Monday 11 March 2019

Assault and Battery

The standard of puns around here is shocking. I'm going ohm.

With a mere ten models of Blackstone left to do (and nothing else in the pile), my productivity has dropped off the scale. Stylus has outperformed me with ease in the last two months as I dawdled my way through these five. He's also outplayed me in a number of battles, but that's surely not related.

It probably didn't help that these Negavolt Cultists are my least favourite Blackstone model to paint. They look kind of cool, but it's a busy cool. Hard to find a colour scheme that really makes all the parts of the model (the ruined skin, the cultist rags, the electrical piping and the big battery harness) all come together and sing.

Don't know that I achieved it, frankly. In fact, trying to get even busier by trying to paint them all as Electro has probably made it worse, but I enjoyed the challenge at least.

In game, I have yet to see these guys do anything but die in droves. They get a special save against damage that improves when they're in packs, and they can do a lot of damage fast if they reach you. Probably just means we're giving them priority in targeting, but they have generally been a damp squib so far. Not like the Rogue Psykers! Man, they're nasty.

These crossed wires happen to them all the time in the close confines of Blackstone lifts. 

Cultists = heresy = setting people on fire in the 41st Millenium, so I painted up the psycho to deal with them. Nice model, almost the opposite of the Negavolts as she's easy to pick a functional scheme for.

Right, five to go! And then a ton of new commission work. Best get on with it!


  1. I still haven't got around to my first set of them, so you're way ahead of me!

    When I do get to them, I'm planning on borrowing Megavolt's colour scheme (from Darkwing Duck), which is much simpler than Electro's ;)

  2. I had to look him up, my otherwise exhaustive knowledge of 80s cartoons failed me! Good looking scheme, and much simpler (and probably much more effective).

    1. Your knowledge of 80s cartoons failed you because Darkwing Duck was from the early 90s! ;)

    2. Also, this got me somewhat motivated, and I've started working on them again. Doing all the little plugs on the ends of the various cables may burn me out, but I'm making some good progress on them so far. Thanks!

    3. Gods, yes, those are hideous, and exactly what u mean about a busy model! I had originally thought to do black stripes on the yellow cables, but just couldn't face it. I can always go back and do them later (he lies to himself glibly).
