This is the big one! The Hunt for Ahriman Part II just kicked up a notch!
Were you #TeamKraken or #TeamStylus?
I was #TeamKraken until I saw Bjorn's stats. Is it too late to change?
Chapter 2: No Quarter Given
Fravash gestured across the windswept settlement. It looked long dead, flensed by a gritty wind. Iron rusted in the lethal breeze. Once pristine colony buildings were slowly eroding to red dirt, the colour of the wasteland slowly seeping into their plasteel walls from the ground up.
"It seems empty," Traducio said. His auspex said as much, although he very much doubted that he could trust it. Or the intelligence Fravash had gleaned from the broken shards of the prisoner's mind. He'd definitely been telling the truth, by the end, that much was certain. But Traducio knew first-hand just how relative truth could be.
"Ahriman is here," Fravash declared grandly, flexing his talons. "I can almost taste him in the ether."
As he said it, lights flared up ahead. The Daemon Prince grinned, looking towards the generators that had just turned on.
"Someone just activated a beacon," Traducio said. "I'm seeing plasma cores switching on throughout the ruins. Those power surges, the pattern, do you see it?"
"The ley-quad of Rhinctus, yes, obviously. As I said, Ahriman is here," Fravash replied. "Good. You shall live for now, sorcerer. Your master and I have scores to settle."
"No, not that," Traducio said. "There, those pulses. I recognise that ether signature. Someone is scanning this area from orbit, someone..."
His helmet vox chimed.
"Master, this is the Blazing Chariot. We are attacked! Space Wolf Battle Barges, lying in ambush on the far side of the moon. Our destroyers are moving to intercept, but they have us out of position. Your orders?"
"Hold position, fools!" Traducio snapped. "Deploy reinforcements on my marks. Repel them and remain within teleportation range, or you'll feed the flesh-changed by dark!"
"You fear the dogs' attack," Fravash sneered. "Then you may deal with them. My business is with Ahriman."
A doorway slid open in an abandoned hovel, and a cloaked figure emerged. Even through the eddies of dust, it was clear who he was. If his staff or helm hadn't given him away, his arrogant stance or the sheen of sorceries subtly playing across his armour would have been enough.
"Whilst my business is with all of you," Ahriman said. "Welcome."
Thousand Sons - The Prodigious Returned
Here we are again! The smörgåsbord of Thousand Sons open to me and double that number of points to spend.
This is a list with a little bit of everything, spread out to optimize Command Point gain. Two battalions, one with a pair of Rubric Squads and the heaviest HQs I have, a second with Tzaangor to deep strike with using Webway Infiltration and some extra sorcerers. Two heavies to back these up, the always entertaining Defiler and a Mutalith, which is a model I haven't commanded since the early days of Age of Sigmar. I know it buffs things and tanks shots, but I'm not entirely sure what to do with it yet.
Finally, a Vanguard with yet another sorcerer and a trio of powerful elites. The Tzaangor will hopefully benefit from their Shaman, if I can get her where she needs to be in time. Scarab Elites are a tough and powerful block to slap down with a terminator sorcerer somewhere, and a Helbrute is kind of a must-take for Chaos armies, I think. This one is a shooter, just in case Stylus is packing Dreadnoughts (and since I know his army selection fairly well, I'm pretty sure he will be!).
The plan? Smite for the win, really! The bulk of the army can rumble forward, tanking hits and giving them back, then I rush the backline with Tzaangor for a killing blow. There's enough mobile command to move and react to threats, I hope, so we'll have to see what the Wolves are up to...
- Ahriman on Disc (HQ)
Black Staff of Ahriman, Inferno Bolt Pistol
Warlord: Otherworldy Prescience
Psychic powers: Death Hex, Doombolt, Warptime - Fravash, Daemon Prince with wings (HQ)
2 x Malefic talons,
Psychic powers: Diabolic Strength, Temporal Manipulation
Relic: Dark Matter Crystal - Traducio, Exalted Sorcerer on Disc (HQ)
Force Stave, Warpflame Pistol
Psychic powers: Prescience, Warptime - Morculus, Sorcerer in Terminator Armour (HQ)
Force Stave, Inferno combi-bolter, Frag & Krak Grenades,
Glamour of Tzeentch, Weaver of Fates - The Prisoner, Sorcerer (HQ)
Force Stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol, Frag & Krak Grenades,
Infernal Gaze, Temporal Manipulation - 10 x Rubric Marines (Troop)
Force Stave, Inferno bolt pistol, 8 x Inferno Boltgun, 1 Soulreaper Cannon
Psychic power: Tzeentch's Firestorm - 5 x Rubric Marines (Troop)
Force Stave, Inferno bolt pistol, 2 x Inferno Boltgun, 2 x Warpflamer
Psychic power: Tzeentch's Firestorm - 12 x Tzaangor (Troop)
Brayhorn, Tzaangor blades - 12 x Tzaangor (Troop)
Brayhorn, Tzaangor blades - 10 x Chaos Cultists (Troop)
9 x Autoguns, Heavy Stubber - 10 x Chaos Cultists (Troop)
Autoguns - 5 x Scarab Occult Terminators (Elite)
Force Stave, 5 x Inferno Combi-Bolter, 4 x Power Sword, 1 x Hellfyre Missile Rack
Glamour of Tzeentch - Helbrute (Elite)
Twin Lascannon, Missile Launcher - Mildraed, Tzaangor Shaman (Elite)
Force Stave
Tzeentch's Firestorm - Defiler (Heavy)
Battle cannon, Reaper Autocannon, Twin heavy flamer, Defiler claws - Mutalith Vortex Beast (Heavy)
Enormous Claws, Betentacled Maw
Points: 2000 | Level: 123 | Battle-forged + Battalion + Battalion + Vanguard : 14 CPs
Space Wolves - The Víðarr Pack
At this scale, my selection is mostly my entire army, but I'm pulling out whatever stops I can to maximise its effectiveness. Three Intercessor squads, which are almost always useful and unlock a battalion of Command Points, and then as much Gravis Armour as I can afford to give the army some real punch.
Add to that a Redemptor Dreadnought, who will be able to reckon with some of the big beasts, and a big unit of ten Hellblasters, because the gloves are coming off.
As well as Bjorn, who is a must-have for the narrative, I took one of each type of commander - mostly to keep it thematic, though I daresay they'll come in handy. If I were maximising, I might ditch the Rune Priest - since one solitary psyker isn't going to have much sway against what's coming.
Finally, I filled up the points with Fenrisian Wolves who are - sorry pups - just there to go first and soak Smite wounds.
I took a right pasting in the initial encounter with the Thousand Sons and so, much as I love those dusty heretics, I'm determined to give a good account of myself.
- Lord Kveldulf, Primaris Wolf Lord in Gravis Armour (HQ)
Boltstorm Gauntlet, Master-Crafted Power Sword
Warlord Trait: Saga of the Bear
Relic: The Wulfen Stone - Bjorn the Fell-Handed (HQ)
Assault cannon, Heavy Flamer, Trueclaw - Fróði, Primaris Wolf Priest (HQ)
Absolver Bolt Pistol, Crozius Arcanum - Hallbjorn, Primaris Battle Leader (HQ)
Power axe and bolt carbine - Thorolf, Primaris Rune Priest (HQ)
Psychic hood, Runic sword, Bolt Pistol
Powers: Tempest's Wrath, Storm Caller - Squad Rask, 5 x Intercessor Squad (Troops)
Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Bolt rifle. Intercessor Pack Leader, Power fist - Squad Leif, 5 x Intercessor Squad (Troops)
Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Bolt rifle. Intercessor Pack Leader, Power fist - Squad Brynhild, 5 x Intercessor Squad (Troops)
Stalker Bolt rifle. Intercessor Pack Leader, Chainsword - Honoured Brother Víðarr, Redemptor Dreadnought (Elite)
Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Icarus Rocket Pod, 2 x Storm Bolters - Squad Kettil, 5 x Aggressors (Elite)
Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher - Squad Arnolv, 5 x Aggressors (Elite)
Flamestorm Gauntlets - Squad Sigrdrifa, 5 x Inceptor Squad (Fast)
Assault Bolters - 6 x Fenrisian Wolves (Fast)
Teeth and claws - Squad Julfr, 10 x Hellblaster Squad (Heavy)
Plasma Incinerator
This is a homebrew Maelstrom scenario. Dawn of War deployment with objectives in the centre of each, then two along the middle (you can see them in the photo above).
As well as three objective cards a turn, you score one VP at the end of your own turn for holding your own home objective or either of the two in the middle, plus three if you manage to hold the one in your opponent's zone. We haven't thought of a name for this scenario yet, but we seem to be playing variants on it fairly often now, so maybe we should!
It's a scenario I like, since it keeps the fun of the Maelstrom cards, but mitigates their potential unbalancing of a game. It also forces you to get off your ass and threaten the enemy deployment zone.
I know I'm going to be facing a lot of deepstrikers, so I immediately spend 3 CP to put the Hellblasters, Flamer Aggressors and Wolf Lord 'on the hunt' via the Cunning of the Wolf stratagem.
I'd rather not have put my Warlord off the field, but I need him to grant rerolls to the Hellblasters when they reappear (and my narrative sensibilities recoil at the idea of having two Wolf Lords on the field). So Bjorn will have to hold the fort while he's away.
Which results in me building everything around a moving castle of characters, Dreadnoughts and Aggressors, screened by the Wolves, with the three Intercessor squads strung out to hold and grab objectives.
The plan is to push hard on the Thousand Sons, then either hit them from the flank, or reinforce the backline if needed.
These cultists are hiding. They're hiding in a ruin on my back line, holding my home objective and trying to be invisible, because really the slightest hint of bolt fire will kill and rout cultists like billy-o.
The heavies are taking advantage of what cover there is in the ruins, but are more or less opposite the Redemptor. I have never killed a Redemptor in open battle, those horrific walking turrets intimidate me enormously.
Elsewhere, my line is more or less ready to romp forward, try and grab the middle and shoot important bits out of the enemy on the way. Both Tzaangor are Webway Infiltrated for 3CPs and the Terminators are all in their teleport chamber.
And there we all are, ready to go. Stylus chooses first turn, I don't steal it, and it's game on!
Space Wolves - Turn 1
Objectives drawn: Secure Objective 1, Supremacy, Heroes of Fenris
"By the spires of The Aett!" barked Fróði, "The Exile has gathered here in all his strength!"
The Wolf Priest felt his twin hearts beat faster as the battle-song rose within him. His Lord Kveldulf had taken one-third of their strength to outflank their foe, leaving the balance of their expeditionary force with him. That flanking force was nowhere to be seen, and he now feared the Tiscan Sorcerers had outmanoeuvred them once again.
The advance of the Fell-Handed, most honoured of their brothers, steadied the line. Bjorn had been killing Thousand Sons for ten thousand years, and he would not suffer these witches to live. The Rout surged forward, seizing the critical plasma reactors, while two packs of Intercessors held back to secure the vox-relay to the orbiting battle barge.
Small arms fire showered the soulless Rubric Marines, felling four of their number and causing the magics holding together a fifth to fail entirely. More shots were thrown at the Defiler, the sheer weight of bolt shells from the Aggressors causing the demon engine to bleed prometheum and ichor.
They can be hurt, Fróði told himself. It serves as a beginning.
Not much option except to push forward with most of my army - with a couple of exceptions, both our armies are melee or medium-ranged firepower, so this is going to be settled at close quarters.
The Rubrics absorbed a ridiculous amount of my small-arms fire, but that's what they do. But no First Strike for me. I was fortunate, however, to pull some good scoring cards, as 7 VPs is a nice start and will force Kraken to meet me in the centre.
Objectives scored: Secure Objective 1 (1), Supremacy (3), Objectives x 3 (3)
Thousand Sons - Turn 1
Objectives drawn: Big Game Hunter, Secure Objective 2, Behind Enemy Lines
"The plasma generators are pulsing in time with certain celestial events, according to my plans," Ahriman instructed calmly. "The Prodigious Returned will defend them. Move your troops forward, Traducio, engage and destroy. I require you to sieze that relay station ahead of us. Ensure nothing reaches the ruins behind us while this is achieved."
It took the sorcerer a mere thought to accomplish this. As one, the Rubrics advanced in lockstep, the pale blue fire of their inferno boltguns rippling ahead of the line. The pack of war hounds that sprinted ahead of the Space Wolves were mown down in seconds, a couple of yelping dogs limping away into the ruins.
Lines of lascannon fire strafed the approaching Redemptor and molten metal dripped from its scorched armour. The Defiler bucked and writhed, tentacles sprouting anew from the damage wrought by the Aggressors, but even regenerated it did little than spray ineffective shots in the air.
Ahead of the Wolf line, a group of jump-pack marines had touched down between leaps towards the plasma conduits. Before they could lift off again, several blinding sheets of fire splashed into them, along with a hail of fire from the Rubrics.
Before they could fully recover, the Mutalith sprang across the conduits like a coursing stallion. It crashed into them, tusks and tentacles flailing. The Marines fought back, trying to leap out of its way whilst shooting its vulnerable parts, but it had none. Shrugging off the hits, the creature screamed triumphantly.
"You and I have scores to settle, Ahriman!" roared Fravash. The sorcerer favoured the Daemon Prince with a polite bow.
"So indeed we do, great Prince. Might I suggest we settle an older score with these Imperial lapdogs, first?"
"My fury cannot wait, exile! You will answer to me, now!"
The lenses of Ahriman's helmet flared from within, a quick flash of angry light. Glancing ahead to the Space Wolf lines, Ahriman shifted his grip on his staff. A familiar crept up to his shoulder, a twisted lizard-like being, and whispered in his ear for a moment. Ahriman raised his arms, holding his staff aloft, and shouted a name of power into the air.
Ahead, the mighty hero Bjorn shifted his course. Instead of thundering towards the Thousand Sons, he suddenly veered sideways. Weapons blazing at his fellows, he roared madly and crashed into the back of the Redemptor Dreadnought alongside him. The nearby commanders of the Wolves rushed to intercept him, but it was too late - the crackling power claw of the legendary hero tore the Redemptor's power generator clean out, and the armoured walker crashed to the ground headlong.
Traducio watched, awestruck. Bjorn seized the Battle Leader next to him in his mighty grip and started to squeeze. You could hear the marine's scream even over the din of battle. A Rune Priest desperately darted under the Dreadnought's arm, jammed his force sword into the joint and screamed a phrase of power whilst pulling down with his full weight. Something gave, either mechanical or magical, and Bjorn sagged, dropping his injured comrade and shuddering.
Ahriman turned back to Fravash.
"I can command you with a word, Daemon. I know his true name as I know yours. If you would contend with me, show me that you can. Prove your worth on these Fenrisian curs, and I will gladly humour your grievance."
Fravash grinned in reply, and coiled, ready to spring.
Oh my, that was a fun turn!
After a roaring start from the Space Wolves, my objective draw and general positioning wasn't looking great. The cultists weren't going to be doing much, I'd just spread them out to screen my back line, and the heavies were staying still to keep shooting, so I was feeling trapped in my own deployment zone.
Yeah, I managed to thin out the Inceptors and distract them a little with the Mutalith, and I'd knocked a handful of wounds off the Redemptor with my Helbrute. But overall, I'd not done much, and certainly wasn't going to take any objectives.
And then I used strategems to swap Ahriman's Death Hex for Traitor of Tzeentch, targeted Bjorn and rolled boxcars! Having the temporary use of the legendary hero certainly helped me make an impact, and in fact I was unlucky not to have made more. Stylus made three heroic interventions to score his Heroes of Fenris objective, I split Bjorn's attacks and could easily have finished off a hero or two.
What ... just happened there? I've never successfully used Traitor of Tzeentch against Astartes because it just doesn't happen! But having seen the impossible and lost Bjorn to Ahriman's shenanigans (...that's so Ahriman), I did choose to throw all my characters into the dreadnought melee.
This was partly to make lemonade out of this particular lemon and score Heroes of Fenris in my opponent's turn, but also to try and divide Kraken's attention into four choice targets and increase the chance of more of them surviving. On reflection, I should have just let Bjorn focus everything on killing the Redemptor, since the last thing I wanted was the thing to remain alive and hit back (I can't choose not to attack back). Luckily (sort of), Bjorn is a beast and even half his attacks were enough to kill the Redemptor.
Never split your attacks! Bjorn smashed the damaged Dreadnought, but missed two of the heroes despite his rerolls and didn't quite kill the Battle Leader. Great fun all the same! I was off the mark, but definitely felt like I was playing catch-up.
...and I still haven't actually killed a Redemptor myself.
Objectives scored: First Strike (1), Big Game Hunter (1), Objectives x 1 (1)
Objectives scored (SW): Heroes of Fenris (1)
Space Wolves - Turn 2
Objectives drawn: Master the Warp, No Prisoners, Psychological Warfare
Fróði smeared an unguent upon the Rune-Priest's bleeding arm. His brother Thorolf had been lucky that Trueclaw had pulled back at the last minute, or there would be no arm left to heal. Clearly the ancient Astartes had retained some control within his corrupted dreadnought.
"Is he with us once again?" Fróði was almost afraid of the answer. "Was it scrapcode?"
"No mechanical malice could have done that," Thorolf hissed. "It was sorcery most foul. But the Fell-Handed has asserted his will over the machine. See - already he goes to avenge our fallen brother."
The ancient dreadnought was moving away from the scene of destruction without a word, his attention fixed on the warp-saturated beast that had chased off the Inceptors.
For their own part, the Space Wolves commanders rallied themselves and followed the Aggressors as they vaulted the conduit pipes and faced a squad of Rubricae. On the opposite flank, Rask's Intercessors were facing yet more Rubrics, after first gunning down all-but one of the Cultists who were threatening their flank.
Then the lightning struck - Wolf Lord Kveldulf appeared through the decayed ruins with his entire force. They had outflanked the Tiscans and wasted no time in asserting their presence by showering the Helbrute with plasma fire.
Inspired by this reinforcement, the Aggressors and Inceptors pumped an endless volley of shots into the Defiler until it too was a smoking heap of flesh and metal.
As if acting upon a single pack instinct, none of the Rubricae had yet been targeted. These traitors would be dealt with at close quarters.
Arnolv led his Aggressors into the untouched squad of Rubrics, smashing them to pieces with their gauntlets. On the opposite flank, with a howl befitting the Emperor's Executioners, Rask took his Intercessors into the other Rubric squad and destroyed them also. Though by doing to, they left themselves open to a counterattack by a Sorcerer and Ahriman himself, who cut down three of their number.
And finally, Bjorn the Fell-Handed stepped forward and plunged Trueclaw deep into the maw of the Mutalith Beast, shredding the bonds that held it to reality and sending it back into the hell dimension.
Though very little actual blood had been shed in this destruction, the scent was strong to Fróði's enhanced senses. The enemy's throat was exposed.
During the Shooting Phase, I was actually relieved that I'd spared a single Cultist, as I was certain that would have guaranteed me Psychological Warfare, but there was no way Kraken would allow me to claim D3+3VPs for six units gone, and at least it drew out two Command Points from his stack.
I made a few mistakes in my positioning: getting close enough for Ahriman to intervene was just bad positioning (I've been guilty of that before) and I should have at least tried to multi-charge the Shaman and Exalted Sorcerer with my Aggressors, who had wounds to spare after ripping up the Rubrics.
But I can't complain - the new Shock Assault (coupled with Emperor's Executioners, and a power fist on the champion), makes Intercessors pretty handy in combat!
I'm now sitting on 14 VPs, and a heck of a lead in assets on the field.
Objectives scored: Master the Warp (1), No Prisoners (3), Objectives x 2 (2)
Thousand Sons - Turn 2
Objectives drawn: Supremacy
Traducio felt a cold sweat grip him. The Space Wolves had flanked their position, demolishing the heavy support and threatening to seize the ruins Ahriman had told him to protect. Rubric armour lay scattered on the packed dirt ahead, the battleline shattered by the terrifying weight of the Space Wolves fire.
I remember Prospero, Traducio thought. He spurred his disk forwards, a snarl on his lips.
"Chariot, this is Traducio. Deploy the Terminators to these coordinates. Assault protocols!"
As the Scarabs appeared and advanced, their accompanying Sorcerers shrouded them in wards and abjurations. Lines of fire blazed between them and the flanking Wolves - an Aggressor dropped, then another, and then the Scarabs lumbered into melee range, Khopesh blades flashing.
"You doubt my powers, Ahriman?" Fravash asked. "Let me show you, then. Where you bend and meddle, I shall twist and ruin!"
Fravash vaulted over the still-lashing corpse of the Mutalith, and Bjorn's weapons tracked to cover him. The streams of fire did nothing but enrage the Daemon Prince - slamming into the Dreadnought, he tore open the sarcophagus, sending it tumbling to the ground. Warning runes blazed urgently across the coffin. Unless recovered soon, the hero was doomed.
If Ahriman was impressed, he gave no sign. Instead, he made a quick pair of gestures. Behind the Space Wolves' rear position, portals warped into existence. The bird shrieks of Tzaangors filled the air as they poured out, running towards the surprised Primaris marines on taloned legs. With a second twitch of his fingers, Ahriman covered the Tzaangor Shaman in a wriggling field of energy, and she flitted forwards to join her packs with impossible speed.
Intercessors were advancing past the plasma conduits. They had to stop them, the cultists would be no match for them.
Ahriman nodded, and a sorcerer ran to attack the Primaris on the ground. Traducio recognised him - the prisoner the Wolves had previously tried to rescue, the one who had led them here. His mind still broken from the tortures Fravash had inflicted on him, he'd become overcome with a psychotic rage. Roaring his hate, he scythed one of the Intercessors down with a fireball, then tore apart the other with his sword.
Inceptors were clearly heading for the ruins at the back as well. Traducio soared up to meet them, meeting a blazing wall of bolt fire as he went. Rounds hammered his armour, blasting holes in his disc. The world around him reeled.
I still feel pain, he thought. I am still alive. His staff disintegrated one Inceptor, then the rest were jumping away from him, guns chattered to cover their flight.
The Scarabs had stalled, their blades unable to cut down the Aggressors fast enough. From a gap in the Space Wolf line stormed their commander, a Wolf Lord, his axe biting into the Terminators relentlessly. His armoured kin followed suit, and where there had been five of the Scarab Occult, soon there were two, fighting desperately to stop themselves being overwhelmed.
If the Wolves seemed indomitable on the flank, they were clearly in danger in their own rear. Tzaangor crashed into the plasma control relay station where the snipers squatted, pulling down three of them and threatening to overwhelm their position. If the Scarabs could prevent the Space Wolves from reaching the ruins for just a little longer, Ahriman's orders would be completed.
Another action packed turn!
Going into this, I was feeling very much on the back foot. My army was looking pretty tattered, the Space Wolves had really shot a big hole in it. But that was before the deep strike brigade arrived!
The rest of my command points went this turn, rerolling the Scarab's charge and then enhancing them with Veterans of the Long War and Vengeance for Prospero, as well as letting the Tzaangor fight twice. But despite some pretty impressive gains, particularly in grabbing that rear objective, none of those charges really carried the weight I needed. In particular, the Scarabs did very badly in their fight, and I realised I'd probably just squandered them to limited effect against the flankers. At least they made a decent speed bump!
I blame myself for Bjorn getting punked by the Daemon Prince - I spent a Command Point to try and save his last wound and, when that failed, completely forgot about Only In Death Does Duty End, which would surely have run through Fravash. Live and learn (or not, as the case may be).
Objectives scored: Secure Objective 2 (1) , Behind Enemy Lines (2) , Supremacy (3), Objectives x 2 + 1* (5)
--- As a side-note, I can't remember a bloodier start to a game. It's the close of Turn 2, we're both on 14 VPs each, and have spent all our Command Points. ---
Space Wolves - Turn 3
Objectives drawn: Defend Objective 3, Blood and Guts
"By the beard of the All-Father!" the words nearly choked in Fróði's throat, "The Fell-Handed has fallen! Summon the Iron Priests to recover him!"
He looked back at their vox-relay, only to see it swarming with avian beastmen, and the encroaching Daemon Prince.
"Back! Back!" he called to Arnolv's Aggressors, who had been racing to destroy the sorcerous occulum, "We must secure our lines!"
In response, the last two Intercessors in Brynhild's Pack fell away, allowing the Aggressors to shred the Tzaangors with boltstorm fury. Firing sporadically at the other herd of Tzaangors, Squad Leif fell back onto the vox-relay and overpowered the Shaman hovering nearby.
The remains of Sigrdrifa Inceptors powered their jump-packs and soared away from the Exalted Sorcerer, leaving him unprepared for the blast of mental energy from Rune Priest Thorolf that toppled him from his Disc.
For their part, the Inceptors unloaded their assault bolters at the Cultists skulking in the Occulum, but only one heretic was slain amid the shower of exploding marble and plaster.
At the far end of the field, Lord Kveldulf made short work of the last two Scarab Occult, the Terminator Sorcerer was ruthlessly executed by the Hellblasters, and the whole flanking force made all speed to return to the heat of the battle.
They might command the field, Fróði feared, but if they were cut off from contacting high orbit, then their force would eventually be overrun on this planet.
A solid turn for me, rather than an overwhelming one. I still had Psychological Warfare in my hand, and so leaving one Tzaangor alive guaranteed I would get it (the Cultists also rolled a 6, so one fled as well, though there are still far too many encamped on that objective).
Defend Objective 3 is also a near-cert, since I have five Aggressors and two characters parked on it.
After some deliberation, I had chosen to avoid trying to gun down the Daemon Prince or Ahriman (he was difficult to get an angle on anyway, the sneaky bugger) and try to remove Kraken's scoring units. I only really succeeded in taking out one of the Tzaangor units, but at least I'm going to force the Daemon Prince to push me off my home objective once again, which means I can predict where he will be next turn.
I did manage to take out three of the psyker characters, which will spare me a lot of harm going forward. Unfortunately, the two most dangerous ones (plus a Sorcerer, who is putting in a quite a shift) are basically unharmed.
The one sneaky thing I did was to charge my Hellblasters into the back of the melee with the Scarab Occult Terminators. The Wolf Lord and Aggressors were going to win easily, but I used the charge move to slingshot them forward even more. Such deviousness is worthy of a Tiscan!
I'll be the judge of that, thank you! Er, it was.
Objectives scored: Psychological Warfare (1), Blood and Guts (1), Objectives x 2 (2)
Thousand Sons - Turn 3
Objectives: Psychic Supremacy, Vengeance Long Awaited, Hold The Line
Traducio lay in agony on the roof of the shack. His armour smoked, he knew he was dying by the way that colour seemed to be leeching out of the world.
The Space Wolves hadn't changed in all this time. The same deadly fury they brought to Prospero was being deployed here. To what end? Traducio wondered. Why have they hunted us here?
Ahriman sent the rest of the Tzaangor blurring forwards with a thought, even as Fravash tore the marines around the relay station to pieces, dashing their final sergeant against its wall and howling in enjoyment. With his other hand, he flung a roiling Doombolt into the Rune Priest, pinning him to the ground with black chains.
Forgetting all his old sorceries, the maddened sorcerer chased the Inceptors across the ground, tearing another one out of the sky with his staff.
But elsewhere on the field, it was almost silent. The Wolves were still rushing forward, the ruins were still under threat. Shall I see what Ahriman has planned before I die, Traducio wondered. Will it be glorious?
A bit thin on the ground, now, I still had enough ground control to pull ahead in points a little. But it was actually starting to look like I could make a game of this! Obviously, the Space Wolves had way more units and firepower, but I'd got a good lock on the objectives for the time being. Stylus would have to come to me now. So the big question would be whether or not I could survive the counter-counter punch!
In terms of objectives, Vengeance Long Awaited was an easy D3 points for Kraken. Hold The Line was immediately discarded. Psychic Supremacy is an interesting one, as it depends on the Rune Priest casting something in the first place, to be denied. So it can never get triggered, but it also shuts out the Space Wolves' psychic phase.
Objectives scored: Vengeance Long Awaited (2), Objectives x 2 + 1* (5)
Objectives scored (SW): Defend Objective 3 (2)
Space Wolves - Turn 4
Objective drawn: Overwhelming Firepower, Defend Objective 2, Oath of Vengeance*
"Tear them! Rip them! Kill, kill, kill them all!"
At these moments, Fróði felt the rush of the hunt, the call of the pack, deep within him. At these moments, his brothers trod the line between men and wolves.
The Aggressors pushed forwards. Kettil and his flamers to scour out those cowardly Cultists; Arnolv and his bolters to gun down a second herd of Tzaangors, goading the Deamon Prince skulking behind them to come out and fight.
The Hellblasters had also arrived at his side, having shouldered their plasma incinerators and sprinted halfway across the battlefield to join the fray.
The last of his Inceptor pack, Sigrdrifa continued to gun down Cultists, taking out four more but unable to persuade the remainder to leave their miserable hole. Behind him, Fróði could see the frenzied Sorcerer, his witch-blade dripping with so much Primaris blood already, racing towards the Pack Leader. But there was nothing to be done.
All that now mattered was victory. And Ahriman.
I've easily got the numbers in the field, but by losing my backline objective and unable to score the enemy's one, I'm starting to slip behind in the Victory Points. If this game ends early, there's a chance I won't have been able to catch up.
I ditch Defend Objective 2, which is out of reach, but keep Oath of Vengeance, because that just paints an even bigger bullseye on Ahriman.
Objectives scored: Overwhelming Firepower (1), Objectives x 1 (1)
Thousand Sons - Turn 4
Objectives drawn: Master the Warp, Defend Objective 4
"Do not attempt to attack them, Fravash," Ahriman said, as the Daemon Prince surveyed the incoming Aggressors. "They have the advantage of fire on your position. You cannot weather that storm."
"Do not order me around, sorcerer! I am not one of your lackeys!" screamed the Daemon Prince. "They shall die, and then I shall consume your very soul!"
"You know the strands of fate better than I," acknowledged Ahriman. "I shall endeavor to protect you, then, that we may finish our... disagreement later."
Traducio watched helplessly from his rooftop as Ahriman sped across the battlefield on his disc, surfing on a wave of possibilities that made him a blur of speed. The arch-sorcerer halted behind the plasma relay and promptly hurled a barrage of arcane energy into the Aggressors. One of them exploded abruptly in a streak of red fire, a second was dragged under as the ground beneath them erupted in a sea of waving black tendrils.
On the other side of the field, the last Inceptor was still pouring fire into the cultists, intent on finishing them. To his credit, he clearly knew the Prisoner was nearly on him, but never flinched from his task even as the crazed sorcerer cut him down from behind. The dismal wails of the cultists turned to a rejoicing chant.
Fravash bounded towards the Aggressors, summoning magical power to his aid. But there was none to be had. Ahriman had sapped the local aether of warp energy with his own spells. Deliberately? Bolt rounds blasted and burst against the Prince as he closed, shredding one of his wings and cracking his shimmering armour.
Snarling in frustration, Fravash crashed into the remaining Aggressors, throwing one an easy fifteen metres and through the wall of a colony hut before tearing another in two. As the bloodied remains of his comrade crashed against him, the survivor lifted both his fists in a final, defiant gesture and smashed them against the Daemon's chest.
Something gave. With a shrill howl, Fravash seemed to cave into himself, dissipating into his own shadow and leaving the bloodied marine to pick himself, limping, off the ground.
Not as bad a round as it could have been. At this rate of casualties, I would have to rely on an early finish to win! But I was still gaining steadily in points. Picking up Master the Warp had been a lucky draw, and even if the Daemon Prince had whiffed his casting rolls, the other two managed to score it for me.
I should have added the warning when I loaned Kraken the Thousand Sons: you roll so many Psychic tests that Perils of the Warp are inevitable. And usually badly-timed.
Conversely, Defend Objective 4 (the Thousand Sons backline one) would have been a good draw on any other turn, but the Cultists are likely to get evicted in my next turn...
Shame I didn't get Diabolic Strength off! Fravash very nearly took out the Aggressors. I had to throw him to them in the end, otherwise they'd have gunned him down in the next turn anyway (probably with help from the incoming Hellblasters). And I'd have preferred to keep Ahriman hidden behind the relay station, but to to Master the Warp, he'd needed line of sight for his ranged spells. Once more, I shrank into cover and prayed to the dark gods...
Objectives scored: Master the Warp (2), Objectives x 1+ 1* (4)
Space Wolves - Turn 5
Objectives drawn: Unleash the Wolves, The Stuff of Sagas
Both objective cards are drawn too late to have an effect: Unleash the Wolves (make two successful charges) and the Stuff of Sagas (kills a monster or vehicle with a character) - both were done earlier in the game, but out of the question now.
The screams of Cultists burning alive told Fróði that the Aggressors had finally secure the Thousand Sons' home sanctum. That was secure. Kettil would hold that location until the Wolf-Time, if necessary.

Arnolv staggered forward, his pack slain and Gravis armour rent bloody by the talons of the Daemon Prince. Taking point for the Hellblasters, he pointed a single, shaking finger at the vox-relay: the Exile could hide no more.
As the plasma gunners took aim, they waited for their lord's signal. Fróði looked at Kveldulf, whose attention was drawn to his slain battle brothers across the field. The Wolf Lord was gripping his master-crafted axe, and Fróði wondered if their leader would insist on finishing Ahriman at close-quarters, with blades. And honour.
Kveldulf raised his visor and spat on the ground. He nodded to the Hellblasters.
"Light him up."
Got him! (although naturally, Ahriman's body was never found amid the plasma-scorched ruins). That nets me some vital points, and I finally get three VPs for the enemy's objective, which has been a long time coming.
This pushes me back into the lead, and the only model left on Kraken's side is a crazy Sorcerer and one seriously-ballsy Cultist.
Objectives scored: Oath of Vengeance (1), Slay the Warlord (1), Objectives x 1+ 1* (4)
Thousand Sons - Turn 5
Objectives drawn: Overwhelming Firepower
The field of slaughter was almost silent now the last cultists were dead. Traducio stared at the sky, at the plume of smoke rising from the wreckage of the plasma relay station and waited for his life to end.
There were a few, fitful actions as the battle closed. The Prisoner ran round the corner of the ruins, screaming meaninglessly and gesticulating wildly. The Aggressors braced for a wash of sorcery that never came - the madman merely fell on them bodily, howling all the while. Somehow, he made it through their reflexive overwatch, leaping the last few metres whilst on fire, before scrabbling wildly against their armour until they punched him down.
A final cultist suddenly appeared from the old cantina, taking up a firing position and unleashing a drunken stream of shells from his heavy stubber. Somehow, stray rounds managed to find the last bolt Aggressor, catching him in the already-cracked lens of his helm. But it was too late.
Ahriman was gone. As his bodyguard, the Prodigious Returned had failed. Fravash had lost his chance for vengeance, Traducio his life. As his gaze finally darkened, he knew he'd never know why. But still, he wondered - was this all part of a greater plan?
After that first, lethal blast, the Space Wolves had been left out on the fringes of the action for a couple of turns, and I'd steadily gained in points. Right now, though, a final turn would clearly see the Space Wolves win. That lone cultist who'd been slinking round the back of the Cantina for the whole game wasn't going to see off very much shooting on his tod.
Those were some Hail Mary plays. I wouldn't have put anything past that Sorcerer, and after he survived flamer overwatch, I did fear he had one last surprise left in him.
And that Cultist! He survives the massacre of his unit, only to shoulder his heavy stubber and jog the length of the field, then arrive in time to score 1 VP for Objective 2, and another for Overwhelming Firepower! That was 2CP well spent to keep him in the game, because...
As the dust and gore settled, somehow, against all probability, we'd fought each other to a standstill - 29 Victory Points all!
Stylus reached for the dice...
And rolled a three. The game would continue for at least one more turn, Kraken was never going to out-score me, which meant victory was mine!
Result: Victory to the Space Wolves
29 - 29 - Thousand Sons concession!
The Iron Priests were reverently loading the Fell-Handed's sarcophagus into the cargo bay of the Thunderhawk. With time and prayers, Fróði had been assured, Bjorn would fight once more with The Rout. he had his own ministrations to tend to, as the wounded Primaris were being recovered from the field and brought to him.
"We have blunted their thrallband," Thorolf said, changing the dressings on his head wound, "and banished their daemon back into the Ether."
"But the Exile remains at large," Fróði lamented, and not for the first time.
As any yearling could have forseen, Ahriman had escaped the barrage of plasma fire and made his retreat from the planet. Perhaps that had been his aim all along, to thwart a rival Thousand Sons warlord, to lure the Space Wolves here. It was, as ever, impossible to tell.
"We shall not tire of the chase," Thorolf consoled him. "The hunt has just begun."
Fróði nodded, a grim smile behind his wolf-skull helmet. "And it was a fight worth the saga, was it not, brother?"
"Oh yes. Worth the saga."
Locker Room
Good heavens. That was a lot of back and forth!
You're telling me. Either because of the nature of the two, relatively short-ranged armies; or the set-up of the mission; or because we both really wanted to win this, the Thousand Sons and Space Wolves went at each other just as you'd expect them to.
After the drubbing I took in the first couple of turns, I'd suspected I'd be sneaking pathetically about for the rest of the game, trying to snipe VPs from lucky draws or sneak back onto the control points. It went down with rather more fire and fury than that, which was good! But in the end, I just didn't have the bodies to stem the tide, and once Ahriman evaporated, I kind of suspected my game was up.
The way we set up objective points really helped the game to stay interesting. I think I had the edge of Maelstrom cards, but if you don't control the field, you can fall behind quite badly.
Perhaps the Scarab Occult was a mistake? They didn't really hold up the flankers very much. Sticking them back with the Tzaangor might have given me a last unit to hide Ahriman behind in those last two turns, or even some firepower to winnow out a few Hellblasters.
Yes, I wondered if I should have put all my deepstrikers so far out on the flank - if they had been ignored, I might have been completely stranded. But Kraken screened me out pretty well, so my options were limited. What I really felt was a lack of mobility once my Inceptors were gone. I could really use another unit of them.
But it was a humdinger of a game, one of the closest and tensest I can remember playing for a long time. Commiserations Kraken, you'll get your revenge on the #2000th post.
Count on it! And a more than worthy saga for the thousandth post. Congrats, Stylus, and here's to a thousand more!
Wow, that was properly epic: two well-matched armies, a close result and a great write-up. Bloody well done!
ReplyDeleteIt really was a memorable clash. When Treason of Tzeentch had been cast, I was gearing myself up to write a 'here's a funny story about a battle than ended in Turn 1' but it proved to be one epic moment among many!
DeleteIt's certainly one of my favourites yet!
Deletelovely write up as ever. the stuff of saga indeed
ReplyDeleteThanks Chris, glad you enjoyed.
DeleteEven without combat doctrines, those Primaris units can really put in some work now.
Yeah, the bastards.