What's behind the door?
All those marines I painted over the last two months come to about 1500 points. Better have a battle to see how they handle! Cue General Kasfunatu and a skype battle - read on for the details.
"... Its taken some time to identify Hive Fleet Bwlch. They have appeared pure grey in some battles, seemingly still adapting to the battlefields and their foes. It seems that some lucky souls have managed to get some picts out, whether transmitted or brought back physically; it is not known. Only a Broodlord and 10 Genestealers were seen, or at least evidence of just them. No one has survived a battle with them to determine their Hive Fleet adaptations. It seems for now, until the next engagement. We will not know how they fight. We do know that the force is growing slowly,consuming biomass to become ever larger... "
Starting the scheme, its taken some deliberation on the colours and this was just me getting fed up and trying something. Cracking out the Aibrush and attempting some detail with it was extremely daunting