Games We Play

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

INT: Computing Hub and Biomech Hive

You call a Kickstarter 'Dungeons and Lasers', you basically have my loyalty. 

Archon, who I've already backed previously with their excellent modular plastic temple, have been churning out more Kickstarters ever since. Dungeons and Lasers already has a sequel in the works, for example. This one came with a ton of extra stuff (two dozen familiar creatures and heaps of props to decorate your dungeons with), and I eventually buckled to it late on. 

I'm glad I did - it's great stuff. 

The two sets I've painted up so far are less than half of the total pledge. The first one to get a bit of slap was the Xenogenesis Cell. Very easy to pick out the Escher stylings here, it's simple black spray with a few drybrushes of increasingly light silver, then the blue plasma lights added in afterwards. 

The other one is the polar opposite, it's the A.I. Centre set. This has a heap of detail that, although you could do the bare minimum, is kind of screaming out for attention. The light green spray I used for a basecoat got several layers of washes, splatters and ink before I picked out the screens and databanks in grey, then quite a lot of freehand work. 

The kit comes as rectangular and square walls and floors, and clips together with hidden plastic connectors that go under the floor. It's robust and simple, looks nice and has plenty of flexibility. Great to use for Necromunda or Space Hulk, for example, but good for any tabletop game you care to have it in. Also, not terribly expensive - each of these kits is going for about twenty quid, which is a good deal on something with a 6"x12" footprint. 

I started running out of inspiration towards the end, there were a lot of tiny screens to fill. Still some more to go, too, worse luck - the round holes are for decorative plugs like cameras, gun turrets and more terminals. Here's what I came up with so far, anyway!


  1. These are amazing. It's tragic that I don't really get to see the amazing detail over a grainy Skype link. But I know it's there!

    When I saw the graffiti, I did wonder if there'd be another saying "the cake is a lie" or similar...
