Narrative Campaign: The Zamaroon Experiment

A Tyrannic research project has been established by a cell of Inquisitors on the primitive Zamaroon world. All communication has been lost. 

The final communique was a broken transmission that indicated control of the specimens had been inadequate. His final request was for an emergency evac team to be sent to destroy the research “lest it spread and prove the ruin of the Rylstone system”.

1. Welcome to the Jungle: Space Marines & Militarum Tempestus vs Tyranids

++ Operation Clean Slate is go. Landing zone locked, nav beacon responding. Valkyries on approach, drop teams ready. Safeties off, all teams, you may fire freely. Sweep the DZ clear of hostiles, capture and appropriate local strong points, establish a functional beachhead ahead of reinforcements. Emperor protects. ++

2. Supplies Supplies!: Space Marines vs Tyranids

++ Priority Supplies inbound. Argus lighters are making a run, ensure the LZ stays clear and await delivery. Keep the bugs off the runway, Captain, or there's no way we'll find you in all that greenery. ++

3. Don't Rain On My Parade: Militarum Tempestus vs Tyranids

++ I say, Badger, are those bugs creeping towards us? ++
++ Looks that way, don't it? I thought we'd swept this compound? ++
++ Perhaps the desk johnnies were a bit premature, what? ++
++ By Jove, Colderine. If they get their hands on the big nobs in the Valkyrie, it would be a rum do. +

4. A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall: Space Marines & Militarum Tempestus vs Tyranids

How had they escaped their confinement? Nothing in the archives the search had revealed so far had an answer. Now he could actually see the entrance to the base, Commissar Bleeth couldn't see any evidence of damage. The main hangar doors were wide open."Forward to victory," he said, and patted the side of the Taurox.

5. What Dies Beneath: Imperium vs Tyranids

"They don't have much time," the master said. "The upper levels are still infested. It's going to be difficult for them to reach the lower levels."
"Then their mission will fail?"
"Almost certainly. The Imperium stands in grave peril. Their success or failure will determine the fates of millions of lives."

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