Game Size & Mission
Blood Angels - Battalion Detachment 12CP
- HQ - Captain Rapidus - Warlord, Jump Pack, Storm Shield, The Angels Wing & Artisan of War
- HQ - Lemartes - Invocation of Destruction, Canticle of Hate
- Troops - Primaris Assault Squad
- Troops - Primaris Assault Squad
- Troops - Tactical Squad, Bolters
- Elites - Aggressor Squad 5man - Flamestorm Gauntlets
- Elites - Death Company 10man - Chainswords, Bolter
- Elites - Invictor Tactical Warsuit - Twin ironhail Autocannon
- Fast Attack - Outrider Squad
- Heavy Support - Eliminator Squad - Bolt Sniper
- Dedicated Transport - Impulsor, - Shield Dome, 2 Storm Bolters
- Dedicated Transport - Impulsor - Shield Dome, 2 Storm Bolters
- Dedicated Transport - Repulsor - All the guns! Twin Lascannon
- Dedicated Transport - Rhino, Storm Bolter
Imperial Fists - Battalion Detachment 12CP
- Extra relics 1
- HQ - Librarian in Phobos Armor, The Bones of Osrak
- Psychic: Wrack and Ruin, Fortify
- HQ - Primaris Captain, Power Sword
- Hand of Dorn, Stratagem:Sentinal of Terra, The Eye of Hypnoth
- HQ - Techmarine, Chainsword, Servo Arm, Storbolter
- Master of the Forge
- Troops - Infiltrator Squad
- Troops - Intercessor Squad - Stalker Bolt Rifle
- Sgt - Thunder Hammer
- Troops - Intercessor Squad - Stalker Bolt Rifle
- Sgt - Power Fist
- Troops - Intercessor Squad - Stalker Bolt Rifle, Aux Grenade Launcher
- Sgt - Power Fist
- Elites - Aggressor Squad - Flamestorm Gauntlets
- Elites - Invictor Tactical Warsuit -
- Fragstorm Grenade launcher, HB, Incedium Cannon, 2 Irontail heavy stubbers, Invictor Fist
- Elites - Venerable Dreadnought - Dreadnought Combat Weapon Storm Bolter, Twin Lascannon
- Fast Attack - Inceptor Squad 4man - Assault Bolters
- Heavy Support - Eliminator Squad - Bolt Sniper
- Heavy Support - Relic Leviathan Dreadnought - 2x Stormcannon Array (Ouchies)
- Heavy Support - Thunderfire Cannon
- Techmarine Gunner - Plasma Cutter, Flamer & Servo Arm
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Mine: Data Intercept, Engage on all fronts , Slay the Warlord
Beanie's: Bring it down, Engage on all fronts, Attrition
Determining Attacker and Defender
After a roll off. I rolled a 6! That's two 6s this game already. Its going to keep going like that isn't it... Beanie rolled a 5. I win the game right?
I chose the to be defender and the deployment zone.
As the defender I had to put down a unit first. Having played Beanie a few times & experimenting with ways around the turn 1 rules to the Imperial Fists, I decided to 'want for a better word' hide.This was my overall tactic and the list reflect this. The squishy units are inside the tin cans of higher toughness, to weather the storm of Bolter fire. The trade off against the Imperial Fist vehicle damage bonus is about to be tested.
Deployment was cagey. My main concern to keep out of range or out of sight where possible. I did this until the end when I put the Repulsor out in the semi-open. Beanie had waited until the end to put the Leviathan down. He wanted to place the Leviathan ready to hit the Repulsor.
Unfortunately in our haste, we didn't get a photo of the deployed armies. But the First turn movement was pretty slim and shown below.
I won the roll off again and chose to go first.
Blood Angels Turn 1
I come into this game knowing that Beanie would either be running a Leviathan or Centurions and some sort of castle to buff those units. The Smash Captain, Lemartes and the Death Company were to deal with those targets. But without access to them turn 1 I would need a unit to get in there are tie the Leviathan up. All his firepower into my Repulsor is probably going to take it off the board. Its about now that I start to think that the Repulsor should have sat back out of the 24in Range (+movement).
First move is pushing the Outriders forward to an un-failable charge distance of the Leviathan.
Intercessors advance from the curved bunker with a MASSIVE 1inch extra! - yay dice rolls
The Impulsors, shielded by the ruins from the Lascannons of the Dreadnought push forward their full move. Hindsight tells me that these should have advanced.
Finally the Eliminators reposition on the tower to be fully out of sight from Beanies Eliminators.
The Repulsor & Outriders open up with everything into the Leviathan. Not the best, but it is impressively tough. A few shots get through and its down to 12 Wounds. It bleeds! We can kill it!
Impulsors and Rhino are out of range so its down to the Eliminators to make some shots. 2 of the 3 can see Beanies Primaris Captain, the centre of the buffs. As the Sergeant cannot see he chooses to guide their aim. "Up a bit, down a bit. No not the squirrel you idiot. The Captain. Stick this Mortis round in and pop his noodle." A round whistles across the battlefield taking 2 wounds off the Captain.
The Outrider charges into the Leviathan eating the overwatch. 1 Bike falls by the wayside and another takes a wound. After combat the Leviathan is down to 9 Wounds.
My Rhino has started his Data Intercept action on objective 5
Points scored : 0
Imperial Fists Turn 1
The Imperial Fists response was a slow calculated movement ready for turn 2 points scoring.
Leviathan Stayed in combat with the bikes and the Invictor swung around to the centre of the table looking for more targets. The lone Impulsor shot forward and spilled the Intercessor squad onto the objective ready for some scoring.
Aggressors lumbered forward towards the ruins with the Librarian and Eliminators coming around to get a bead on my Impulsors.
Beanie's Primaris Librarian rubbed his hands together, ready for a psychic power. Wrack and Ruin was the only option, the Eliminators were about to get it. Got it they did, 3 mortal wounds inflicted!
The shooting phase was somewhat more eventful. Feeling confident, the Leviathan shot half his volley into the bikes and the other into the Repulsor. The bikes were no more and some bad save rolls left the Repulsor on 1 wound! The last wound was taken off by the warlord. The yet to be blood red Repulsor collapsed in a heap while the Aggressors got out to sit on the point.
Thought hidden, 1 Intercessor was shot dead while trying to sneak towards the Infiltrator squad.
Opening up with everything into the front Impulsor the Invictor knocks him down to 7 wounds.
Last but not least, a nice 4D3 roll wiped the last of the Eliminators off the board. Their chance to pick off characters removed.
The Techmarine also repaired 3 wounds on the Leviathan, back to 12. That's quite the sucker punch
This was a brutal turn. Losing the Repulsor was a big hit but it had done part of its job.
Blood Angels Turn 2
OK. So the loss of the Repulsor has smarted. A counter punch is needed. I need to hold objective 3 & 4 and create some disruption on Beanies objectives of 1 & 2
Forgoing shooting the two Impulsor's advance forward towards the eliminators and Librarian. My concern is the Aggressors in this quarter, they are nails.
Looking to take some revenge, my Intercessors move just outside the building holding the Infiltrators, ready for a charge.
My Aggressors stay still there isn't a massive amount to remove them off that point at the moment.
Its time for the Smash Captain, Lemartes and Death Company to make an entry. Those pesky Infiltrators and the 12inch bubble push the Death Company tight into the corner but I manage to leave a path for them all should charges fail.
Captain Rapidus stretches his Angel Wing ready for a NO OVERWATCH charge into the Leviathan. 2 CP down on Descent of Angels to make double sure he gets in. Hes in! In my haste Lemartes goes in next making the 8inches needed to get in, forgetting that the Death Company should have gone in first to leverage the re rolls. My haste is punished with a failed charge for them!
They fail to kill the Leviathan, its down to 3 wounds! Beanie is looking pretty damn smug right now.. Beanie choosing his targets, Lemartes is down to 3 wounds as well.
Feeling the pinch here, the Leviathan cannot survive. I chose to pay another 3 CP for the Smash Captain to fight again. After some exceptional rolling the Leviathan goes down. Beanie informed me that this is the first time its died in a years worth of games. I have a "particular" type of grin on my face!
Finally Captain Rapidus and Lemartes consolidate into Beanie's Warlord and Techmarine.
Points Scored: 14 (2 Data Intercept, 2 Engage on all fronts, 10 Primaries)
Imperial Fists Turn 2
Shoring up his defenses around his Warlord, Beanie pulls his Warlord and Techmarine out of combat. Running around the corner his Invictor lines up Lemartes and Captain Rapidus for a world of hurt.
4 Inceptors fall from orbit to stand behind the Invictor.
His Impulsor shoots forward to sit on objective 1 a squad of intercessors in its wake.
Flexing their muscles to the oncoming Impulsors full of Assault Primaris, Beanie positions the Aggressors inside the ruins. Ready to leap out and cause some hurt. Not before the librarian smites a wound off the Impulsor
Beanie shoots the Smash Captain and Lemartes off the deck & takes out 7 of the Death Compan.
In addition, 2 wounds on my Rhino sitting at the back and takes a further 2 wounds off the front Impulsor.
A successful charge by the Invictor into my Intercessors takes down a further 2. The last two sit outside the building holding objective 3.
This was a very underwhelming turn for Beanie. His dice rolling was on par with mine.
Blood Angels Turn 3
Beanie still has a lot on the table but my hiding and wrapping tactic has worked reasonably so far. Turn 3 presents me with the Assault Phase bonuses.
The first Impulsor drops its 5 boys out ready to go for the Eliminators and Aggressors. My second wheels around to objective 1 looking to contest it.
A tactical squad spills out of the Rhino and advance forward in an attempt to get at objective 4 for the next turn.
Seeing a juicy target my Aggressors amble towards the Invictor beating their fists together with puffs of flame ejecting as their fists connect. They are keen to pay back the hurt dropped on their Warlord. Beanies stubbon Infiltrator Sergeant is in the crosshairs too.
Seeing their chance, 3 Death Company barrel towards Beanies Warlord, screaming foul curses about Horus and Abaddon.
Its time for my Invictor to join the fray. I love this unit. Hes placed right in the heart of Beanies deployment, ready to charge into the Dreadnought
Its seems the run and charge are a stretch too far for the Death Company,
only 2 wounds through on the Captain. His power sword slices them to pieces, they are no more.
A poor shooting phase took his Invictor down to 9 wounds, but its no matter. 4 Aggressors rip the Invictor to shreds and turn the Infiltrator Sergeant to paste. Feeling the thirst they turn towards Beanies warlord.
First time using Assault Primaris and they did not.. no i mean they DID disappoint. They manage to only kill 2 Eliminators and 1 Aggressor. In return they are deleted. Sad face.
Remember I said the Invictor was great, well he failed his charge. Standing there looking at the ground rubbing the ball of his foot like a scolded child, he awaits the inevitable return volley next turn.
Points Scored: 15 (2 Data Intercept, 3 Engage on all fronts, 10 Primaries)
Imperial Fists Turn 3
Beanies warlord is looking a bit exposed with the Aggressors bearing down on him. He pulls him back and the Inceptors jump forward to create a screen with the Intercessors. The Aggressors hold fast to the Inceptor and Intercessor fire. They are still angry that someone blew up the Repulsor carrying the plethora of alcohol and comfy seats!
Winding up his power first for a fight, Beanies Venerable Dreadnought and Techmarine charge into my Invictor. Overwatch plinks off a couple of wounds but nothing significant. Choosing the Techmarine to fight first he takes off a few wounds. But an interrupt allows the Invictor to punch the Venerable down to 3 wounds. In return my Invictor is knocked down to 3 wounds. Hes severely bracketed.
Trying to remove my lowly Rhino off my deployment Beanie first fired his Venerable into it, knocking it down in conjunction with the Impusor to 5 wounds. Does anyone smell some burning?
Seeing a tin can to rip open Beanies Aggressors and Intercessors head for my Impulsor. The chewy meaty centre ready to be turned to pulp!
Blood Angels Turn 4
Rolling with the momentum my Aggressors amble forward towards the Inceptor and Intercessor screen with a Warlord in their sights. Promethium and fists cut them down to a lowly Inceptor. They consolidate towards the Warlord.
Feeling the need to finally join the battle my Assault Intercessors join the fray and cut down Beanies squad of Intercessors. His Sergeant holding fast but failing to wound in return.
My Invictor takes out the Venerable dreadnought but is brought down by the Techmarine!
Points Scored: 15 (2 Data Intercept, 3 Engage on all fronts, 10 Primaries)
Imperial Fists Turn 4
Retreating further, Beanies warlord surrounds himself with Intercessors. His Inceptor & Techmarine falls back to help screen. Opening up on my Aggressors one is finally taken down but 4 stand fast!
Beanies Aggressors & Librarian make it into combat with my Assault Primaris. Combat completed and the Intercessor Sergeant is taken down and the Librarian wounded slightly. 2 of my Assault Intercessors are turned to paste.
My Rhino is finally removed after doing is job fantastically for 4 turns.
Blood Angels Turn 5
Going for Warlord secondary, I push forward the Aggressors. A poor turn of shooting takes out only one Intercessor.
Feeling cocky, Beanie's Techmarine squares up to my Aggressors but hes out of luck. The Aggressors charge forward and straight past him into the warlord. Forgetting to declare the Intercessors I can only get in 3 of them. No matter. Warlord achieved!!
My Assault Intercessors target the Librarian and get him down to 1 wound! So close! In return they all die!
Points Scored: 18 (6, Warlord, 2 Engage on all fronts, 10 Primaries)
Imperial Fists Turn 5
With my Aggressors out of combat Beanie opens up with everything, including the Thunderfire Cannon and destroys all but one.His Inceptor charges in to trade blows but neither die.
With no command points left for overwatch, Beanie charges his Aggressors and Librarian into my Impulsor. Hes worth points in bring it down. No CP left for any shenanigans the Impulsor is left on 1 wound! Denying the Secondary Points! The 4+ Invuln is working its magic here!!
Final Score
Imperial Fists: 71
Blood Angels: 62
Locker Room
What an absolute smasher of a game. Ive played many games with Beanie versus his Imperial Fists and been totally ripped to shreds. Whilst I didn't win this game it was close.
I feel that the Repulsor was out of position and took the flak from the Leviathan. Tying the Levi up and keeping everything out of range would have been a better option. But you never know, it was a big risk to push units into it and I was very unlucky with dice rolls for saves on the Repulsor.
The game tipped back and forth between us.
For me it was great to smash the castle. Beanie did comment that my Repulsor should have survived and if so. The tide would have turned a lot. But its a dice game and that's how it goes!
That's the end of my first Bat Rep. They will get better I promise!
Exciting game! It's no picnic charging an Imperial Fists gun castle, but the Blood Angels are the guys to do it!
ReplyDeleteThe tin cans definitely helped!
DeleteWhat a close game! You really broke their backs there, they got lucky. That's those treacherous dice for you!
ReplyDeleteCan I get some of those good dice?
DeleteAh, that was so close! Well done, and better luck next time!