Tuesday 12 March 2019

Aggressors Anonymous

Hello. My name is Stylus and I have an Aggressor problem...

Space Wolves Primaris Aggressors

It began with one easy-to-build set. I thought I could stop any time. I now have twelve of them. My Space Wolves army is looking quite ... aggressive.

Space Wolves Primaris Aggressors

Primaris Aggressors with Auto-Boltstorm Gauntlets and Fragstorm Grenade Launchers. For Space Marine players who want to bring their dice in buckets.

Space Wolves Primaris Aggressors

Being mid-range and fairly squishy (even at T5, they still only have 3+ armour and 2 wounds), they will attract a lot of attention. But as the Zamaroon Campaign has shown, just one of these remaining can do a lot of heavy lifting if he's left alone to stand still.

Space Wolves Primaris Aggressors

I got my first set of these with the Tooth & Claw box, initially bought to start a Genestealer Cult army. I mean to sell on the Space Wolves bits, but once the Redemptor Dreadnought had been sold, I noticed that prices for the rest of units were really low (probably because everyone else was also selling on their surplus).

So instead of selling the Aggressors, I thought it was a grand time to buy so more (I am so good at economics).

Also: I need to buy back that Redemptor.

Space Wolves Primaris Aggressors

Same painting scheme as always, and I think these Gravis armour boys are my favourite to paint. Spreading the weapons arms wide, rather than holding them across their chests makes an easy model even easier.
  • Armour: The Fang base, Agrax Earthshade wash, Russ Grey drybrush, Fenrisian Grey drybrush
  • Yellow pauldron: Averland Sunset base, Cassandora Yellow wash, Yriel Yellow drybrush
  • Black pauldron: Chaos Black base
  • Imperial Aquila: Retributor Armour base, Reikland Flashshade wash, Golden Griffon drybrush
  • Helmet coils and gun parts: Ironbreaker base, Nuln Oil wash
  • Eye Lens: Evil Sunz Scarlet
  • Belts: XV-88 base, Agrax Earthshade wash
  • Cables: Jokaro Orange base, Nulk Oil wash
  • Cable strips: Balthazar Gold base, Agrax Earthshade wash
  • Base: Vajello Earth Texture, Agrax Earthshade wash, Mounfang Brown lip

Space Wolves Primaris Aggressors

I almost feel like it would be wrong *not* to get a Captain in Gravis armour to lead them, since I've come this far. But I'm trying to behave myself, purchasing-wise, and there is only one-third of this army left to go.

Space Wolves Primaris Aggressors

So that's the dakka-pack done. I even snipped of some pieces of brass rod to add 'shell casings' (not accurate, as I would need several hundred clippings to simulate one round of shooting!)

Space Wolves Primaris Aggressors

Coming up next: don't roll a 1!


  1. Wow! That is a lot of aggression! The Bolt Storm ones are mental amounts of dakka, haven't faced the Flamer ones yet, but that looks like a whole world of hurt right there!

    1. Yes, I've only used them in packs of three so far, and they're pretty good then. I'm guess a larger unit would be too much to ignore, so will act as a kind of distraction Carnifex.

    2. They're terrifying from the other side of the board, and a great distraction carni even in small packs. How are they for points?

    3. Points-wise, they're about par with Terminators. What they lack in survivability and deepstrike, they make up for in weight of fire (and an extra point of toughness - yay Gravis!)

  2. Great looking unit love em

    1. Thanks, they were fun to paint. If it made any kind of sense to do more of them, I would. But I guess I'll have to wait for more Gravis models to come out (in the mean time, there's always Inceptors!)

  3. Just ignore your basing scheme for the rest of the Army, and put the Boltstorm ones entirely on mounds of spent brass ;)

    They look pretty awesome! I've only got three myself, so I've no idea what that many of them will end up doing, but it should be impressive!

    1. Yes, I can imagine they have lots of chapter-serfs with brooms to sweep up shell casings after the battle.

      I'm interested to see what happens too - I seem to have accidentally committed to a certain type of build, so let's see how it plays out!
