Mantis Warriors
"Thou hast betray'd thy nature and thy name,
Not rendering the true answer, as beseem'd
Thy fealty, nor like a noble knight"
The history of the Mantis Warriors is synonymous with shame. Having sided with the traitors during the Badab War, the chapter was forbidden from recruiting, and their primary recruiting world given over to the Carcharodons Chapter. Only after many long years of penance, plus their stalwart actions on Herodian IV, have the Mantis Warriors been able to take on new recruits.
Not all of their members feel that their penance has been sufficient.
A few remnants within the chapter, veterans of actions on Badab and Tranquility, have become accustomed to the penitent yoke. Even given new recruits, they quickly convert the newcomers to believe that forgiveness must be constantly earned on a daily basis. Only by taking on the hardest missions, by seeing a death in battle as almost a necessity for the Emperor's grace, will they ever earn their rest.
One such remnant, under Captain Okita Nampo, has been operating in and around the Lethe System. Ostensibly to train their new scouts up alongside the newest Primaris brethren, they have a somewhat doom-laden reputation. Their battle brothers leave the field of action seriously wounded if at all, and it is telling that their strength doesn't include an Apothecary. The Captain is a solemn and taciturn man, quite obviously burdened with remorse from his part in the chapter's long-ago transgressions.
Operating from their Vanguard Cruiser The Millstone of Guilt, this Mantis Warrior company is currently engaged in the emergency defence of the Drawbridge system. Despite their familiarity fighting Tyranids, this latest foe has already proven itself dangerously unpredictable, and could easily provide the final absolution Captain Nampo so clearly seeks.
Fast Attack
Heavy Support
- Captain on Bike
- Captain on Foot
- Primaris Captain in Gravis Armour
- Chaplain
- Primaris Chaplain
- Librarian
- Primaris Librarian
- Primaris Lieutenant
- Lieutenant

- 22 x Tactical Marines
- 5 x Intercessors
- 10 x Assault Intercessors
- 5 x Company Veterans
- 3 x Bladeguard Veterans
- 5 x Tartaros Terminators
- 10 x Scouts
- Primaris Ancient
- Judiciar
Fast Attack
- Land Speeder
- 5 x Bikers
- Assault Bike
- 3 x Inceptors
Heavy Support
- Vindicator
- Land Raider Crusader/Redeemer
- Leviathan Dreadnought
Dedicated Transport
Points: c. 3200
Power Rating:
General: Kraken
Primaris Librarian Nagai Ryozo
Librarian Sakio Taninaka
- Drop Pod
- Rhino
Points: c. 3200
Power Rating:
General: Kraken
The Mantis Remnant
Biker Captain Okita Nampo
King I am, whatsoever be their cry, And one last act of Kinghood shalt thou see yet, ere I pass. |
Drawbridge Veteran Captain Okita Nampo
"I will ride forth into the Wilderness; For though it seems my spurs are yet to win, I have not fallen so low as some would wish." |
Chaplain Saeki Kaii
I saw him, after, stand High on a heap of slain, from spur to plume Red as the rising sun with heathen blood, And seeing me, with a great voice he cried, "They are broken, they are broken!" |
Chaplain Makiko Usui
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More things are wrought by prayer Than this world dreams of |
Primaris Librarian Nagai Ryozo
I think that we shall nevermore, at any future time,
Delight our soul with talk of knightly deeds.
Librarian Sakio Taninaka
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Hast thou perform'd my mission which I gave? What is it thou hast seen? Or what hast heard? |
Primaris Captain Teramoto Kano
Primaris Lieutenant Uda Gempachi
Mentor Lieutenant Leotar Benvix
Merlin sware that I should come again To rule once more |
Primaris Lieutenant Uda Gempachi
My house hath been my doom. |
Mentor Lieutenant Leotar Benvix
Veteran Sergeant Remon Temoda
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For now I see the true old times are dead! |
Veteran Specialist Kogane Korin
Badab Veterans Masanori, Bunko, Kaiju and Kyoshi
Tactical Squad Kido
Yet now, I charge thee, quickly go again
As thou art lief and dear, and do the thing
I bad thee, watch and lightly bring me word
Tactical Squad Shuryosuru
Yet, for a man may fail in duty twice
And the third time may prosper, get thee hence!
Assault Intercessor Squad Ken No Arashi
Assault Intercessor Squad Raishu
Scout Squad Kossori
Scout Squad Neishin
Squad Furudanuki, Company Veterans
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The goodliest fellowship of famous knights whereof this world holds record |
Relic Terminator Squad Soko
Bladeguard Squad Kenshi
Biker Squad Kamakiri
Inceptor Squad Tetsujin
At once from either side, with trumpet-blast, And shouts, and clarions shrilling unto blood, The long-lanced battle let their horses run. |
Inceptor Squad Tetsujin
And on the third are warriors, perfect men, And on the fourth are men with growing wings |
Land Speeder Typhoon
The great brand Made lightnings in the splendour of the moon, And flashing round and round, and whirled in an arch, Shot like a streamer of the northern morn |
Land Raider
In the strength of this I rode, Shattering all evil customs everywhere |
O imperial-moulded form, And beauty such as never woman wore! |
The fire of Heaven is not the flame of Hell! |
Kyodai Senkan, Leviathan Dreadnought
Drop Pod
Then saw they how there hove a dusky barge,
Dark as a funeral scarf from stem to stern
Drop Pod
And I am blown along a wandering wind, And hollow, hollow, hollow all delight. |
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