I know, I'm late on my New Year's Blogging.
Did I manage the only important resolution from last year, to beat Stylus at a game of Blood Bowl? Reader, I did not.No,I managed to bring my veteran Chaos team to a humiliating defeat at the hands of a rookie Halfling team, that being the Stylus's idea of giving me a handicap. Yes, he hired Morg'n Thorg to make up the points difference, and yes, the infamous Star Player kicked my ass. I don't want to talk about it any more.
We squeezed a New Year's Eve final attempt in at the last minute, a rookie Alliance team (humans, halfling and an Ogre) against those same Halflings. A much closer and better game! Lots of fouls and use of thrown halflings as a weapon. 1-1 until the last turn. I'd injured one of his Treemen, but the other still stood and threw the ball carrier half-way across the pitch for a last second score.
Otherwise, last year was relatively quiet. I didn't play much (beyond a full Necromunda two-player campaign!), I didn't paint much (for me, anyway, so only an entire Dwarf army and a whole bunch of Necromunda stuff) and I purchased very little.
This year, the plan is more or less the same, only I'd like to play more. I have a plan for that! Watch this space... And I'm still going to try and beat Stylus at Blood Bowl, and I'm still going to lose.
Quite genuinely not the beginning of a new army, I swear. |
From the tail end of last year, though, when my painting queue was empty and my work hours long, there's the pile of chests up top, a Mantic piece picked up by my kids many years ago and now retooled. I also have a pair of freebie GW models of the month, one as nature intended and one warped by the hand of man into a twisted form. Happy New Year, Woffbooters - may you roll fewer ones than I!
Bring back Scavvies for Necromunda, GW, you know you want to |
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