Tuesday 31 October 2017

All Wight By Me

Happy Halloween! Let's start a Deathrattle army!

Wight King with Baleful Tomb Blade, Deathrattle, Age of Sigmar

No, that would be crazy. Or would it? The Start Collecting! boxes have broken my will and I just don't know any more...

Let's assume that I'm not doing another Age of Sigmar faction (although Death is the one grand alliance I haven't done yet...), and that this is just a model I've been keen to paint for quite a while.

In fact, I bought him in the dark days between the End Time and Age of Sigmar, when the internet had stirred itself into a wee panic (for a change) and no-one knew what was staying and what was going to be discontinued.

So in a fine example of 'what would save from a burning building?', I bought a load of miniatures that were totally unrelated to my collections, but I'd kick myself if I never go the chance to paint.

Wight King with Baleful Tomb Blade, Deathrattle, Age of Sigmar

The paint job was simple, as lots of undead models can be when you start with a black undercoat:
  • Bone: Ushabdi Bone base, Sereaphim Sepia wash, Tyrant Skull drybrush
  • Armour: Black undercoat, Ironbreaker drybrush, Runelord Brass drybrush
  • Crown: Retributor Armour base, Typhus Corrosion wash
  • Side-armour: Runelord Brass base, Agrax Earthshade wash
  • Cloth: Skrag Brown base, Agrax Earthshade wash
  • Fur: Black undercoat, The Fant drybrush, Nuln Oil wash, Agrax Earthshade wash
  • Cloak: Typhus Corrosion undercoat, Kabalite Green base, Nuln Oil wash
  • Straps: XV-88 base, Agrax Earthshade wash
  • Shield: Black undercoat, Ironbreaker drybrush, Incubi Darkness details
  • Sword: Kabalite Green base, Warboss Green layer, Nihilakh Oxide wash, White Scar layer
  • Base: Mechanicus Standard Grey base, Astrogranite Debris, Nuln Oil Wash

Wight King with Baleful Tomb Blade, Deathrattle, Age of Sigmar

I was particularly happy with how the Baleful Tomb Blade turned out. Continuing my adventures in wet blending, I started with a dark green all over the sword, then layered up to a shining white tip. Hello D3 wounds!

Wight King with Baleful Tomb Blade, Deathrattle, Age of Sigmar

The cloak has some great motion to it, but the clean plastic makes it look a bit pristine for something that's supposed to have been rotting in a barrow for centuries. I threw on a layer of Typhus Corrosion to rough up the edges a bit, which seems to have helped.

Wight King with Baleful Tomb Blade, Deathrattle, Age of Sigmar

Until next time, boo!


  1. A splendid model done excellent justice.

    1. Cheers! I think I needed to be loosed from the umbilical cord of Warhammer Fantasy before I could just paint whatever I damnwell felt like.
