Sunday, 31 January 2016

Sizzling XXX

A random free night 

It's All-Skype Fight Night!

Plans fell through for my evening, and Kraken was done with his painting for the evening, and the brood in bed, so we opted for an impromptu dog fight.

Rebel: Almost XXX (Xwing, T70 Xwing, Ywing)

Scum: SIZZling (Starviper, IG88, Z95, Z95)

Kraken chose another Scum random list from my kit, I had another unplayed rebel list.

My list needed a little tweaking, as the gods of random chance gifted one of the Z95s the ability to use his missiles twice, but no actual missiles to fire. Maybe it wasn't super-optimised, as lists go, but one of the nice things about Xwing is that nothing seems too heavily overpowered. Most ships have a chance against most other ships, with good flying and a little luck.


Turn 1:

The rebels cruise forward and try to evade (they can't but no one is going to shoot them, so the mistake does not matter).

The Starviper heads forward between the asteroids, and the IG and his wingman close the gap. The lone z95 wolf flanks down the side of the arena.

Turn 2:

Biggs slows, and the other two ships fly past, bringing the starviper into range, and shielding Biggs from as much fire as possible whilst he taunts the enemy over the airwaves.

N'dru turns in and the IG88 misjudges his trajectory crashing into the back of his wingman and also on top of a rock. Unhurt, but no shooting this turn.

Concentrated fire from the rebel triple threat blinks out the starviper's light; whilst return fire on Biggs strips his shields.

Turn 3:

The Ywing tries to flee the upcoming melee, but decides to crash into an asteroid in his haste to escape.

The two Xs move slowly trying to keep a bead on N'Dru (only one does). 

The IG, having freed itself from the exhaust of a Z95 crashes into the Sfoils of Biggs. Allowing him to target something else this turn.

Shooting takes out a hull point on Biggs, and another rebel shield and N'Dru.

Turn 4:

Freeing himself from the rock Horton shoots his turret at the remaining Z, which has no place to run from the 360 degree arc.

Biggs Koiograns, and Ello tallon rolls who cause a crit on IG as it crashes into another rock.

Turn 5:

The IG frees itself and stress, but again finds his ship colliding with another rebel xwing.

The blasting continues, and IGs shields are dropping.

Turn 6:

The IG runs and boosts, the rebels try to re-position and prepare target locks.

Turn 7:

As the IG turns past the rock but the rebels had predicted his path and kept in two of their gunsights... The big ship is down to one hull and has a console fire. 

Turn 8:

Ello tallon's, boosts and barrel rolls behind the IG; and Biggs turns back to the big ship.  The console fire is put out, but Ello blasts from behind and the scum is no more.


A solid rebel win. 

Whitewash, is I believe the accepted term.

Although Biggs was hurt, R2's ability to regen shields on green moves cannot be overlooked. I really liked Ello's white tallon roll, and think used in three of seven turns; coupled with his ability to then boost, and if needed push the limit to take the stress you would expect, but with two extra actions.

I never managed to pull my lot together, really. I know scum are supposed to work like that, a bunch of nasty individuals with little synergy, but I mostly just ate asteroids and incoming laser fire. Particularly stupid of me to run the Starviper into the entire Xwing pack and hope that its decent stat line would carry it through.

Horton and TLT is very solid. I quite like Ywings. Next game is scum, so will try out their Y variant.

More to come...

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