The Underharrow
Mercenaries? So the Underharrow purport to be, serving whoever can meet their price. The truth may be something else, of course, as with anything connected to the Alpha Legion.
Over many years, Escryx Seed and his legion have burrowed into numerous Imperial sectors. Their cults and cells are inumerable, hidden and waiting to strike once the price is met and the word given. Seed has an implacable hatred of the mindless and corrupt Imperial rule, a tyranny he will see dissolved and shattered, although he has no care for what might replace it.
The Underharrow's payments are seldom in coin. Rather, they request a variety of esoteric goods such as Skolve powder, particular vintages of Amasec from the Bruge Cluster or Mombassan-manufactured rockrete solvents. Hard to aquire in bulk, but for those willing to obtain them, well worth the effort.
Their scheming is thought to be behind events as diverse as the recent reappearance of Waargh Bludteef on Bagot Prime, the T'Pau invasions into the Rylstone System and even the loss of Averment, each a nail in the Imperium's coffin. The Underharrow have even worked with Recongregator Inquisitors in the past, perhaps even with their knowledge.
Their current whereabouts is unknown, although a series of thefts of mining equipment in the Drawbridge system may be a clue...
- Chaos Lord
- Chaos Terminator Lord
- Master of Possession
- Lord Discordant
- Chaos Sorcerer
- Fabius Bile
- Daemon Prince

- 6 x Chaos Space Marines
- 6 x Chaos Space Marines
- 21 x Cultists (up to 60, in fact, with proxies)
- 5 x Possessed
- Helbrute
- 10 x Noise Marines
- 5 x Terminators
- 6 x Chosen Headhunters
Fast Attack
- 3+ Chaos Spawn
Heavy Support
- 3 x Obliterators
- Venomcrawler
Dedicated Transport
- Haganax pattern Termite Assault Drill
- Rhino
Eskryx Seed, Chaos Lord
Ill doom is mine To war against my people and my King |
Escryx Seed in Terminator Armour
Stay, stay him! he defileth heavenly things With earthly uses |
Escryx Seed with Mindveil Relic
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The moony vapour... made him gray And grayer, till himself became as mist Before her, moving ghostlike to his doom. |
Nufarius Slein, Master of Possession
Ye yourself
Know well that Envy calls you Devil's son,
And since ye seem the Master of all Art,
They fain would make you Master of all vice |
Kaskardian Vayle, Lord Discordant
Fabius Bile
I culled the spring
That gathered trickling dropwise from the cleft,
And made a pretty cup of both my hands
And offered you it kneeling: then you drank
And knew no more!
Hydratus Rex, Daemon Prince
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Squad Speria, Chaos Space Marines
Once thine, whom thou hast loved, but grosser grown
Than heathen, spitting at their vows and thee.
Squad Iotus, Chaos Space Marines
For friend and foe were shadows in the mist,
And friend slew friend not knowing whom he slew
Pasquard Chysian, Heavy Weapon Specialist
A man of plots, Craft, poisonous counsels, wayside ambushings |
The Seventh Man
I swore by the scorpion-worm that twists in hell, And stings itself to everlasting death, To hang whatever knight of thine I fought |
...the hollow helmets of the fallen,
And shivered brands that once had fought with Rome
But call not thou this traitor of my house Who hath but dwelt beneath one roof with me. |
A heathen horde, Reddening the sun with smoke and earth with blood |
The Rampage of Scardrassus, Possessed
The Dweller in Chains, Hellbrute
I have not lived my life delightsomely:
For I that did that violence to thy thrall,
Had often wrought some fury on myself
The Orphaeus Complex, Noise Marines
Squad Nessus, Lernean Terminators
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Yay, they would pare the mountain to the plain to leave an equal baseness |
Squad Slerrifex, Chosen Headhunters
They grew up to wolf-like men,
Worse than the wolves.
Worse than the wolves.
Chaos Spawn
for lo! we look at him, And find nor face nor bearing, limbs nor voice, Are like to those of Uther whom we knew. |
The Blackfire Trial, Obliterators
His countenance blackened, and his forehead veins
Bloated, and branched.
Steelcreech, Venomcrawler
...a gilded summer fly
Caught in a great old tyrant spider's web,
Who meant to eat her up in that wild wood
Without one word.
Haganax pattern Termite Assault Drill
Ah little rat that borest in the dyke
Thy hole by night to let the boundless deep
Down upon far-off cities while they dance
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