Games We Play

Thursday, 25 May 2017

WoffBoot XI: Disciples of Tzeentch vs Stormcast Eternals

A new dawn rises over the WoffBoot, and I play my second game of the tournament.

Age of Sigmar Battle Report: "Blood And Glory" - Disciples of Tzeentch vs Stormcast Eternals.

I take on the good guys in Blood And Glory: here come the Stormcast!

My second match is against General Leofa, a general with limited experience in Age of Sigmar, but extensive experience in beating me in WoffBoots (I haven't beaten him since 2012, so my hopes weren't high).

Blue Steel: Stormcast Eternals

Age of Sigmar Battle Report: "Blood And Glory" - Disciples of Tzeentch vs Stormcast Eternals.

  • Lord-Celestant
  • Lord-Relictor
  • Lord-Castellant
  • 2 x Concussors
  • 2 x Fulminators
  • 5 x Liberators - Warhammer and Shield
  • 5 x Liberators - Warhammer and Shield

This is a nasty list (and I should know, I wrote it). Over half the points are tied up in the Dracoth cavalry (played here by Dragon Ogres) and they can pulverise anything at this points level.

Other than that, it's nice and simple: two minimum units of Liberators for battleline tax and objective squatting, and a trio of heroes for extra punch and a host of buffing abilities for the Dracoths.

Coalition of Chaos: Disciples of Tzeentch/Brayherd/Monsters of Chaos

  • Ogroid Thaumaturge - General
  • Beastlord - Man-render Great Axe
  • 20 x Gors - Two Gor-Blades
  • 10 x Tzaangors - Pair of Savage Blades (4), Savage Greatblade (3), Savage Blade & Arcanite Shield (3)
  • 10 x Chaos Warriors - Hand Weapon & Shield - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
  • Chimera

This scenario is a tough win for me to win a major victory on. It requires me to have at least one unit on each of the four objectives, and with only six units in the army, I can't take many causalities if I want to claim them.

(on reflection, I suppose I had enough Gor to string them across the battlefield and hold two objectives at once - suffice it to say that didn't come about)

My plan was to take out the Dracoth riders before they could roll over me, and hang tough for the minor win.

Game 2: Blood And Glory

There are four objectives (one the centre of each quarter) and we start off parked on each of them: a unit of Liberators on Leofa's respectively; Chaos Warriors and Gor on mine.

We were playing scenario rules throughout the tournament, and these worked very well. In this case, there was a lot of Mystical terrain (both woods and the shrine), while the hills were both Deadly (and since no-one was brave enough to cross them, we were being funnelled into the centre.

Age of Sigmar Battle Report: "Blood And Glory" - Disciples of Tzeentch vs Stormcast Eternals.

I give Leofa the first turn and he pushes his Dracoth Death Star forward, with all three characters backing them up. The Liberators continue to sit on their objectives.

In my turn, I charge the Gor into the centre of the table, buff them as much as I can, and back them up with the Beastlord.

The Tzaangor and Ogroid hold back in reserve, the Chaos Warriors nudge forward, while the Chimera gets befuddled from the Mystical forest and stays put.

Age of Sigmar Battle Report: "Blood And Glory" - Disciples of Tzeentch vs Stormcast Eternals.

Stormcasts take the first turn for Round 2 and both Fulminators and Concussors smash into the unit of Gor. Suitably buffed by their commanders, they wipe them out to a goat, and the Beastlord is left wondering where his herd has gone.

Age of Sigmar Battle Report: "Blood And Glory" - Disciples of Tzeentch vs Stormcast Eternals.

One unit down, and with that brutal unit still in front of me, I have to pick up the pace. Fortunately, I pass my Mystical rolls, and push forward.

The Beastlord gets out of the way, clearing a path for the Tzaangor to advance with the Ogroid, who hits the Dracoths with a Firestorm. The Chimera swoops into a flank and breaths fire to take out one of the Concussors.

Age of Sigmar Battle Report: "Blood And Glory" - Disciples of Tzeentch vs Stormcast Eternals.

In the charge phase, all my units make it into combat (while keeping the Stormcast characters safely out of the 3" pile-in range) - with the Ogroid delivering 3 mortal wounds on his charge.

Age of Sigmar Battle Report: "Blood And Glory" - Disciples of Tzeentch vs Stormcast Eternals.

During the combat phase, the Tzaangor underperform somewhat, but their efforts, plus the Chimera, is enough to tear down a further two Dracoths. The surviving Fulminator vents his aggression by taking out four Tzaangor.

Age of Sigmar Battle Report: "Blood And Glory" - Disciples of Tzeentch vs Stormcast Eternals.

Leofa takes the first turn once again, and pulls his Liberators back to secure his back objective. He charges forward with all three of his characters and takes out the Beastlord and a further two Tzaangor.

Age of Sigmar Battle Report: "Blood And Glory" - Disciples of Tzeentch vs Stormcast Eternals.

When it comes to my turn, I conclude that I'm not going to win this scrap in the centre. But fortunately, to win the battle, I don't have to.

I pull back the Chaos Warriors to secure my right-hand objective. I fly the Chimera over to the right-hand objective in the Stormcast zone, and pull back the Ogroid and Tzaangor towards my left-hand objective. If I can stymie the Stormcast characters, I reckon I can claim the majority of objectives for a minor win.

The Chimera blasts away some Liberators, then charges into the retinue to chew up all but the Liberator-Prime. So unless Leofa can get some reinforcement over there, or move to threaten one of my objectives, I'm looking good here.

Even better, I win the roll the next turn. I draw my surviving Tzaangor back to their objective, but throw my Ogroid forward into the Stormcast leaders. If he can delay these characters in the centre, then he's expendable.

Age of Sigmar Battle Report: "Blood And Glory" - Disciples of Tzeentch vs Stormcast Eternals.

The Ogroid succeeds in taking out the Lord-Celestant, but is wounded in return by the Lord-Relictor and Lord-Castellant.

Age of Sigmar Battle Report: "Blood And Glory" - Disciples of Tzeentch vs Stormcast Eternals.

In the next turn, the Chimera finishes off the last Liberator and sits on the objective, while the Ogroid is killed by the two remaining Stormcast.

The other unit of Liberators remain on their objective, where they've been for the whole battle, and with not much else to do.

Age of Sigmar Battle Report: "Blood And Glory" - Disciples of Tzeentch vs Stormcast Eternals.

And the battle ends there. I claim three of the objectives to Leofa's one, so that's another minor victory to the Disciples of Tzeentch!

Age of Sigmar Battle Report: "Blood And Glory" - Disciples of Tzeentch vs Stormcast Eternals.

Post-match thoughts

Another good one, and another battle where I had to pivot mid-way through to pull out a minor victory. I like these objective-based scenarios!

The Ogroid once again proves his worth in combat and magic (I don't mind that he perished, given he was enabling a strategic goal, and there's not much that would stand up to three Stormcast Lords).

The Chimera seemed more effective too, making better use of his speed and punching power. He may work better as a flat-track bully, sniping mortals wounds off bigger models, but demolishing backline units on objectives.

The poor Gor didn't get much of a shout - they were somewhat sacrificial, as nothing in the army would have withstood that Dracoth charge. The Tzaangor were okay - they did a moderate amount of damage, but crucially kept intact and had the speed to zoom back over the field.

Once again, the Chaos Warriors did nothing more than march off their objective, and march back on it. It was pretty impregnable, but if I want to see these guys do anything, I may have to invest in rocket packs.

Another minor victory, but I'm now two-for-two. Next up: the Ironjawz!

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