Hive Fleet Afanc
"I know thy quest," said she; "thou art going to encounter the Addanc, and he will slay thee, and that not by courage, but by craft."
-from Peredur the Son of Evrawc
A tiny Hive Fleet by any normal standard, Afanc is still incomprehensibly vast by human reckoning. Gradually seething out of the void and into systems around Rylstone, its tendrils are slim and winding. They seem to select very particular planets to infest, sometimes taking a single world from a system instead of devouring everything in their path as other Hive Fleets sometimes do.
One theory behind this is that what has so far been detected is in fact an extremely small outlying part of the swarm. The main bulk is still very far behind this forward tendril, still merely tasting the worlds ahead of it before selecting its final destination.
Afanc seems to favour particularly dense swarms. Tervigons are often seen as forward bastions of its advances, belching slick hordes of termagants towards defensive positions before overrunning them in the sheer weight of bodies. But more than some Hive Fleets, Afanc is adaptable, often changing tactics or even abandoning what seemed to be a successful invasion to withdraw and strike elsewhere.
Currently, the Hive Fleet is invading the important supply nexus of the Lethe and Drawbridge systems, both of which provide logistic support for a huge network of Imperial Guard and Navy worlds. The slow process of redeploying the regiments dependent on these systems to actually defend them has already begun.
This will take many years, however, and much rides on the initial defenders of the systems - Mantis Warrior Space Marines backed by Hagan Lamprey Tempestus Scion teams. If their thin lines fall, the defence will be over before it can truly begin, and Imperial campaigns against the T'Pau in Rylstone or the Reclamation Crusade to take Mombassa Superior back from the Necrons are doomed.
The Zamaroon Campaign
- A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall: vs Militarum Tempestus and Marines
- Rain on Your Parade: vs Tempestus Scions
- Supplies Supplies!: vs Space Marines
- Welcome to the Jungle: vs Militarum Tempestus and Marines
Other Battles
- In The Blue Corner: vs Ultramarines
- Get To The Chopper!: vs Thousand Sons
- Bite The Dust: vs Thousand Sons
- Revenge of the Nerfbat: Primaris Ultramarines
- Cerebrals & Tentacles: vs Thousand Sons
- WoffBoot XII - Deadlock: vs Thousand Sons
- Is This Another Bug Hunt?: vs Militarum Tempestus
- Service Guarantees Citizenship: vs Inquisition
- Hive Tyrant (winged or Swarmlord)
- Hive Tyrant
- Tervigon
- Neurotyrant
- Malanthrope
- Winged Prime
- Broodlord
- 48 Genestealers
- 71 Termagaunts
- 9 Tyranid Warriors
- 20 Hormagaunts
- 11 Neurogaunts
- 6 Ripper Swarms
- 3 Venomthropes
- 3 Von Ryan's Leapers
- 5 Zooanthropes
- 3 Hive Guard
- 2 Lictors
Fast Attack
- 20 Gargoyles
- 3 Raveners
- 21 Spore Mines
- 2 Mucolid Spores
- 1 Tyrannofex
- 2 Carnifexes
- 5 Barbgaunts
- 1 Screamer-Killer
- 1 Psychophage
- 1 Trygon/Trygon Prime
- 2 Biovores
Dedicated Transport
- 1 Tyrannocyst
- 2 Sporocysts (although one of them is also the Tyrannocyst)
2 x Hive Tyrants
In roaring he shall rise |
There hath he lain for ages, and will lie Battening upon huge sea worms in his sleep |
1 x Unusually Worm-like Tervigon
Unnumbered and enormous polypi Winnow with giant arms the slumbering green |
1 x Tyranid Prime
I cannot think this creature died By storm or fish or sea-fowl harmed Walking the sea so heavily armed |
1 x Neurothrope
The claws like mouths it held outside |
1 x Honorary Neurothrope
Black pin-point eyes staring about |
1 x Malanthrope
1 x Broodlord
The clustered legs with plated joints That ended in stiletto points |
10 x Hormagaunts
6 x Ripper Swarms
3 x Zooanthropes

3 x Hive Guard
20 x Gargoyles

3 x Raveners
21 x Spore Mines &
3 x Hive Guard
20 x Gargoyles
3 x Raveners
21 x Spore Mines &
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