Not all light shed by the throne is golden.
There exists, somewhere in the breadth of the Imperium, forgotten amidst its wealth of orders and organisations and somewhat beneath the honoured Adeptus Custodes, those who have been of the Ten Thousand, but whose service is done.
For them, the near-immortality of the Custodes has finally, after an age of glory, begun to fade. Is this a flaw in their creation? Impossible, the Emperor knows not such failure. Yet of late, a small few Custodes have quit their orders and found an end to their endless vigils. They have not failed, not yet. But they begin to see that possibility in themselves, and such doubt cannot remain in the ranks of the Custodian Guard.
So there is a lesser order of the Emperor's Right Hands, those who can be sent freely out to fight his fights without leaving a gap in the defence of the Golden Throne. These warriors, so near in martial prowess as to be indistinguishable from their peers, are free from the burden of duty that can hamper the elites of the true Custodians. They operate in silence and secrecy, overseen by a hidden order within the Ordo Hereticus, sent as a deniable bullet to fell the foes of humanity anywhere that a deserving target might present itself.
They bring the shadow of their own inevitable deaths with them. So near to the end of their endless days, they are grimly implacable warriors, determined to fall in a final battle rather than defile the memory of their service with failure.
They are the Midnight Riders.
- Shield Captain
- Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike
- Blade Champion
- Knight Centura (if not fielded as a Vigilator)
- 5 x Prosecutors
- 5 x Sagittarum (magnet options for all as Warden Guard, or 1 x Shield Captain, 1 x Vexilla)
- 3 x Custodian Guard
- 3 x Allarus Terminators
- 1-2 Vexillae
- 5 x Warden Guard (see Sagittarum above)
- 5 x Vigilators
- Achillus Contemptor
Fast Attack
- 6 x Vertus Praetors (can field one as a Shield Captain)
- 5 x Witchseekers
Dedicated Transport
Shield Captain
Old age hath yet his honour and his toil |
Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike
I cannot rest from travel |
Blade Champion
I am become a Name |
Knight Centura
I mete and dole unqeual laws unto a savage race |
3 x Custodian Guard
Drunk delight of battle with my peers |
5 x Sagittarum
One equal temper of heroic hearts |
5 x Prosecutors
But every hour is saved from that eternal silence |
3 x Allarus Terminators
Men that strove with Gods |
1-2 Vexillae
Pay meet adoration to my household gods |
Myself not least, but honoured of them all |
5 x Warden Guard
Souls that have toil'd, and wrought and thought with me |
5 x Vigilators
Free hearts, free foreheads |
Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought
See the great Achillus, whom we knew |
5 x Witchseekers
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield |
1 x Rhino
The vessel puffs her sail |
6 x Vertus Praetors
How dull it is to pause, to make an end, To rust unburnished, not to shine in use! |
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