Games We Play

Thursday 11 April 2024

Weekend at Burnie’s 5 - Day 1: Orks vs Crimson Fists

Pootle here, reporting on my third Weekend at Burnies event, which was just as much fun as the previous editions and kicked off with an awesome game againt CrashOverride's Crimson Fists.

Waaagh Bludteef!

I decided to bring Orks to WaB as they're relative easy to play with (central tactic: CHARGE!) and fun to play against (as my opponent will definitely be killing lots of models). I picked a stripped down version of the list I fielded against Winters back in October:

  • Warboss - Warlord with Cybork Body enhancement (4+++ feel no pain), Power Klaw, Kombi-weapon, Attack Squig; he's leading...
  • 10 Nobz - Power Klaws, Ammo Runt; and all eleven of them are riding around in...
  • Trukk with Wreckin' Ball
  • Defkilla Wartrike with Kunnin' but Brutal enhancement (fall back, shoot and charge); he's leading...
  • 6 Warbikers - Nob with Power Klaw
  • 3 Warbikers - Nob with Power Klaw
  • 10 Boyz - Nob with Power Klaw, 9 Boyz with Choppas
  • 10 Boyz - Nob with Power Klaw, 9 Boyz with Choppas
  • 5 Flash Gitz with Ammo Runt
  • Deff Dread
  • Kustom Boosta Blasta
  • Megatrakk Scrapjet
  • Skokkjump Dragsta
  • Mek Gun - Kustom Mega-Kannon
  • Mek Gun - Kustom Mega-Kannon
  • Mek Gun - Kustom Mega-Kannon
1,500 points on the nose

Crimson Fists

I played CrashOverride at last year's WaB (he fielded Necrons then). This time he's brought Crimson Fists, which is a perfect way for Orks to start off a narrative-friendly event: I'd love to recreate the cover of Rogue Trader with a pile of dead and dying Fists fighting to the last man to hold off an Ork horde!

  • Gravis Captain - warlord; he's leading...
  • 6 Aggressors - Boltstorm gauntlets; they'll be riding around in a...
  • Land Raider Redeemer
  • 5 Heavy Intercessors
  • 5 Heavy Intercessors
  • 5 Heavy Intercessors
  • 3 Eliminators - Bolt Sniper Rifles
  • 5 Terminators - Assault Cannon; Power Sword for the Sergeant
  • Ballistus Dreadnought
  • Gladiator Lancer
I recently played a great game against Vertica40k's Imperial Fists so am familiar with the Anvil Siege Force detachment rules that Crashoverride is (correctly) playing under: every weapon gains the Heavy keyword, and those that were already Heavy get +1 to wound if they remained stationary. Makes for some very effective defensive firepower. 

Mission and deployment

Weekend at Burnies keeps the rules relatively simple. We rolled up and played the Purge the Foe mission, so 4VPs for holding an objective at the end of your command phase and another 4VPs if you're holding more objectives that your opponent. Similarly at the end of each battle round you score 4VPs for killing one enemy unit and another 4VPs for killing more than your opponent that round. We also rolled up a twist that if you hold your own home objective you gain an extra CP in your command phase on a 4+ (which will double the chances of me doing that as it replicates the Gretchin special rule).

Crashoverride put the Captain and Aggressors in the Land Raider and hid that behind a building on his right flank. The Ballistus hid in the centra and the Gladiator lurked on the left, with a unit of Heavy Intercessors accompanying each vehicle. The Eliminators perched on the upper storey of the ruin near the Land Raider. The Terminators stay up in the Teleportarium.

I've got too many units to hide as effectively as the marines have managed to. My big unit of bikes (accompanied by two of the buggies and the Dredd) went on my left with the Trukk just right of centre (accompanied by the third buggy, a mob of Boyz and two Mek Gunz). My right flank is deliberately a little weaker, with just the Flash Gitz, some Boyz and the third Mek Gun.

I lost the roll-off for first turn, so the Fists cock their rifles and start shooting...

Marines: turn 1

The three vehicles creep out from behind cover but make a point of staying in their deployment zone: they don't want the Orks jumping on them next turn.

The Gladiator opened up on one of the Mek Guns and, to nobody's surprise, deleted it with ease. The Ballistus made similarly short work of the unit of three Bikers on my right flank.

Orks: turn 1

A simple turn for me tactically. Everyone surges forwards as far as they can, ready for the Waaagh next turn.

The Boyz on my right flank manage to get a big enough advance to get within range of the midfield objective (lucky as I'd rather assumed that I'd have some Bikers there to do this job on turn one). The Mek Gun on my right can only see the Ballistus so optimistically shoots at it, but fails to cause any damage.

Everyone on my left flank aims their guns in the general direction of the Eliminators on top of the building (I really want to get 4VP for killing one unit - I can't possibly kill three units to score more than Crashoverride). 

The big unit of Bikers goes first, then the Kustom Boosta Blasta, the Megatrakk Scrapjet and the Mek Gun. Lots and lots of noise, but only three wounds caused! 

At the end of round one the VP score is 8:0 to the marines on account of the kill and kill-more bonus.

Marines: turn 2

Crashoverride scores only 4VP for controlling his home objective (I'm currently on all four of the others).

On his left flank the Gladiator scoots forwards just enough to be able to shoot its small guns at the Boyz skulking behind the building, killing one of them. Almost as an afterthought it casually dispatches the other Mek Gun on this flank. The unit of Heavy Intercessors run up beside the tank and get enough bodies within range of the objective to relieve ownership of it from the Boyz.

The Ballistus tries to destroy the Trukk but can't quite manage it, the 5+ invulnerable save from the Waaagh coming in clutch.

On my left flank the Land Raider moves towards the Bikers, parking just within range of the objective and disgorging the Aggressors. The Land Raider shoots up the Bikes, killing five of them while the Aggressors aim their guns at the mob of Boyz in the centre, murdering all but the the Nob.

Then the Aggressors and Captain charge into the Deff Dredd and punch it to death. Although it's only got 8 wounds so I'm expecting the twin-linked Power Fists make short work of it, Crashoverride makes extremely heavy weather of it and it comes down to one final hit from the Captain's Power Sword, which I need a 4+ save to save the Dredd to be able to fight back...after building the tension suitably I fail the roll. Shame, as I think that 8 damage 3 attacks back would have seriously damaged those Aggressors!

Orks: turn 2

As planned, I had called the Waaagh at the start of this battle round. I score only 4VPs for objectives this turn (I'm on two but the Marines have three).

Step one is to disembark Bludteef and his Nobz from their Trukk. The surge forwards towards the Marine's home objective. The Nobz themselves should be able to make short work of the Intercessors and I'm hoping that Bludteef (with 9 strength 11 attacks this turn might just be able to do for the Ballistus). Crashoverride warns me that he will overwatch with the Land Raider's Flamestorm Cannon if possible but I decide that although I could move to remain outside 12" range, that doesn't feel very Orky.

That proves to be a serious tactical blunder on Bludteef's part (this was his decision, nothing to do with me) as the Flamers crisp seven of the Nobz and the Assault Cannon drop an eighth! Predictably the ensuing combat doesn't go as well as I'd hoped, but I roll badly for the survivors (who are presumably somewhat shellshocked) and only kill two Intercessors and knock two wounds off the Ballistus.

On my right flank, the Boyz charge through the building and pile into the Intercessors who had the temerity to steal their loot. This time the combat goes as I'd hoped (I roll a lot of dice) and the entire squad falls to the Orks. Waaaagh!

On my left all the surviving vehicles (and there are quite a few) head towards the Aggressors. 

Unfortunately shooting is an ineffective as last turn (not a huge surprise for Orks to be fair) so they charge in and manage to kill four of the the armoured marines (Crashoverride is able to remove early casualties to prevent some of the Buggies being able to fight). 

At the end of the turn we both score 4VPs for killing at least one unit, but Crashoverride once more adds another 4 for killing more.

VPs: 20-8 to the Marines

Marines: turn 3

At the start of the turn Crashoverride scores only 4VP for holding objectives (he's on two to my three as I've stolen his lefthand objective back again).

The Terminators choose to teleport down on their left flank to deal with the overconfident Boyz mob. Guess what? Their firepower is decisive and mows them down with ease.

Meanwhile the Gladiator pops round the corner and aims its big gun across the table, deleting the Megatrakk Scrapjet.

The Land Raider destroys the Kustom Boosta Blasta, whilst the Agressors kill the Shokkjump Dragsta, leaving me with the just the Deffkilla Wartrike on that flank.

Bludteef puts all four of his attacks into the Intercessors and, together with the surviving Nob, kills two of them

At the end of the turn Crashoverride is clearly going to score another 8VPs for killing more units.

Orks: turn 3

I do still have the Grots on my home objective for 4VP but decide to call the game there as the VPs difference is insurmountable with what I've got left on the table. 

As both Bludteef and the Deffkilla Wartrike are still alive and the Orks have had a scrap it's clearly...

Victory to the Orks!

On the other hand, this is the sum total of all the marines I've managed to kill:

...whereas I have fewer models than this still alive on the table! And as the actual VP score is currently 32:12 with the score only likely to widen, really I have to admit that it's...

Victory to the Crimson Fists!

Locker Room

We noted that (like last year's game between us), this was something of a rock-paper-scissors match up. If the Deff Dredd had just managed to survive it then I feel that I could have made something of my left flank, and in retrospect I wish the Nobz had been a little more sensible in avoiding the Redeemer's overwatch.

Nevertheless, Crashoverride was as gracious in victory as he had been in defeat last year and was an absolute pleasure to play against (I nominated him for the Player's Player award later on, but that was a competitive field!)

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