Tuesday 2 June 2020

Stone Me!

Slight change of pace... here's a Bloodwrack Medusa!

Bloodwrack Medusa from Daughters of Khaine, Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Obviously I've presented the title image from behind. Avoid those eyes. Safety first.

My hobby space was recently becoming swamped in empty boxes, half-clipped sprues and various unfinished projects, so last week I had a thorough clean-out.

This was a tonic to my hobby. And with my head clear, I found myself just picking random miniatures off the shelves and painting them for the fun of it.

Bloodwrack Medusa from Daughters of Khaine, Warhammer Age of Sigmar

This one has been waiting for a year, which is not that long considering I've loved the Medusa story ever since seven-year-old me read the Puffin Book of Myths and Legends.

Then there was the Harryhausen Clash of the Titans movie, which sealed the deal.

Visiting Tate Britain's exhibition a few years' back was a rare treat.

Of course, she would have been painted a lot sooner if GW hadn't attached the model to a big damn war engine that I didn't want. So as I was lurking on eBay, Warsmith Chris came to my rescue and generously gifted the mini from his Daughters of Khaine army,

Bloodwrack Medusa from Daughters of Khaine, Warhammer Age of Sigmar

I was anxious to get the snake skin and the human flesh right, but it turned out to be done in a couple of hours, and no great ordeal.
  • Tail and hair: Incubi Darkness base, drybrush Kabalite Green, drybrush Warpstone Green, Coelia Greenshade wash, Nurgling Green drybrush
  • Skin: Cadian Fleshtone base, Seraphim Sepia wash, Pallid Wych Flesh layer
  • Claw: Balthazar Gold base, Druchii Violet wash
  • Spear, Leadbelcher base, Balthazar Gold base, Druchii Violet wash
  • Venom drips: Bilious Green (the really old one!) base, Biel-Tan Green wash

Bloodwrack Medusa from Daughters of Khaine, Warhammer Age of Sigmar

And that was it. Very happy with this latest addition to my mythical beasts menagerie (I think I need to do a minotaur next).

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