Turn Up The Hype!
It's All Skype Fight Night!
Good evening and welcome, Fantasy Fans! I, General Kraken, shall be writing in the plainclothes of normal text.
Why hello again; I, Kasfunatu, shall be writing in unsubtle bold.
Very little fancy for tonight's match, a straightforward rough-and-tumble throwdown pitching a horde of ogres against a Tzeentchian warband. But just to give it that distinctive Woffboot flavour, we'll be using Blind Deployment and Secret Objectives!
I really liked the blind deployment and made me reminisce over setting up behind screens of cardboard boxes. Can we do this again?
Your usual, General Kraken? A pint of Chaos Warriors and a packet of chariots? Why thanks, don't mind if I do.
Mark of Tzeentch, a Chaos Lord: Mark of Tzeentch, Hellfire Sword, Scaled Skin, Soul Feeder, Talisman of Endurance, Disc of Tzeentch
Burnward the Crisp, a sorceror: Level 1 Lore of Fire (Fireball), Dispel Scroll
Withnails Iniseyes, an exalted battle standard bearer: Talisman of Preservation
18 Chaos Warriors - Shields, Gleaming Pennant
15 Chaos Marauders - Flails
A Chaos Chariot
A Gorebeast Chariot with Mark of Tzeentch
A Warshrine, similarly marked
A Chaos Spawn, same mark again
Oh my boys, my boys, we're at the end of an age! |
I hear that a disc-riding combat monster is a decent goer for WoCs, so I reckoned I'd give that a go. I didn't know who I'd be fighting when I chose the list, and although I was mostly horrified to hear it would be Ogres, that Hellfire Sword was a great pick to bring against the multi-wound monster men.
Mind you, the lord would have to do a lot of heavy lifting with it to earn his points back, and I'd be running very light on magic. And most of my guys weren't really tooled for bear (lucky I'd be fighting Ogres, then), so I wasn't looking forward to combat as much as I might usually do. All the same, I reckoned with a bit of luck, I'd got some tough stuff to hit the ogres with.
Graznak, Butcher Lvl 2 (beasts): General, gold sigil sword, dispel scroll - 175
Fuj, Bruiser - BSB, Dragonhide banner, heavy armour, brace of pistols - 194
Lummo, Butcher Lvl 2 (maw): hellheart, ironfist - 188
15 Ogres - Full command and lookout gnoblar with ironfists - 515
5 Belchers - Musician - 225
1 Ironblaster - 170
1 Rhinox - Champion, heavy armour, ironfist, brace of pistols - 131
Talk about yer monstrous regiment. I didn't think I could proxy this fully, but I managed with the tactical use of terminators. For which I'd doubtless pay later. |
The list was one of a pool of unused 1600pt lists that we rolled randomly against and was built not knowing who it was going to face. I really like playing this way for random friendlies.
If you want beasts, you need a second butcher, and we are ogres, so we need a bsb... so the character choices were made quite quickly. The gut butcher cast some spells, but only when I had spare dice and their effect had no bearing on the game; probably could have been lvl1.
I had never tried the dragonhide banner before so wanted to try that; and it made sense to be in a horde; it may suit guts better, but I then had to sacrifice the blaster if I wanted a horde, so went with bulls... I wanted my moving cannon.... I did not move it all game!
I do like the single rhinox champion and against this list it proved a pivotal (lucky) choice in one combat.
The hellheart is a given (but was not actually used).
With hindsight/foresight and knowing my enemy list, I would have dropped a few things and squeezed in a second rhinox. Although would not favour that as a general option.