Friday, 21 March 2025

Advansaar Party

 Necromunda! Because why wouldn't you?

I'm nearly there, slogging away towards having the last bits for all the gangs and all their options. This time it's the Van Saar extras, their Neoteks on grav cutters and the Arkeoteks with weird and wonderful extra guns. 

Keep it! I got the Pit Bull now.

Nice box set, this one - very monopose, although you can mix and match if you don't mind getting hacky with the snippers. I think four hoverboards is too many, so I kept one on the sprue and did a bit of leg swapping. 

Van Saarnilla posing

First, the Arkeoteks are nice and all, but have extremely static poses. So I took some of the crouching Neotek legs and swapped them in on one of these guys. Needed a bit of green stuff to fix the gaps, but worth the pain to avoid too much casual posing in the Underhive. 

Van Saartorially Superior

I also stuck one of the shields on this one. Having a rad beamer and a plasma pistol (stock options) isn't all that useful, they're both short range options and you can only shoot one at a time. Having a shield instead makes you harder to kill and gives you melee options. Although Van Saar aren't exactly famous for their punchiness, they can pull some nasty surprises out of their sleeves from time to time. The other Arkeotek has a spider rig, a set of artificial arms that's pretty tasty in melee. 


The spare body got turned into a second heavy for the team. The base is the wrong size, but nuts to that. I changed the barrel of the gun for a melta nozzle (it's a monomelta, I couldn't find a second one), and replaced his other arm with a twisty mass of metal tentacles. I didn't really like the cyber dreadlocks on the Van Saar generally, although the Arkeoteks wear them well. They do make for some nice spare parts, though, and a weird artificial arm seems a good place to use them. 

Elsewhere I stuck to the models as they're supposed to be built, with only two mild exceptions. First - flying stands. Yuck. GW curved flight stands are awful bits of kit, difficult to glue in place with fragile contact points. I'm done with them, plus they also make these surfers very tall and top-heavy. Paper clip replacements all round. 

Modelling for advaantage

Second - this one is jumping off hers to pistol whip someone and die trying. 

If you've really been paying close attention, you'll have spotted that the KnockRat qualifier that featured Van Saar had some Neoteks in it. That was a couple of months ago, long before I got this box. What heresy did I pull for the grav cutters, I hear you ask?

Effing flight stands. There's part of a Taurox track casing on one and the underside of a Leviathan Dreadnought's foot on the other. They're very stop-gap, I drybrushed them silver then blu-tacked the Van Saar gangers on to them during the battle report, but I like them enough to keep them for another day. 

That's the lot for this kit! No more Van Saar now, I'm not fond of their mech vehicle thing, and although they have some lovely champions from Forge World, there's already more than I'll ever use right here. I mean, I got this set knowing they'd been knocked out of the tournament. Proxy guilt is a terrible thing!

Meet the gang 'cos Van Saar is here
Van Saar to perforate you

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