Genestealer Cults: The Indentured Order of the Mabinogii

"Are you happy, o citizens? Do you look at the grey towers in which we dwell, decked with rust and crawling with vermipodes, and feel your hearts sing? Do you rise from your slumcells hungry for each wracking day of duty? Perhaps your shoulders yearn for the grasp of the ore lugger's harness on your shoulders? Or, while you labour in the dusty mine, do your work songs come truly from your heart as the autohymnal drones, as the indolent Overdeacon stares at your face, searching for the least crack of doubt and a reason to raise his prod? 

"Most certainly, you revel in those riches your hard labour rewards you with! That fistful of eighths and ninths that you will mostly hand back to the Porter-Warden when you come home each day. For who does not earnestly rejoice in the chance to pay back their indenturing fee, so modestly charged by the Imperium when they brought us to this salt-scoured, forsaken desert? Who here balks when the sorry remainder of their wage is taken by the caupo for our slummish, crowded rooms or by the hospes for what he wearily reminds you is better food than we deserve?

"No, I look around this room, and see only happy faces. Only contentment and smiles! After all, who amongst you would ever dare to dream of a different life, a truly egalitarian life, a life amongst the promised stars, a life eternal with no boot across your neck, no golden two-faced eagle chained to your back, no shackles, no work, no punishment, no poverty, no tyrants but the benevolent ones we ourselves could become! 

"Ah, just think of it! Food, entire planets' worth of it, yours for the taking! Power, enough to frighten even the bogeymen Astartes! Freedom, to move beyond your petty place in these mines and finally evolve to the godlike beings you know in your hearts you ought to be!

"No. No, o ye drudges of Hervex, I know none of you share this dream of mine. Not yet. But I do not despair, I shall not give up, I will not, not until every last one of us has shucked the yoke of our slavers and risen, risen, risen to that place in the heavens that we all so richly deserve!"

Excerpt from The Cantina Sermon, Hervex D, attributed to the labourer known as Narthulon


  • Patriarch
  • Magus
  • Jackal Alphus
  • Primus
  • Acolyte Iconward 


  • 14 Neophytes (autoguns)
  • 20 Neophytes (shotguns)
  • 20 Neophytes (autoguns)
  • 20 Neophytes (assorted)
  • 11 Acolyte Hybrids (one of each special option, hand flamers otherwise)
The Neophytes have options for 3 flamers, a webber, two grenade launchers, 2 mining lasers, a seismic gun and a heavy stubber. Their leaders techically have power pick/laspistol, power pick/shotgun and webpistol/maul, but take what you like, I say.


  • Kelemorph
  • Clamavus
  • Nexos
  • Reductus Saboteur
  • Sanctus
  • 5 Aberrants
  • 48 Purestrain Genestealers

Fast Attack

  • Achilles Ridgerunner
  • 5 Atalan Jackals

Heavy Support

  • Goliath Rockgrinder

Pappa Grease, Patriarch

"I am twelve years old, and have had over four hundred children."

Narthulon, Magus

"This is my message to you, Comrades: Rebellion!"

Barrabus Singe, Primus
"For myself I do not grumble, for I am one of the lucky ones."

Jed Collier, Acolyte Iconward
"Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished forever."

Jerezel Tark, Jackal Alpha
She seized the gun… and let fly a charge of number 6 shot into the darkness

The Men of Iota Pit
"And among us... let there be perfect unity,
perfect comradeship in the struggle."

The Men of Gamma Tunnel
”Let us face it: our lives are miserable, laborious and short.”

The Men of Delta Gallery
"Almost overnight, we could become rich and free."

The Brethren of Omega Adit
"Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers."

The Men Comrades of Mu Shaft
"Soon or late, the day is coming
Tyrant Man shall be o'erthrown"

Steph Nates, Reductus Saboteur
"Do you not see what they are doing? 
In another moment they are going to pack blasting powder into that hole."

Janethi Jones, Sanctus
Jones, who was marching ahead with a gun in her hands

Nathanien Görm, Nexus
Day and night we are watching over your welfare.

Tarabus Claunge, Clamavus
"Never mind the milk, comrades! That will be attended to. The harvest is more important."

Bald Petarch McPhree, Kelermorph
 ”War is war. The only good human being is a dead one.”

The Minecart Mules
"Donkeys live a long time. None of you have ever seen a dead donkey."

Atalan Jackals
Four Wheels Good, Two Wheels Better

Achilles Ridgerunner
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy

Goliath Rockgrinder
Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler


  1. So I've always liked the little literary bits you weave through these writeups, but Animal Farm took me by surprise. Excellent choice.

    1. Cheers! It was all Stylus's doing originally, he put LotR and Shakespeare quotes on all his WFB armies.
