Monday, 24 March 2025

Malstrainuous Links


Unexpected horrors!

That nice man Kas sent me a couple of little gifts with the last shipment. It's a pair of Malstrain models! 

When they first came out, I remember thinking 'ooo' before thinking 'no more genestealers, never again'. Having painted something like 150 genestealer cultists and about half that of purestrain, I really feel like I've ticked that box. 

Just goes to show, never say never! This does allow me to claim I've collected some of the gang for the Necromunda Completion List. The Coalescence here is a great model, and if did make my own one last year, this one is a supremely grotesque piece of work. Yes, the tentacles at the bottom are growing out of that poor man's groin. No, we aren't going to look closer. 

The Alpha is even weirder than I realised from the press releases. What is going on with those fused left arms? It's much more spindly than normal genestealers, and all that frothy egg stuff is horribly reminiscent of crayfish roe in the worst possible way. Gross. 

It's covered in all kinds of tiny horrific mutations. My favourite is the tiny hand clasping the massive fist at the bottom like a bracelet. Freaky. An absolute pig to build, though, I have to say. All those interlocking limbs get super tricky to assemble, and the thighs can fit on either way round on either side. I tried all the possible combinations before gluing and still got it wrong, snapped them off and pinned them on again right. First time it's taken me more than 24 hours to put a model together. 

The tongue broke and was beyond my skill to fix, so it's just the top end jammed in its mouth here. A bit more 'dappy dog with its head out the window' than the dangly menace of the original, but still good. The paint scheme is rust themed, with bubbly alien goo for the spores. 

Will they see much use? Nope! They're out of the KnockRat too, after Kas himself utterly murdered them with the Corpse Grinders. I can see a theme developing here, but I'm not letting it put me off completing the collection...

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