Thursday 27 June 2024

In Short Order

Hi Ho!

Leofa sent me a small commission last month. Seeing as how I could deliver it to him in person in a couple of weeks if I got it done really quickly, I got it done really quickly. 

It's a bunch of Oldhammer Dwarves, mostly Battle for Skull Pass plastics I think. Leofa has done his standard conversion magic, however, plus bolstered their ranks with some great artillery pieces from the same era. 112 of them all told, which comes to about 2500 before magic items in The Old World, so I feel like I've put some good work in!

The brief was to keep them nice and bright, lots of Oldhammer contrasting colours. Each unit has an individual scheme, with white as the unifying army colour. White goes with everything, luckily, or this could have gone south fast. Rocky bases, but I felt moved to go for a heathery moor look, seeing as I've just opened a cheap souvenir shop in Yorkshire. 

On Ilkley Moor? Buy tat!

The nearest to the colours I wanted was some very bright purple clump foliage from Green Stuff World. It works, if you go sparingly, but it's maybe on the alien side of purple rather than the natural one. 

Without further ado - Karak Wyrender, the White Stripes:

20 Dwarf Warriors
Black and white, a 'crusader' look

10 Quarrellers (or maybe Rangers) in green and white

10 Thunderers in blue, a bit of chrome silver paint on their guns

10 Miners in dark green, white hats and (you can't see them) pale yellow hi-vis belts, a colour scheme I swiped off some genuine mining gear

10 Longbeards rocking great axes and an orange/white/brass scheme

10 Hammerers in regal purple and white

A pair of cannons - I kept the artillery crews pretty drab, greys and browns for the most part. The Heroquest dwarf was a lovely extra!

Cannon number two

Organ Gun

Grudge Thrower

Flame Cannon, first of two, converted from another Skull Pass cannon

Bolt Thrower

Flame Cannon number two, a lovely old sculpt with the third crewman operating on the back. A few of these older ones have the crew actually operating the weapon, winding shafts or pulling levers. 

Gyrocopter! It's Leofa, so this has all three weapon options ready to slot into the front...

...and it can beef itself up to Gyrobomber size too. 

Never liked this model in the shop, but the bomber is actually pretty cool. I'm won over. 

Into the characters next - a pair of Engineers

A Slayer and a Thane

Two Runesmiths/Lords. Most of the characters are in red and white, but I thought a couple of purple ones would be nice too. 

Another Thane, this time on an Oathstone. It's locally sourced, I may have gone slightly overboard! It barely ranks up, really only if he stays as the right markers in a unit. But it looks good. 

Army Standard

King under the Mountain and over the Shield! This one's an old Grombrindal from back in the day. He's a red dwarf now, King Smeghed.

What with being a glutton for punishment, I also knocked out a couple of unit fillers. This one is a Dungeons and Lasers passage entrance, stuck on four 25mm bases and decorated with lolly sticks, sand and a plastic anvil to make a mine entrance. There's a photo glued in at the back (see the top of the article), but you can't usually see it. 

Here it is from the side. 

What dwarven army would be complete without a Josef Bugman? This one's actually one of the original shield bearers from that Grombrindal model, given some hand swaps. That's a Warhammer Quest dwarf axe, and the White Dwarf's pint. Don't tell either of them. 

That's the other unit filler - a big keg, another DnL piece. 

And that's the lot! Will we ever see them in action? Only time will tell!

Love to watch 'em leave


  1. The puns... the puns... I'm still reeling from that Ilkley Moor job. Talk about a deep cut.

    1. All fully intended. I'll be here all week.
