Pootle here with the write-up of my final game at this year's Weekend at Burnies against Vertica40k (who I played a 2k game against not so very long ago). At one level it was a shame not to play against one of the other amazing armies on display who I'd not faced before, but after four games my brain was a little frazzled so it was good to play against a familiar army led by a general with exactly the right attitude of wanting a relaxed game to end the weekend on.
Waaagh Bludteef!
Same army as my last post obviously: I brought Orks to WaB this year as they're relative easy to play with (central tactic: CHARGE!) and fun to play against (as my opponent will definitely be killing lots of models). I picked a stripped down version of the list I fielded against Winters back in October:
- Warboss - Warlord with Cybork Body enhancement (4+++ feel no pain), Power Klaw, Kombi-weapon, Attack Squig; he's leading...
- 10 Nobz - Power Klaws, Ammo Runt; and all eleven of them are riding around in...
- Trukk with Wreckin' Ball
- Defkilla Wartrike with Kunnin' but Brutal enhancement (fall back, shoot and charge); he's leading...
- 6 Warbikers - Nob with Power Klaw
- 3 Warbikers - Nob with Power Klaw
- 10 Boyz - Nob with Power Klaw, 9 Boyz with Choppas
- 10 Boyz - Nob with Power Klaw, 9 Boyz with Choppas
- 5 Flash Gitz with Ammo Runt
- Deff Dread
- Kustom Boosta Blasta
- Megatrakk Scrapjet
- Skokkjump Dragsta
- Mek Gun - Kustom Mega-Kannon
- Mek Gun - Kustom Mega-Kannon
- Mek Gun - Kustom Mega-Kannon
1,500 points on the nose
Imperial Fists
This is a slightly cut-down version of the list I faced a few weeks ago. Perfect way to end the weekend really as I know how dangerous these guys are!
- Primaris Lieutenant - Master-crafted Power Sword and Relic Shield; he's leading...
- 3 Bladeguard Veterans
- Librarian; he's leading...
- 10 Sternguard Veterans
- Apothecary Biologis; he's leading...
- 10 Heavy Intercessors
- 5 Heavy Intercessors
- 6 Inceptors - Assault Bolters
- 3 Eliminators - Las Fusils
- 3 Eliminators - Las Fusils
- Gladiator Lancer
- Ballistus Dreadnought
Such a gorgeously painted army...feast your eyes on this (or, better, pop over to Vertica40k on Instagram).
Mission and deployment
We're going to play Murderball to end the weekend on: normal Take-and-Hold rules (5VP for each objective occupied in your command phase up to a maxium of 15VP, plus another 5VP at the end of the round for holding the randomly selected Murderball objective. The twist again is that it's 3CP for a command reroll to let the dice tell the story.
Vertica goes for a classic refused flank: he put both units of Eliminators up on top of the ruins on his left flank. They're supported by the Ballistus, who's not afraid of Orky shooting and the big unit of Heavy Intercessors, who apparently are scared of the Orks' firepower so skulk inside the ruin.
The Librarian and his Sternguard friends sit outside on the other side of the ruin, presumably reassured by the 4+ invulnerable save that the Libby grants them.
The Gladiator Lancer squats menacingly on the Marine's home objective, next to the smaller unit of Heavy Intercessors and the Bladeguard Vets.
For my part, I stick the big unit of Bikers on my left flank. They're quite a long way from the action, but they're somewhat shielded from Vertica's guns and they move like lightning (auto-advancing 6") so distance shouldn't be a limiting factor for them. The Shokkjump Dragsta sits next to them as it has good long-range weaponry and can always teleport if necessary.
I just don't have the cover to protect all my troops, so Bludteef's Trukk is somewhat exposed just left of centre; I'm hoping I get first turn so I can scoot for the cover of the midfield ruins. Next to him is a Boyz mob, then the Kustom Boosta Blasta, Flash Gitz and Deff Dredd. The Grots will hold my home objective with a couple of Mek Guns.
On my right flank I have the Scrapjet, smaller unit of Bikes (who are doomed to be thrown forward to grab a midfield objective and die to the return fire), a Mek Gun and the other Boyz.
Luck is with me (initially at least) and I win the roll-off for first turn (so that's 3 out of 5 for the weekend).
Orks: turn 1
In the centre, I pile most units forwards, trying to make use of the ruin to shield the Deff Dredd and Trukk from next turn's firepower.
On my right, the Bikers head for the objective and plink away at the Eliminators on the ruin opposite. Similarly the Boyz sprint up to double-team the objective whilst the Scrapjet and Mek Gun provide covering fire, or noise at least. The covering noise does cause two of the Eliminators to fall off the roof to their deaths, so that's something.
Marines: turn 1
The Marines step forward from cover and level their guns. It takes them a while because they have a lot of guns. The only mitigating factor is the those Heavy Intercessors who strolled out of cover don't get the Heavy bonus (+1 to hit and +1 to wound).
The Gladiator and the infantry around it don't move (doesn't seem much point in getting closer to the Orks).
When I played the Dark Angels yesterday the Marines didn't even manage to kill the Kustom Boosta Blasta in their first turn of shooting. In contrast, the Crimson Fists wiped out the small unit of Bikers and a Mek Gun. Can the Imperial Fists do any better?
Yes. Yes, they can...this is my dead pile from turn 1:
Once again those beautiful lead Warbuggies didn't survive turn 1! But at least they're not lonely in their box, accompanies as they are by the Deff Dredd, Kustom Boosta Blasta, Megatrakk Scrapjet and some Boyz. Ouch!
Not content with a strong round of shooting, the big unit of Heavy Intercessors is confident enough to charge the Boyz on my right flank and relieve them of the objective, though they can't manage to kill any of them in melee at least.
Orks: turn 2
The Murderball objective this round will be Vertica's home objective. Despite Vertica stealing the right-midfield objective off me, I still score 15VPs for holding the left, central and my home objective.
Naturally, Bludteef calls the Waaagh! this turn. The big mob of Bikers roar across the snow and pile into the Bladeguard Vets and Heavy Intercessors. They shoot away most of the Bladeguard and then cut down the remainder, however the Heavy Intercessors armour proves up to the task of the attacks allocated to them and none fall.
I would love to risk a long charge from Bludteef into the Heavy Intercessors (the tougher target more worthy of Bludteef and his Nobz) and send the central Boyz mob into the Sternguard vets, but both of those charges would be around 10" so it's just not sensible.
Instead Bludteef grits his teeth and heads for the Sternguard (and wipes them out relatively easily - I chose to save a CP and not have their attacks explode on 5+).
The Boyz who were in combat with the Heavy Intercessors have fallen back to allow the Mek Guns and Flash Gits to pour fire into them. They kill another four or five (meaning that the central Boyz mob can't even try for a long-bomb charge).
Marines: turn 2
My Wartrike and his Biker pals have just managed to get enough bodies on Vertica's home objective to stop him scoring it in his command phase, so he just scores 5 VPs for the right-midfield objective his Heavy Intercessors nicked off my Boyz.
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Before... "Follow me lads!" |
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After... "Lads? Lads?" |
And there's another, later, "after" pic with nothing but bloody snow as Bludteef's Cybork body can't protect him from the rest of the incoming firepower. Naturally, his severed head keeps mouthing orders at his Orks for the rest of the game: he's certainly not properly dead.
Meanwhile the Ballistus steps forwards and destroys the Trukk holding down the central objective for me.
There is much battering back and forth on Vertica's home objective to relatively small effect (though he retains control)
The Heavy Intercessors on my right once again charge into the surviving Boyz, but the Waaagh invulnerable save protects them.
The Inceptors even try a cheeky charge on the other Boyz
At the end of the round, Vertica scores another 5VP for regaining control of his home objective, which was the Murderball target.
Score: 15-10 to the Orks
The Boyz on my right fall back (or forwards) away from the Heavy Intercessors and onto the objective.
The last surviving Nob in the centre falls back from the Inceptors
The Shokkjump Dragsta has driven over from the left to contest the centre, planning to shoot and charge the Inceptors.
Meanwhile, the Gretchin do some sterling woek holding onto the Murderball objective and cheering for all they're worth. Well done guys!
Marines: turn 3
Vertica scores 10VP for holding the centre and his home objective (I've stolen the righthand one back again).
The Ballistus and remaining Intercessors finally wipe out the early-90s Ork Boyz who've been holding them up all game on my right flank.
At the end of the round I score 5VP for the Murderball.
Score: 30-20 to the Orks
Orks: turn 4
The Deffkilla Wartrike finally remembers that he can fall back, shoot and charge. He's been battering away at the Gladiator for a while and finally lands enough damage to knock it over.
At this point we run out of time, but we've had a great time battering each other senseless and the score doesn't really matter; we reckon that it could well end up as a draw, so that's the result.
Result: Victory to Mr AP Burn
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