Friday, 5 March 2021

INT: Endless Corridors


There's more of this stuff? Wow, the box is bigger than I remembered now I've started painting it. 

I reckon I'm past the half-way mark now, at least, and gaining on the finish. This week's batch has been corridor walls, both single and double. 

The lids to these have mostly been left unglued, because you can flip them and put them in upside down. This means when you build a second level, you get the extra few millimetres you need to adjust for the space of the flooring, and it's balanced out for height with all the other GW terrain ranges (like the sector mechanicus gantries, for example). Very clever design, that. 

Handy bits, but in fairness, I do already have quite a lot of corridor walls from previous projects. So I felt no remorse in tearing one of the single bits to shreds, then rebuilding them as ruined bookends. It was such fun that I may do another one, and I'm looking at you, last remaining single wall who managed to hide in the bottom of the box and escape this batch. 

A small door to go with them, plus some stairs. The small pair are from Archon again, whilst the GW stuff is in two loose sections so I can have the stairs snaking round a corner or leading straight up, depending on my fancy. 

A few more odds and ends, and that's the week's painting done! 

Shadow of Filth from Deep Madness, a second appearance of this guy

Two pillars

These are spare hole fillers for Dungeons and Lasers walls, and they've been haunting my inbox for about seven months. Fiddly little bits are not inspiring to paint.

Unless they're fiddly little bits with some style

Couple more water coolers.

And a famous Inquisitor, as seen in the little-known short story 'Ravener Takes a Nap'. I'm taking suggestions for filler in the yellow warning sign, I haven't thought of anything yet. 


  1. Lovely as always Kraken, particularly like the rust effect.

    Also can you squeeze this onto the sign? "Exec Officer Kane of the Nostromo: life signs currently stable"

    1. That's already on there, in the microdot top left. I need something else.

    2. What about 'May contain traces of nuts?'

    3. 'Contents may prove hot if warmed'

  2. Loving all the terrain, cant wait to see them in a battle report!

    1. Just a few more weeks and it'll all be done!
