What have I done now?
The trouble began, as it so often does, when I let my mind wander.
Faced with the prospect of completing my Tomb Kings army (two large models left, but still just two), I immediately veered away into thinking what else I could do for The Old World.
After a long mental audit of my unpainted stocks, I realised I had quite a few Warriors of Chaos units that could be brought to the table. And, even better, if I went full herohammer on the characters (which is practically expected of Chaos), I could get a large army for minimal models. I was sold!
First in the queue were the Putrid Blightkings - acquired when I bought a whole Maggotkin Start Collecting! just to get a trident for Mer-Man (nothing is ever wasted). This was basically the exact paint recipe as for my Death Guard, so I was on safe ground here.
- Armour: Death World Forest overbrush, Nurgling Green overbrush, Zandri Dust drybrush, Althonian Camoshade wash
- Armour trim: Screaming Bell, Agrax Earthshade wash
- Metal: Leadbelcher, Agrax Earthshade wash, Typhus Corrosion wash, Reza Rust drybrush
- Mutated flesh: Screamer Pink, Agrax Earthshade wash, Reikland Flesh highlights
- Horns: Dryad Bark, Zandri Dust drybrush
- Nurgle's Rot effects
These models, as always, are lovely - GW have really nailed the Nurgle look more than any other. They were clearly designed for Age of Sigmar, though they were released at the tail-end of 8th Ed Fantasy, which caused a bit of confusion about their monstrous infantry size bases.
Even on the new 30mm heavy infantry bases, they're a big snug. But half the challenge of rank and flank is playing Tetris with the models, and as long as everyone remembers their place,
The penultimate model was a Lord of Blights. He's as good as any of the other rankers - I'm not sure he justifies his massive mark-up as a character model, but he's another refugee from the Start Collecting! box, so in he goes.
Making up the seven (it had to be seven!) is Otto Glott. I acquired him, and his brother Ethrac, after they had dismounted from their large sibling. He fits in nicely, even if his scythe is ridiculous.
In game terms, it's quite a small unit - so I can either play them as an elite Chaos Chosen (I'm thinking Mark of Nurgle?) or as a bodyguard for a Sorcerer.
And so I needed a Sorcerer. I had a spare Chaos Sorcerer lying around (or course I did), so I swapped his bare head for something more formidable. The armour is painted the new Lupercal Green, which is a smashing colour and goes well for 'unaligned Chaos'.
And that's the unit complete - I guess I'm starting a new army!
I've always had a bit of a thing for Putrid Blightkings (don't check my browser history please). Great models, great kit, great to see you embracing more armies!
ReplyDeleteI've played your Warriors of Chaos army remotely so often, it came as quite a shock to find out I didn't have one!
Delete"We've embiggened the base sizes so models like Chaos Warriors have more room to - "
Seriously though, they look swish, and I like the idea of using them as Nurgle Chosen. Were they originally a squarebasehammer release, back in the End Times, or does the memory cheat? It's been a long decade.
You remember correctly. I think they came out in Phase 2 of End Times (the Glottkin release) on 40mm bases (so basically on the same base size as all Monstrous Infantry but following the same rules as regular Infantry - the arrival of AoS cleared up the ambiguity somewhat)