In some other part of the multiverse, there is a version of me that paints terrain.
Notwithstanding, I'm taking the upcoming Crisis Protocol knockout seriously, so I'll need some extra bits and pieces for the superheroes to yeet at each other.
First up is the Construction Site set - I like this, since it would allow me to dress some of my wasteland battle mats to look like a building site, allowing me to have a different set-up than urban streets.
Actual barrels - they're terrain painter 101, but I've never actually done them before. I'd recommend the experience.
Moving into some heftier stuff - the loader and cement mixer. The hard part here was getting enough layers of Averland Sunset to cover the black undercoat (and then washing all that bright yellow in Agrax to make it look used).
The crowning piece here is the portacabin - not least because it's a Size 4 piece of terrain (which I don't have that much of), so it will benefit the bigger heroes in the roster. Being grey already, a zenthial prime got me most of the way there, and then I just had to 'distress' the building with washes and overbrushing.
It's bit downmarket for Kingpin, but I can imagine him operating out of here, like Frank Butcher's car dealership.
Speaking of cars, I got a bargain with these three vehicles: £5 for three!

Lorries are also Size 4 terrain pieces, so pretty useful, and the chance to slap on some in-universe branding. The downside is that one truck from the official set will cost around £25. The upside is that these kids toys are a pretty close match for the scale.
There was a nice variety for them too - Oscorp got the chemical tanker, and Fisk got waste management. Once the whole toy was primed, it was just a case of adding the details back in.
I also had to superglue the wheels in place, as the temptation to vroom-vroom them was strong.

Disaster nearly struck with the third vehicle, as the paint started to melt away the outer layer on the enamel. I tried to give it a black primer to start over, but the bright colour still cracked through.
Making a virtue of this, I painted the cracks a flame red and, with the help of some suitable decals (thank you, Word Bearers), made it into Johnny 'Ghost Rider' Blaze's touring truck.
To round off the selection, I picked up some more of the original NYC terrain. Just lampposts and traffic lights, but having to freehand in the signals is always fun.
Dumpsters. I had to research what the bulldog logo meant - apparently an in-universe company called Damage Control who clear up superhero messes. Now you know.
One of the cars was missing a wheel, so I went with it and smashed up the windscreen too (a snip off a sprue and scratching away with an Exacto).
I didn't want to make the kiosk another Daily Bugle stand, as that's a bit too much of a monopoly. In keeping with the vandalised car, I removed the sign and went for a boarded-up look (coffee stirrers).
But the real fun is around the back - with a blank slate to work on, I tried to recreate Miles Morales' graffiti artwork of 'no expectations'.
It took a few adjustments (because apparently I can't spell 'expectations') but I'm chuffed with the result. It was great fun to do - I'll have to find more things I can graffiti (for tabletop terrain, not in real life, your honour).
And that's the set. Don't get too used to it - if it's doing its job right, it will be smashed over someone's head before the game ends!
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