Monday 9 September 2024

EXT: Silo

Quick and easy scenery plus I get to eat crisps? I'm in. 

My kids found some YouTube stuff on people making towers out of Pringles cans, and correctly identified this as 'something Dad does because he's weird'. Over the summer, they challenged me to make some, and I only worked out later that it was a clever tactic to get me to buy Pringles so they could eat them. Well played, offspring, well played. 

There's two, but the other isn't quite ready to be shown yet. Today's effort was a very quick and easy bit of work. 

It's some paper sheets made by a chap called TommyGun, printed out and glued swiftly over an empty can. Took minutes at best! You can find the PDFs required here, and he also made other ones to go into other settings, like a wooden one for Mordheim. 

Obviously, I had to overcomplicate things, so I added a bunch of tiny posters (from a variety of sources, none of them made by me) and some GSW graffiti transfers. A touch of ink and powder to cover any white paper edges, then I gluegunned it all to a bit of card with a rock on it for weight, then covered the seams with pumice paste and painted it with various rusty weathering powders. 

It looked great, but a bit wrong somehow - no apparent way of getting the juicy contents in or out. So I glued a bit of rubber tube to it, or at least to a bit of wood that I sanded to fit the curve of the tin (I put the sandpaper round another Pringles tub and filed it until it joined snugly). That was decorated with some anti-vandal spikes courtesy of a Chaos Rhino. 

Dead easy and surprisingly effective, and it made its debut in the Necromunda game from the other week. Perfect for those of you who want tall scenery but don't like painting, Stylus! 


  1. It looks disproportionately impressive for the apparent ease of construction!

  2. Fantastic idea. I'm tempted to try this, but am concerned that I wouldn't be able to stop.

    1. You're fine as long as you don't pop. That's how they get you.
