"Now goblins are cruel, wicked, and bad-hearted. They make no beautiful things, but they make many clever ones ... goblins don’t care who they catch, as long as it is done smart and secret, and the prisoners are not able to defend themselves."
Points: 1,500
General: Stylus
WoffBoots: III
Over Hill And Under Hill, The Hobbit
Lazy Lob and Crazy Cob |
- 42 x Goblin Spears
- 12 x Wolf Riders
- 12 x Spider Riders
- 1 x Spear Chukka
- 1 x Spear Chukka
- 1 x Rock Lobba
- 1 x Doom Diver
- 1 x Doom Diver
Points: 1,500
General: Stylus
WoffBoots: III
Battles: Won 2 / Drew 0 / Lost 1
Da Diminutive Waaagh!
Grom the Paunch - Goblin Warboss on Wolf Chariot
"Strong of sinew, cruel of 'eart, kunnin' of mind, vast of belly. Grom 'as blazed a trail of red carnage from da World's Edge Mountains to da Sea of Claws."
Ragwort - Goblin Great Shaman
"Though sumfink of a Stinking Ninny, Ragwort 'is favoured by Mork (or possibly Gork) as da greatest of da gobbo shamans. 'is spells 'ave proven to be deadly, especially to horses."
Little Grom - Goblin Big Boss
"Da Tubby Terror of Misty Mountain led 'is gobbos to glorious victory against da Ogres, and glorious defeat by da Stunties. Den an even fatter gobbo boss kicked 'im out and nicked 'is chariot."
Attakop - Forest Goblin Big Boss on Gigantic Spider
Howdoo - Goblin Shaman
Da White Skulls - Goblins
"Da White Skills are da backbone of Da Diminutive Waaagh! Only dey ain't got no backbone. Or guts. Or nerve. Or strenf. Or dat many teef. But wot's left showed up ter fight!"
Da White Scars - Hobgoblin Wolfboyz
"Warriors of da Eastern Steppe, da White Scars 'ave crossed da mountains to show da uvver greenies what iz best in life: sneak around your enemies. See them caught unawares. Hear the jingling of their purses when you ransack dem."
Da Incy Wincies - Forest Goblin Spider Riders
"Da Incy Wincies are the smallest and scuttliest of all da gobbos, relying on da big spiders to do all da bashin' and catch stunties just like flies."
Da Big Dart - Spear Chukka
"Da Big Dart is an important part of keeping da Waaagh! well fed. Anyfink skewered by da spears gets roasted over da campfire. If nuffik gets skewered, da crew take their place."
Da Pointy End - Spear Chukka
"Da crew of Da Pointy End have some very unusual ideas about pointing da war machine in the right direction ('aiming'), but luckily no spear chukka ever shoots straight enuff for dat to matter."
Da Squasha - Rock Lobba
"Da Squasha iz a fine example of gobbo ingenuity. Fings go up, and den fings come back down again. Da best part is when we runz out of rocks, we can always load up da crew."
Da Coyote - Doom Diver
"It is da dream of every gobbo to soar as high as their dreamz can take dem. And if dey wears a pointy hat and smashes sumfink on the way down, it's all good."
Da Gonzo - Doom Diver
"Da ladz took dis boom-barrel from some stoopid humies - dey was just using it to shoot iron balls. We 'az made sum improvements and can now throw bat-winged loonies into da air."
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