Tuesday 12 March 2024

Lord of Magvirulence


A very quick project to create my own Lord of Virulence.

The (no longer) new Lord of Virulence is a potentially fun option to have for my Death Guard so I decided to cut up my existing Chaos Lord to magnetise him

Here he is in his unconverted form (which was itself a conversion of one of the Lords of Contagion from 8th edition).

I hacked off both arms (again - I wish I'd thought to have magnetised them way back in 2018, but this conversion predated my exposure to the wonders of magnets!) and replaced them with a Plague Power Fist and combi-Plague Spewer created from two regular Plague Spewers glued together. It's a bit of an OTT weapon, but that seems fair enough.

Just for reference, this is the original model. I tend to field this fellow as a Deathshroud Terminator as I've already got another Lord of Contagion (actually, I have two more...)


  1. Nice conversation! I have similar plans to take the hobby hacksaw to mine.

    1. Cheers, just a bit of fun really and making use of all the extra bits (the "real" twin Plague Spewer just has two barrels and isn't much bigger than one regular one, but I had two spare so decided to bulk it right up)
