Tuesday 13 September 2022

I'm Walking Here


Tiny Stormtroopers deserve tiny AT-ATs. 

This is a Mammoth Walker from Archon's Rampart kickstarter. Smart bit of kit - a chunky, stompy tank with a choice of guns. 

Not enough guns for my taste, though! If it's going to cosplay as a Taurox Prime (which it is, the Sleipnir variant), it needed some extra cannons. Step in the spare missile pods from one of the Valkyries, and it's got a lethal pair of Mickey Mouse ears. 

The front gun has pins to swap in and out with, which needed a bit of green stuff for a tighter fit into the hollow cannons. The legs can slot in and out without the need for tinkering, so it can have two legs or four. Or three, if you like a wonky tripod. The quad walker is my favourite, I think the chicken looks a bit scrawny. 

This came with my delivery of tons of excellent ruined city terrain, which I am already making inroads into. Expect more soon!


  1. That's awesome. Although I somehow feel it is giving me a limited amount of time to comply.

    1. Depends on how high up the ladder of corporate power you've crept recently.

  2. That does look cool. I prefer the four-legged look too (though it reminds me of a Zoid from the 80s; not sure which one) over the two-legged one, which is a bit top-heavy. Always nice to have options though

  3. That is awesome, great work
