Tuesday 21 July 2020

Big Finish

Zombicide is in the bag! 

Not before time, although these final few batches were a real pleasure. As I was taught as a young man who didn't like spinach, you leave the best bits until last. 

Without further ado, the largest models from the set, starting at Abomination scale and rapidly going up!

First, the Abominotaur, who will smash holes through walls to reach you (and let the smaller zombies in behind him).
Next, and slightly taller mostly on account of its tail, is the Abominarat. Amazing sculpt, this, really ghastly looking!
Next, and even further over the top, the Abominatroll! The bush under its heel is to hide a big plastic pole that helps keep it upright. I hated the model when I saw the picture on the net first, it looked unbalanced and disproportionate. Which it totally is, but it's such a batshit model I quickly came to love it when painting it! Those hands! That tongue! Yes!
There was one last hero to do - Finarton the Giant! Big butch fellow, he can see over hedges so he never gets ambushed, but then everything can see him back. Expect him to be a fire magnet.
If he dies, he gets Game of Thronesed and comes back as a massive zombie, too. He loses all his muscle bulk, apparently, but I suspect that won't slow him down much.
Speaking of GoT, it's Undead Dragon time. This gnarly horror can appear at random, nuke a tile and then bugger off, and is almost unkillable.
But the biggest bad is this one, the Feral Dragon. It pulls the same trick, swooping out of nowhere to utterly ruin your day and then vanishing before you can deal with it. Then repeating that until you've somehow killed it, or you've lost. 
It's massive, really immense! The wings are slotted loosely in place so you can take them off and fold it into the box. All of these last ones are extremely plus sized models (the kitchen tiles below are about 6" high), but this thing really takes the cake. 

Well, there we go. About three hundred models, finished and varnished and ready to rock. There was a sense of great inner peace as I closed the box for the last time. I don't know what's better, having finished it, or knowing that I will now never be tempted to buy Black Plague because painting it again would kill me. 

Back to 40K next time!


  1. Wow, strong finish.
    ('cause you eats yer spinach)

  2. These are absolutely best-for-last category! They're stunning models, I love them! They must have been great fun to paint - well done!

    1. Cheers! They were, it mostly made up for the 180 monopose zombies earlier.

  3. Wahey! Congratulations Kraken! That is a tremendous finish!

  4. Amazing. Tho it is giving me The Fear about my Kingdom Death Kickstarter...

    1. O lord - a friend of mine has that and has floated the idea of a commission at some point. I'm in hiding.
