Monday, 27 January 2025


 Trawling the bottom of my paint barrel!

Nothing left for it but to get creative. I have no models to paint beyond the grab-bag of surviving plastic from early 90s Heroquest, most of which I've painted before and would rather leave as a testament to those times. Needs must when the devil drives, though!

They call him the Manager, because he owns the club.

So there's a pair of Against the Ogre Horde models, a regular with his charming face and a shave-headed champion. Replacement weapons for the latter, his original arm had gone walkies, now he's got a chainsword on a stick. 

This guy is proper old school, an original Blood Bowl human from the first box set with the polystyrene pitch. In those days, all the team members had the same model, and you told them apart by the colour of their bases. This one had been converted to a Chaos Champion by gluing a lego sword to one hand and a tyranid arm to his armpit, courtesy of Teenage Kraken. His all-new pseudo-space-marine look is by way of apology. 

Lastly, some very over-due bits box work. Eight or nine years ago, I got a bag of miscast Norse resin from Mierce that featured most of several trolls. Some of them were pretty much complete bar a broken nail or missing hand; two of them had solid torsos but no actual matching arms, legs or weapons. 

The huge spears are from some other part of the Mierce range, the shoulder pads are shields from plastic Reaper Bones Gnolls, the feet and club are GW Giant.

Even longer back, I got a plastic Warhammer Giant kit. Now, after ten plus years of loyal bits box service, the last scraps are finally used - the spare hands and feet weren't a great fit for the resin trolls, but my greenstuffing has come on a bit since. So here they are, botched together from mismatched parts but looking all the more brutal for it. 

No beard on this one, but the red-shirt is sticking to my trend of unlucky redheads as window dressing.

The top arm is more random Norse Mierce, not a troll bit but close enough. Giant hands, with some spare plastic chains and girders from the bits box. I'm really pleased with how the chain came out in particular, it's nice and dynamic. 

Which means I have a unit of four of them now! Dunno if they'll ever get used, but they look great, chunky and imposing. 

Right - time to start asking for commission work, before I paint any more Heroquest Fimir. 

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