Wednesday 7 August 2024

The Chosen Ones

 Old Chosen, New Chosen...

Black Legion Chosen Chaos Space Marines for Warhammer 40k

...Red Chosen, Blue Chosen.

Those of you who are fond of bookends will be gratified to learn that my first unit of chaos space marines is also my last.

Black Legion Chosen Chaos Space Marine for Warhammer 40k

This set of Chaos Chosen (along with the Chaos Lord, Cultists and Helbrute) were my first 40k purchase for the Black Legion, as I really liked the look of them.

However, liking the look of them clearly didn't translate into wanting to paint them, as the poor Chosen have been awaiting completion for more than six years.

Black Legion Chosen Chaos Space Marine for Warhammer 40k

Not of of the Chosen were relegated to the leadpile: one of them acquired a promotion, a jump pack and ditched his lightning claws, one found religion and became a Dark Apostle, and one joined The Scourged to lead some Havocs.

Of what remained, the Chosen with the power axe has been slumming it for the past few years as the unit champion of regular Chaos Space Marines. The remaining two remained staunch - and unpainted - to their original unit.

Black Legion Chosen Chaos Space Marine for Warhammer 40k

There was also a duplicate model within the original six Chosen, so this one swapped his boltgun for a pistol and chainsword (as well as the scabbard at his side - clearly eager for melee). So I guess the only member of the squad to remain untainted was the one with the power fist - and I even gave that one Iron Warriors markings.

Black Legion Chosen Chaos Space Marine for Warhammer 40k

The next two Chosen are refugees from the Blackstone Fortress game. These Legionnaires were released before the new style Chaos Space Marines, and looked bulky enough to join the Chosen.

Black Legion Chosen Chaos Space Marine for Warhammer 40k

But they needed some more exciting weapons than mere boltguns, so I converted them into combi-weapons (back when they were cool): melta and plasma respectively. Like the other Chosen, these two are essentially duplicates, but given huge variety with the option for a bare head looking in the other direction.

Black Legion Chosen Chaos Space Marine for Warhammer 40k

Moving onto the new Chosen kit, these are very impressive - although sufficiently spikey and festooned with weapons and kit to deter me from painting them in a hurry.

Black Legion Chosen Chaos Space Marine for Warhammer 40k

I really like the dynamism of this combi-weapon pose, sadly (did I mention combi-weapons were now pants?)

Black Legion Chosen Chaos Space Marine for Warhammer 40k

The elusive double-lightning claw Chosen marine - even the most well-equipped warriors in the Eye of Terror can only afford one set of them.

Black Legion Chosen Chaos Space Marine for Warhammer 40k

Same style as before, although I eschewed edge highlighting all the black armour: I decided it didn't look good, I couldn't be bothered, and there's not a lot of edge on the model that isn't covered with gold trim:
  • Gold armour: Retributor Armour base, Agrax Earthshade wash, Gehenna Gold drybrush
  • Black armour: Black Legion contrast
  • Pipes, straps & gun barrels: Ironbreaker base, Nuln Oil wash
  • Bullets: Runelord Brass + Xv88 base, Agrax Earthshade wash
  • Eyes: Mephiston Red base, Carroburg Crimson wash
  • Skin: Rakarth Flesh base, Reikland Flesh wash, Pallid Wych Flesh layer
  • Cloth and topknots: Khone Red base, Nuln Oil wash, Evil Sunz Scarlet layer

Black Legion Chosen Chaos Space Marine for Warhammer 40k

But I didn't take the easy way out with the Chosen champion - a traditional white cloak, as befits all the officers in my Black Legion.

Black Legion Chosen Chaos Space Marine for Warhammer 40k

Ten of these guys are an intimidating proposition, and rounds out my Black Legion nicely. That will be it for these heretics (until the Noise Marines come out).


  1. Lovely stuff. Those Dark Vengeance lads were where I came in, too.

    How bashable is the new kit? I vaguely want to pick one up and mash it into some bits from the Nemesis Claw, but if only the shoulderpads and heads are easily swappable I shall be sore displeased. Possibly even disgruntled.

    1. Thanks! And prepare to be disgruntled, I wasn't massively impressed by the versatility of the new Chosen kit. These five are built as instructed, and they look great. I did five more for The Scourged, and tried to get a little creative (just arm swaps), and some of them look a bit awkward. Anything more than that looks like it would be quite an effort. They're basically monopose with some weapon options.

    2. I've magnetised the new Chosen kit and didn't find it too tricky (apart from sticking a few chainswords and bolters onto backpacks, which isn't really necessary).
