Monday 23 September 2024

A Range o' yon Knights

 Like Arabian days!

Sadly, I'm not doing much gaming or painting at the moment. Life has intruded! I'm busy studying again, and the coursework just isn't as GW-heavy as I hoped. 

Slowly over the last month I did manage to crawl through a set of Armigers for Kas. Finishing them leaves my queue empty, and that's no bad thing right now. 

These two are Brigands, unless they're Stalkers or Karnivores. I'm a bit vague on the differences, I haven't played as or against Chaos Knights in a very long time. All in the weapons, I'm sure, which are of course magnetised so they can swap about and confuse me even further. 

There's one in the standard Crypt Angels colours and one in a sort of Slaanesh Zebra scheme. Always nice to mix it up a bit, I think. 

The other one is a loyalist (unless it secretly isn't). A Knight Moirax with Graviton Pulsar and Volkite Veuglaire - fancy weapons from a fancier time. Bet they aren't a spicy on the tabletop as they sound, though, I got the feeling the Forge World stuff took a bit of a kicking when they brought it into the fold. Although the fact that Kas took the trouble to get hold of one might say otherwise!

Nice to paint some big stomps again. They're heading back to their overlord in due course. Who knows, perhaps they'll turn up on wargames telly someday!


  1. They all look awesome, really chonky boys! I like the variety of paint schemes too (not that I don't appreciate the traditional Crypt Angel colours)

  2. The Slaanesh Zebra scheme works so well, though! That and the hearthfire glow in the eyes really pop off against each other. Great stuff.

    Chaos Knights were actually the lure to bring me back into 40K a few years ago, but I feel they're more of a pick-up games at the store kind of army than a play one super casual game a month at most kind of army, you know? The old worries about turning up with something that a random grab bag of second hand Space Marines are going to have a lousy time against.
