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She doesn't have bad dreams because she's just a piece of plastic. |
They mostly come at Skype Night.
Future firefight time, and it's a notable occasion - Stylus's first game of 40K!
I am ready, man. I am the ultimate badass.
Although I've painted quite a lot of 40K stuff in the last few years (about five armies' worth), none of it's actually mine. As it happens, though, I've got enough odds and ends of my own elderly stuff about to put together a small army. Especially when bolstered by Kas and Leofa's gear from recent painting. Turned out there was easily enough for 750 points a side of Genestealer Cults and Marines.
By way of kind introduction, we're playing the Ambush scenario from the narrative games. This plays quite strongly to the two armies in terms of narrative, I reckon, so Stylus is taking the Cults while I attempt to stay frosty. I start off surrounded, and have to escape off the far edge for a win.
We played almost as standard rules, but with two exceptions. First, we'll use points instead of power value for both army selection and working out whether I escape or not. Second, Stylus can opt to deploy his units in Cult Ambush (so we can use the excellent rule) but can still place a misleading blip counter for units in hiding, just to keep me guessing.
Chickenshit Outfit - Battalion Detachment
- Brother Captain Ripley - Relic Blade
- Lieutenant Burke - Power Axe
- Tactical Squad Apone - Sergeant with Combi-flamer, Heavy Bolter
- Tactical Squad Hudson - Ditto
- Scout Squad Newt - Sergeant with Power Sword and Plasma Pistol
- Devastator Centurion Squad Vasquez - Sergeant with two Heavy Bolters and Centurion Missile Launcher, two Centurions with Hurricane Bolters and Grav Cannon/Amp
Otherwise, I've got a small spattering of troops and HQ to fill the requirements for a Battalion. Plenty of bolter fire, and as long as I stay close, great rerolls of pretty much all 1s from the leadership. State of the badass art.
Genestealer Cult
Assholes and Elbows - Patrol Detachment
- The Bitch - 1 x Patriarch, monstrous rending claws
- Nostromo Brood - 10 x Purestrain Genestealers, rending claws
- Sulaco Brood - 10 x Purestrain Genestealers, rending claws
- Brotherhood Shusett - 5 x Acolyte Hybrids - Heavy Rock Drill, Heavy Rock Cutter, Icon, Bonesword and Lash Whip
- Brotherhood Giger - 12 x Neophyte Hybrids - Bolt Pistol, Icon, Hand Flamer, Mining Laser, Seismic Cannon
Notwithstanding, I'm looking forward to my outing with the Xenomorphs. My selection is limited by what is available - but when 20 Purestrains are available, it's hard to complain. So may elites means I miss out on three extra command points from not having a battalion, but them's your eggs (DON'T LOOK INTO THE EGGS, KANE!)
The hybrids have some nice toys to augment their flimsy autoguns and autopistols, and in addition to his combat prowess, the Patriarch can access some very tasty psychic powers.
Terrain and Deployment
A nice open space with but a pre-deployed drop pod (non-functional) for cover. Owing to the small size of the game, we'd initially planned to play on a 4x4 table, but I got carried away when I was setting out the industrial sector scenery, and cracked out some Space Hulk tiles to decorate the spare parts of the board. So that bit is an underground bunker complex, where anything that's not a tile blocks line of sight, and I strongly suspect it's going to be full of cowering xenos as a result.
Stylus deploys his blips first, then I stick my hapless grunts out in the open and wait for the worst.
So that's the Patriarch and one pack of Purestrains lurking around the nearest cover. The Acolytes are also hiding, ready to play backstop to any marines that reach the scoring zone. As my only ranged option (such as it is), the Neophytes hunker down on the elevated platform. I keep the other pack of Purestrains as a hidden ace.
Yep, that's pretty bad. We both immediately start throwing Command Points around. Stylus decides an extra turn of night fighting is called for, and I attempt to steal the first turn. And fail, and very nearly squander another CP on a reroll, then remember I have a long way to go to the exit signs. Luckily I know the drill - assholes and elbows. Let's go!
Genestealer Cult Turn 1
This seems simple enough - my goal is to get into combat as quickly as possible. The Patriarch begins well, with a big advance roll that takes him to within spitting distance of the closest Tactical squad. His Purestrains, however, don't seem to have read the memo, and amble behind him at a leisurely pace. I have to spend a command point just to get them close enough to soak up some of the boss's wounds.
(hmm ... two CPs spent and I've only rolled two dice. Maybe I should have tried for that battalion)
My Acolytes stay hidden away from trouble, and I keep my other Purestrains in ambush for the moment (frankly, I don't trust my dice rolling to land them anywhere useful).
But the Devastators may not be an issue, as I've got a killer psychic phase coming up: I attempt Mind Control on one of the Centurions. With 3D6, I easily overpower the poor guy's Leadership, and then make him turn his guns on his comrades. Unfortunately, it appears the only thing Centurions are better at than shooting is actually getting shot, and I fail to do any wounds at all.
It gets worse from there... Kraken cunningly plays the Tables Turned stratagem from the scenario. For 2 command points, a unit that has been shot at can now take a turn of shooting. Ulp.
It gets worse from there ... my ever-eager Patriarch is by far the closest model, so he's going to take the full brunt of their shooting. His invulnerable save does its best, and the lazy Purestrains try and absorb his hits, but at the end of it, eight of my genestealers are dead and the Patriarch is down to his last two wounds.
(that really hurt - but how could I have foreseen Kraken had that ability ... other than actually reading the scenario properly)
So my strike force has lost a little of its edge - let's see what the shooting can do. The Neophytes' big weapons all miss, but they do gun down a single marine with their autoguns - at last, I get something!
In the morale phase, the two surviving Purestrains decide they've had enough, and leave to explore the possibilities of a franchise reboot.
Space Marines Turn 1
Well, the first turn certainly could have been a lot worse for me, but there's another unit of purestrain out there somewhere, and a hulking great Patriarch right up in my grill.
The scouts and unengaged tactial marines both advance, sprinting for the doors and backed up by the Lieutenant. The Captain moves up ready to counter-charge the Patriarch, and the Devastators stomp gently along behind, providing fire support.
And what support it is! A single fusillade is easily enough to deplete the Neophyte unit to the extent that the few survivors bug out immediately. And in combat, the Captain's
Genestealer Cult Turn 2
It's probably time to play the ace up my sleeve while I still have some sleeves left. The second unit of Purestrains deploy from Ambush, and get quite a good roll, dropping within charge range of the Devastators. I must surely be a match for the big guns in close combat, and if I can take them down, I may be able to deplete Kraken's force sufficiently that he can't escape the ambush (he needs one-third to survive).
The remaining Acolytes are less optimistic about their chances against the massed firepower, and sneak into the tunnels, hoping to bushwhack the escapees as they run.
The Purestrains make the charge, though it costs me my last command point and couple of causalities to overwatch. The useless buggers then proceed to whiff their entire round of attacks, leaving the Centurions with not so much as a scratch.
In return, the Centurions pulp the Purestrains, leaving the few survivors to scatter.
I sense I'm not going to turn the tide with five Acolytes, and so concede the fight.
Result - Victory to the USCM!
Seeing as this only took about an hour, we have plenty of time for a rematch.
This time, as my sensoriums clear, I discover that there are in fact no blips surrounding my position. In fact, all I know is that there's no contact with the colony and a xenomorph may be involved. Great.
Ha-ha! I deployed everything in Genestealer Ambush! Not something I've have been able to do in Matched Play, but fine for Narrative (especially this Narrative). I don't spend any command points to make the night fighting last longer, as I sense I may need them for my Ambush rolls.
Deployment this time is a nice box with the Centurions up front. They're slow, but if they could somehow get off the table, they're valuable enough that I'd win straight off. |
Genestealer Cult Turn 1
My gamble pays off - I roll high for all five of my ambushing units. The Patriarch, one pack of Purestrains, and the Acolytes all converge on the Centurions (we've got a grudge to settle here). The Neophytes roll so well, they get an extra turn of shooting (although with movement, night and their rubbish BS, they hit nothing). With no more room up front, the remaining brood of Purestrains lurk ominously in the rear.
In the Psychic phase, I've swapped out Mind Control for Mass Hypnosis. While not as dramatic as taking over an enemy model, it may be one of the best powers in the game: one enemy unit cannot Overwatch, fights last (even if it charged) and subtracts 1 to hit. I slap it on the Centurions without hesitation.
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"Look into my eyes ... directly into my eyes." |
In the Shooting phase, the Neophytes continue to miss every shot they take, and we're into the assault!
Free from Overwatch, my Patriarch leaps into the fray against the Centurions. His Purestrains follow that example ... with a double 1. I spend a command point to shift their lazy hides - but I still get a one. There are clearly some unresolved Daddy issues here, and the brood don't want to support him.
Luckily, the Acolytes are more loyal and complete their charge, revving up their various mining apparatus as they do so.
In the rear, the second unit of Purestrains also fail their charge (seriously, what is wrong with these genestealers? Did someone throw a load of facehuggers into the sloths enclosure?)
Combat begins: the Heavy Rock Drill and the Heavy Rock Cutter finally get to demonstrate why they are ideal for taking down heavily-armoured, multi-wound targets. They snag a Centurion apiece, while the Patriarch and remaining Acolytles tear down the last one.
Before Kraken has time to wonder why he's not getting a counterattack, I've consolidated towards the two squads of tactical marines. (I mean for both the Patriarch and Acolytes to go into the same one, but battle is a confusing place, especially when fought over Skype. Besides, this Patriarch is clearly something of a loner, and the more squads in combat, the less they'll shoot at me, so I'll go with it).
I don't think he'd have been able to - he has to consolidate towards the nearest unit, and that left him no choice.
A much better first turn than last time - over to the Corps!
Space Marines Turn 1
That's it, man. Game over, man. Game over! What the f*** are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do?
Obviously, I'm going to get my shit together, pull back to a safe distance and nuke the site from orbit. From what I understand, it's the only way to be sure.
Sadly, I don't have the CPs for a tactical nuke. So as before, the scouts and unengaged tactical squad run for it, while the leaders move up to provide support.
The LT wastes a nearby purestrain with his Bolter, which at least removes their extra attack on the charge. Then from close range, the marines fighting the Patriarch unload their bolt pistols and score a cheeky pair of wounds, and Captain Ripley once again finishes the job with her Relic Blade.
For the second fight in a row - you could at least use an airlock next time.
Gorman then also charges into the Acolytes, but this doesn't go very well. Not only does he lose a wound to Overwatch, he fails to kill any of them with his axe. Then they drill through his foot and cut him in half with their power scissors, and that's it for him.
Genestealer Cult Turn 2
There goes another Patriarch, but he was clearly slowing us down. Smash the Patriarchy!
My two packs of Purestrains close in on two squads like a perfect pincer: tactical to the front, scouts to the rear. A couple fall to overwatch, but I think this may go their way.
In the Shooting phase, the Neophytes take revenge for their fallen papa by actually managing to hit the Captain - one with a Seismic Cannon and again, more gallingly, with a humble autogun.
The Assault phase brings the Acolytes into the Captain, losing a couple of guys to overwatch, but fortunately, none of the special assault weapons (which are still dripping gore and rent armour from the Centurions and hapless Lieutenant).
Both Purestrains make their charges, with only a couple lost to overwatch.
The Purestrains go to town on the marines, tearing both squads to pieces many times over.
Even better, the Acolytes continue their bid for MVP and tear down the Captain - the Power Loader falls!
Space Marines Turn 2
Technically, I've already lost. But let's not get hung up on the technicalities! There are aliens to kill, and if I can table Stylus before turn five, I'm still in with a chance!
The remaining squad advance with a mean look in their eyes. Sarge turns and roasts a pair of crispy Acolytes with his combi-flamer, then joins in the rest of the fire on the neophytes, shooting down a handful in preparation for the charge.
When it comes, the overwatch fire is pretty tame. Almost like someone took their magazines so they couldn't rupture the coolant system or something. Whatever the reason, I take advantage and break some skulls - we're down to knives and sharp sticks here!
Despite a sterling effort, it's not quite enough to break the Cultists, and their morale check sees a mere one more fleeing for its life. Which leaves me as the filling in what is soon to be a spikey alien death sandwich.
Genestealer Cult Turn 3
Yes, there's not much more to tell: the Purestrains make huge advance rolls, and with the marines still locked in combat with the handful of plucky Neophytes, Kraken doesn't even get a chance to overwatch as we all charge in.
There is some jostling for position on who gets to make the kills, but suffice to say we should draw a veil over what happens and cut to the shots of the genestealers breaking out the toothpicks.
Result - Victory to the Genestealer Cults!
Locker Room
Consider me a convert - sign me up for 40k and give me a faceful of ovipositor! That was a lot of fun! Being a close cousin of Age of Sigmar, the rules were easy enough to pick up, but I'd say this may be even better than its counterpart. The tweaks around shooting, the command points and stratagems ... I'm ready for a lot more of this.Playing the Genestealer Cults was tremendous fun too. I'm not sure I'd want to commit to building an army, since Leofa already has them, and it would be good to keep things diverse. But, it's always good to have a second army (although I should probably paint the first one first)
There's some good stuff in that list - love the Acolytes, love the pschyic powers, I'll bet even the Patriarch is good once I stop playing him like a total Burke. Ready to get it on!
Excellent! Looking at the deployment, I was fairly confident I'd lose this game after getting overrun with 'Stealers in the first turn. Pulling a surprise win out of the bag was great, but I reckon we could put that down to Stylus's inexperience - the re-run allowed him to maximise his ambush tricks, and went down much more as I expected it to.
Very much as you'd expect, the Marines win as long as they can keep shooting, and the Cults win when they make it into assault. Nice to see that a Space Marine Captain can deal with a Patriarch on the countercharge, although I very much doubt he'd survive a one-on-one charge from it either.
The units bear this out individually as well. Our heroes are vicious but frail when left unsupported by troops. The Centurions can obliterate enemies with weight of fire, but are no match for dedicated close combat troops. And my troopers are reliable but not really exceptional, or fielded in squads large enough to put a big dent in enemies, although they clearly outclass mere cultists.
I really should have put some points into a Librarian next time, those psychic powers were nasty! The mass hypnosis was a big problem in the second game, and I was lucky first time round when the mind controlled Centurion whiffed his attacks - could have been very costly.
More soon!
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