2 Toughness). Once I'd rolled this fellow up I kept using the same profile in subsequent games (not sure how legit that actually was, but it was against the same friend and he didn't mind). I eventually decided that I needed to build a custom model to represent him and built this fellow out of assorted bits from an Ork Nob, an epic scale Knight and various other bits and pieces. My inner Ork advised me that it wasn't possible for him to have too many guns, hence the plethora of weapons (including a suspicious-looking groin-mounted Bolt gun). Part of me would like to remodel and repaint him but I’m too attached to the original to do that, so at some point I think I’ll build another version of him - there are some cracking models around these days to use as components.

It's happened! See
this article for more on Bludteef's new incarnation (also pictured at the top of the article).
The Deffkilla Wartrike is such a cool model and very Evil Sunz. It’s tricky to tell from the pic, but he’s doing a wheelie here to try to convey how fast he’s moving.
I used an AoS Shamen for a Weirdboy as I love the model (though the Warchanter looks pretty good too). The Painboy belongs in the Elites section really. I’ve three more old school lead Weirdboys you can see further down.
These were my first Orks, almost all painted in the early 90s. There’s a fair range in quality: on the lower right is the very first Ork I ever painted, with a more recent one just to the left of centre.
More recent Boyz. Potentially these larger models could proxy for Beast Snagga Boyz and the older models represent "normal" Boyz.
A job lot of Gretchin and Snotlings! Some of these have such character (particular favourites are the Snotlings in the front middle with a battle plan, squigs for sale and a big bomb, and the one on the front right who’s somewhat overarmed with a Power Fist and Plasma Gun!). I also love the Blood Bowl Goblins (mostly in the middle of the group) who were bought to be supporters of the warband.
More old plastic Boyz. My Evil Sunz army had a few mobz of Goffs, Bad Moons and (not featured here) Death Skulls
These are the oldest miniatures I own: I split a couple of boxes of Warhammer Fantasy Regiments with friends and I got the Orcs. Originally fielded as Wildboyz (feral Orks without guns), I converted as many as possible with bits from the plastic Ork kit to avoid them looking all the same.
Two lead Fantasy Orcs who featured in the Wildboyz mob and, more favourites, three lead Madboyz.
The rules for these were SO MUCH FUN. These days they just take to the field as Boyz.
I would love to take credit for these, but have to acknowledge Kraken’s great work here on several levels: not just a cracking paint job, but he won them in a competition (
take a look here for details)
Five Meganobs, options for dual-Killsaws or Power Klaws plus magnetised Kombi-weapons. The guy front and centre is magnetised so he can swap out his banner for either of the Big Mek weapon options (Kustom Force Field or the Tellyport Blasta).
Another lot of old favourites! Quite a few of my Ork Nobz had heavy weapons: in first edition heroes could get quite good Ballistic Skill, and the one with a periscope on the back right got a +2 to hit as I recall). This doesn’t work at all now, but the minis are still cool. I've redone the one carrying the Waaagh banner:

A more modern batch of Nobz. These guys are mostly magnetised so can switch their war gear around.
Oddboyz were very important in first edition, so I had plenty: five Meks here (and I’ve another two unpainted), three Weirdboys, two Painboyz and a Runtherd. I’ve tended to run these as additional Boyz these days.
I've also painted up another Runtherd as I need him to run two units of Grots.
I love these new Biker models. Each has one magnetised arm to swap out.
I do have a soft spot for these old lead Bikers. One of them was painted recently, but you can probably tell that the one on the right was one of my earliest efforts.
Similarly, one old and one new paint job on these old Warbuggies. I do like the stripped down simplicity of these things.
The new buggies are fabulous though! First up, a Megatrakk Scrapjet. This was great fun to paint and I enjoyed modelling him driving off a small cliff to give an impression of speed in the same way as the Wartrike.
I bought this Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy on eBay when they were rubbish but they’ve turned out to be one of the more effective units, though as I’ve only got one it’s nothing to be horribly scared by.
Two more buggies added now, first a Kustom Boosta Blasta...
...and a Shokkjump Dragsta. As with the others, these were a joy to paint - so much character.
Mostly new paint jobs on old models. I wanted a unit of Stormboyz and made them by simply gluing old polystyrene cement lids to the back of some plastic Orks (though there are a couple of lead guys in there too).
Another fun one to paint, the Deffdread has its lower two limbs magnetised so I can swap the ranged weapons for two more Dread Klaws.
I vividly remember White Dwarf 135 contained rules and a modelling workshop where they made customised Flash Gitz. I decided to copy the approach and rolled up a load of random custom weapons for a big mob of my own Flash Gitz, led by Kaptin Joolfang, and then built the weapons I had generated: so much fun to do that! I’ve another three unpainted yet to join the mob who I really should get sorted.
Three of these Mek Guns are eBay rescues which I’ve yet to repaint as they’re perfectly functional. I do like the Orky feel to the guns. The fourth GW one is, obviously, magnetised to be any of the four possible variants.
Originally each Boyz mob had a heavy weapon embedded (when Orks weren’t quite so rubbish at shooting). Now I think they’re better fielded either as Lootas or Tankbustas. I’m still pleased with the two scratch-built guns two of them are carrying, mainly due to the sheer OTT size of the guns.
Finally, a Trukk to carry some of the Boyz around. I’ve got another rescue from eBay but it needs some attention from the Mekboyz before I can get it on the battlefield.
Excellent work Sir, loving the old school mixed in with the new. Keep up the great work :)
ReplyDeleteThank you: Bludteef will always be an admirer of your Clan, though he would also love to try to krump it in a test of who's the mightiest warboss someday!